Gorny Institute Volcano. Bibliography
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Braitseva O.A., Ponomareva V.V., Melekestsev I.V., Sulerzhitskiy L.D., Pevzner M.M. Holocene Kamchatka volcanoes. 2002.
Dirksen O.V., Bazanova L.I., Pletchov P.Yu., Portnyagin M.V., Bychkov K.A. Volcanic activity at Sedankinsky Dol lava field, Sredinny Ridge, during the Holocene (Kamchatka, Russia) // Abstracts. 4rd Biennial Workshop on Subduction Processes emphasizing the Kurile-Kamchatka-Aleutian Arcs (JKASP-4). Linkages among tectonics, seismicity, magma genesis, and eruption in volcanic arcs. August 21-27, 2004. Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky: Institute of Volcanology and Seismology FEB RAS. 2004. P. 55
Global Volcanism Program. Volcanoes of the World, v. 4.11.0 (08 Jun 2022). 2013. doi: 10.5479/si.GVP.VOTW4-2013.
The Volcanoes of the World database is a catalog of Holocene and Pleistocene volcanoes, and eruptions from the past 12,000 years.
Pevzner M.M. Holocene volcanism of Northern Kamchatka: The spatiotemporal aspect // Doklady Earth Sciences. 2006. Т. 409. № 2. С. 884-887. doi: 10.1134/S1028334X06060109.
Ponomareva V.V., Churikova T., Melekestsev I.V., Braitseva O.A., Pevzner M., Sulerzhitskii L. Late Pleistocene-Holocene Volcanism on the Kamchatka Peninsula, Northwest Pacific Region / Volcanism and Subduction: The Kamchatka Region. Washington, D. C.: American Geophysical Union. 2007. Vol. 172. P. 165-198. doi: 10.1029/172GM15.
Late Pleistocene-Holocene volcanism in Kamchatka results from the subduction of the
Pacific Plate under the peninsula and forms three volcanic belts arranged in en echelon manner
from southeast to northwest. The cross-arc extent of recent volcanism exceeds 250 km and
is one of the widest worldwide. All the belts are dominated by mafic rocks. Eruptives with
SiO2>57% constitute ~25% of the most productive Central Kamchatka Depression belt and
~30% of the Eastern volcanic front, but <10% of the least productive Sredinny Range belt.
All the Kamchatka volcanic rocks exhibit typical arc-type signatures and are represented
by basalt-rhyolite series differing in alkalis. Typical Kamchatka arc basalts display a strong
increase in LILE, LREE and HFSE from the front to the back-arc. La/Yb and Nb/Zr increase
from the arc front to the back arc while B/Li and As, Sb, B, Cl and S concentrations decrease.
The initial mantle source below Kamchatka ranges from N-MORB-like in the volcanic front
and Central Kamchatka Depression to more enriched in the back arc. Rocks from the Central
Kamchatka Depression range in 87Sr/86Sr ratios from 0.70334 to 0.70366, but have almost
constant Nd isotopic ratios (143Nd/144Nd 0.51307–0.51312). This correlates with the highest
U/Th ratios in these rocks and suggest the highest fluid-flux in the source region.
Holocene large eruptions and eruptive histories of individual Holocene volcanoes have been
studied with the help of tephrochronology and 14C dating that permits analysis of time-space
patterns of volcanic activity, evolution of the erupted products, and volcanic hazards.
Siebert L., Simkin T., Kimberly P. Volcanoes of the World. Berkeley: University of California Press. 2010. 568 p.
This impressive scientific resource presents up-to-date information on ten thousand years of volcanic activity on Earth. In the decade and a half since the previous edition was published new studies have refined assessments of the ages of many volcanoes, and several thousand new eruptions have been documented. This edition updates the book's key components: a directory of volcanoes active during the Holocene; a chronology of eruptions over the past ten thousand years; a gazetteer of volcano names, synonyms, and subsidiary features; an extensive list of references; and an introduction placing these data in context. This edition also includes new photographs, data on the most common rock types forming each volcano, information on population densities near volcanoes, and other features, making it the most comprehensive source available on Earth's dynamic volcanism.
Апродов В.А. Вулканы. М.: Мысль. 1982. 367 с.
Справочник содержит характеристику около трех тысяч вулканов земного шара, сгруппированных по вулканическим поясам и другим районам проявления вулканизма. Этим поясам и районам предшествует их общая геолого-географическая характеристика. Сведения о вулканах включают географическое положение, морфологию, геологическую структуру, активность и т.д. Книга рассчитана не только на специалистов, но и на более широкий круг читателей.
Зеленин Е.А., Гарипова С.Т. Активная разломная тектоника Срединного хребта, п-ов Камчатка // Вестник КРАУНЦ. Серия: Науки о Земле. 2022. Вып. 53. № 1. С. 104-112. doi: 10.31431/1816-5524-2022-1-53-104-112.
The paper presents the results of remote sensing interpretation of active faults of the Sredinny Range of Kamchatka. The use of remote sensing data allowed us to identify fault scarps and magma-conducting fractures, expressed in the topography by chains of eruption centers. Most of the detected faults are located on volcanic plateaus, what indicates the relation of faulting with thinning of the brittle crust under the volcanic belt, similar to the faults of the Eastern Volcanic Belt. The geometrical characteristics of the most preserved scarps provide an estimate of the magnitude of paleoearthquakes Mw = 5.8±0.2, which significantly exceeds the historical seismicity. The identified faults are located above the northern edge of the subducted portion of the Pacific plate and form a zone oblique to the axis of the Kuril-Kamchatka island-arc system. The strike and normal sense of the faults are consistent with the transverse extension in Kamchatka. These new data provide the northern and western boundaries of the above-subduction extensional setting in Kamchatka.
Набоко С.И. Современные вулканы и газо-гидротермальная деятельность / Геология СССР. М.: Недра. 1964. Т. 31. С. 303-372.
Новейший и современный вулканизм на территории России / Отв. ред. Лаверов Н.П. М.: Наука. 2005. 604 с.
The actual collective monograph presents the results of both theoretical and experimental studies of the multi-disciplinary problem on volcanic hazard assessment and development of techniques for prediction of catastophic eruptions. The volcanism of Kamchatka and other regions of Russia has been analyzed. On the basis of geological, volcanological and tephrachronological studies including radiocarbon dating, there have been defined certain groups of volcanoes on different stages of evolution. At the same time the problem of determination of the internal structure of volcanic dome using modem theoretical methods and technologies is well investigated. The new techniques of estimation of volcanic hazard were developed. Whenever ti is required, theoretical approaches are confirmed by results of in-field observations.

The book will satisfy the needs of Earth sciences specialists from a variety of backgrounds, volcanology, geo-mechanics, ecology, industrial constuction applications and hazard assessment.