Edelstein (3.1a) Volcano. Bibliography
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Авдейко Г.П., Антонов А.Ю., Волынец О.Н., Бондаренко В.И., Рашидов В.А., Гладков Н.Г., Цветков А.А., Марков И.А., Палуева А.А. Подводный вулканизм и зональность Курильской островной дуги / Отв. ред. Пущаровский Ю.М. М.: Наука. 1992. 528 с.
Thia monograph provides a systematic catalogue description of all 97 known submarine volcanoes and aeamounts in the Kurile island arc, using materials of the R/V "Vulkanolog" six voyages. Interpretations of their morphostructural features are based on echo sounding, seismic reflection profiling, and characteristics of the magnetic field. Compositions have been determined for 80 of the volcanoes, including petrographic and geochemical data, using dredged material.
During concurrent study of subaerial and submarine volcanoes regularities in their spatial-structural distribution, transverse and longitudinal petrogeochemical, mineral, and isotopic zoning, and xenolith distribution in the lavas have been recognized. Volcanic activity is distributed in the frontal and rear-arc zones. These data are used to develop a model for magma generation with two zones of magma generation related to two levels of volatile separation from the subducting lithospheric plate.
Безруков П.Л., Зенкевич Н.Л., Канаев В.Ф., Удинцев Г.Б. Подводные горы и вулканы Курильской островной гряды // Труды Лаборатории вулканологии АН СССР. 1958. Вып. 13. С. 71-88.
Брусиловский Ю.В., Иваненко А.Н., Рашидов В.А. Анализ магнитного поля трех позднекайнозойских подводных вулканов в северной части Курильской островной дуги // Вулканология и сейсмология. 2004. № 2. С. 73-80.
This study is concerned with the analysis of the anomalous magnetic field above three Late Cenozoic submarine volcanoes situated in the backarc region of the northern Kuril Islands within the Paramushir and Chirinkotan transverse volcanic zones.
Геофизические исследования подводных вулканов Курильской островной дуги. 2004.
Иваненко А.Н. Моделирование магнитного поля / Магнитное поле океана. М.: Наука. 1993. С. 68-88.
Коренев О.С., Неверов Ю.Л., Остапенко В.Ф., Жигулев В.В., Кичина Е.Н., Красный М.Л., Хомяков В.Д. Результаты геологического драгирования в Охотском море на НИС «Пегас» (21-й рейс) / Геологическое строение Охотоморского региона. Владивосток: СахКНИИ ДВНЦ АН СССР. 1982. С. 36-51.
Рашидов В.А., Бондаренко В.И. Подводный вулканический массив Эдельштейна (Курильская островная дуга) // Вулканология и сейсмология. 2003. № 1. С. 3-13.
The Edelshtein submarine volcanic massif located in the axial part of the low-angle trough that is the northeast termination of the Kuril deep-sea basin where this intersects the nearly north-south tectonic zone of Kruzenshtern Strait was studied in detail during five cruises of the Vulkanolog R/V. It was found that the name of Edelshtein Submarine Volcano has so far been indiscriminately applied to two distinct volcanic edifices. We have introduced the name of Edelshtein Volcanic Massif. Two volcanic edifices were distinguished within that massif, the northeastern and the southwestern. The total height of the volcanic massif is about 2600 m, the buried part included. The massif has a base of 25 by 19 km and a volume of about 315 km3. It is rather likely that the Edelshtein Submarine Volcanic Massif has had a long history of evolution.
Рашидов В.А., Пилипенко О.В., Петрова В.В. Петромагнитные и петрографо-минералогические исследования горных пород, драгированных на подводных вулканах Охотоморского склона северной части Курильской островной дуги // Физика Земли. 2016. № 4. С. 84-106.