Volcano Ichinsky. Facts
Name: Ichinsky
GVP Number: 300280
Synonims: Icha, Ichinskaya Vershina, Akhlan, Khoashen, Uakhlar, Kol'khon, Kotkhlonga, Belaya, Sopochnaya
Region: Kamchatka Peninsula
Volcanic Zone: Sredinny Range
Coordinates: 55°40'39" N 157°43'6" E
Absolute Elevation: 3621 m
Relative Elevation: 2800 m
Status: Active
Aviation Color Code: GREEN
Location: 30 km to the west from the axial line of the Sredinny Ridge, 120 km northwest from Milkova settlement, 130 km east from Ichinsky settlement, 300 km northwest from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.
Type: Stratovolcano
Composition: basalts, andesite-basalts, andesites, dacites, rhyolites
Last known eruption: 1740

Forms an independent mountain massif 30 km west of the axial line of the Sredinny ridge, at the heads of the Icha, Moroshechnaya, Rassoshina, and Galdavit' rivers. Structurally, it is confined to the southern termination of a Sredinny ridge Late Cenozoic volcanic belt and lies within the Payalpan volcano-tectonic ring structure.

Влодавец В.И., Пийп Б.И. Каталог действующих вулканов Камчатки // Бюллетень вулканологических станций. 1957. № 25. С. 5-95.
Действующие вулканы Камчатки. В 2-х т. Т. 1 / Отв. ред. Федотов С.А., Масуренков Ю.П. М.: Наука. 1991. 302 с.
Новограбленов П.Т. Каталог вулканов Камчатки // Известия Государственного географического общества. 1932. Т. 64. Вып. 1. С. 88-99.
Potencial Hazard
There are possibly explosive and explosive-effusive eruptions of the volcano a like as volcanoes if Iceland. It will be restricted to the caldera glacier with possible formation of meltwater within the caldera, which may trigger catastrophic floods down the valley of the Bystraya, Ketachan, Rassoshina, Anava, Belogolovaya River. The volcano could constitute a potential hazard to international and low-flying aircraft.
Related Resources
Active Volcanoes of Kamchatka and Kuriles
Holocene Kamchatka volcanoes