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Records: 22
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KVERT Project: Danger for Aviation during Eruptions of Kamchatkan Volcanoes in 2009-2010 (2011)
Girina O.A., Manevich A.G., Melnikov D.V., Ushakov S.V., Nuzhdaev A.A., Konovalova O.A., Demyanchuk Yu.V. KVERT Project: Danger for Aviation during Eruptions of Kamchatkan Volcanoes in 2009-2010 // Abstracts. International Workshop “JKASP-7”. Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. August 25-30. 2011. Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky: IVS FED RAS. 2011. P. 29-30.
KVERT Project: Danger for Aviation during Eruptions of Kamchatkan and Northern Kuriles Volcanoes in 2006-2008 (2009)
Girina O.A., Ushakov S.V., Manevich A.G., Nuzhdaev A.A., Melnikov D.V., Malik N.A. KVERT Project: Danger for Aviation during Eruptions of Kamchatkan and Northern Kuriles Volcanoes in 2006-2008 // Mitigating natural hazards in active arc environments. Abstracts. 6rd Biennial Workshop on Japan- Kamchatka-Alaska Subduction Processes (JKASP-2009). Fairbanks. June 22-26. 2009. P. 54
KVERT предупреждает Или о том, для чего на Камчатке создана группа реагирования на вулканические извержения (2012)
Гирина О.А. KVERT предупреждает Или о том, для чего на Камчатке создана группа реагирования на вулканические извержения // Дальневосточный ученый. Владивосток: ДВО РАН. 2012. Вып. 1444. № 2. С. 4 doi: ПИ № ФС77-50070.
Kamchatka Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes (1959)
Gorshkov G.S. Kamchatka Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes // Bulletin of the Volcanological Society of Japan. 1959. Vol. 3. Vol. 2. № 2. P. 154-156.
Kamchatka Volcano Explosive Eruptions in 2017 and Danger to Aviation (2018)
Girina O.A., Melnikov D.V., Manevich A.G., Nuzhdaev A.A., Demyanchuk Yu.V. Kamchatka Volcano Explosive Eruptions in 2017 and Danger to Aviation // EGU General Assembly 2018. Viena: EGU General Assembly 2018. 2018. № 3805.
Kamchatka and North Kurile Volcano Explosive Eruptions in 2015 and Danger to Aviation (2016)
Girina O.A., Melnikov D.V., Manevich A.G., Demyanchuk Yu.V., Nuzhdaev A.A., Petrova E. Kamchatka and North Kurile Volcano Explosive Eruptions in 2015 and Danger to Aviation // Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 18, EGU2016-2101, 2016 EGU General Assembly 2016. EGU General Assembly 2016. 2016.
Kamchatka and North Kurile Volcano Explosive Eruptions in 2016 and Danger to Aviation (2017)
Girina O.A., Manevich A.G., Melnikov D.V., Nuzhdaev A.A., Petrova E. Kamchatka and North Kurile Volcano Explosive Eruptions in 2016 and Danger to Aviation // JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017 Abstracts. Chiba, Japan: Japan Geoscience Union. 2017.
Kamchatkan Volcanic Eruption Response Team (KVERT) Project in 2009-2011 (2011)
Girina O.A., Neal C.A. Kamchatkan Volcanic Eruption Response Team (KVERT) Project in 2009-2011 // Abstracts. International Workshop “JKASP-7”. Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. August 25-30. 2011. 2011. P. 70
Kamchatkan Volcanic Eruption Response Team (KVERT) Data in Internet (2014)
Girina O.A., Romanova I.M. Kamchatkan Volcanic Eruption Response Team (KVERT) Data in Internet // Modern Information Technologies in Earth Sciences. Proceedings of the International Conference, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, September 8-13, 2014. // Modern Information Technologies in Earth Sciences. Proceedings of the International Conference, September 8-13, 2014, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. Vladivostok: Dalnauka. 2014. P. 145-146.
Kamchatkan Volcanic Eruption Response Team (KVERT) Project in 2004-2006 (2006)
Girina O.A., Senyukov S.L., Neal C.A. Kamchatkan Volcanic Eruption Response Team (KVERT) Project in 2004-2006 // Abstracts. 5rd Biennial Workshop on Subduction Processes emphasizing the Japan-Kurile-Kamchatka-Aleutian Arcs (JKASP-5). 2006. № P 618. P. 161-162.