Volcano Iliinsky. Facts
Name: Iliinsky
GVP Number: 300030
Synonims: Iliyinskaya, Iliyin, Ozernaya, Ilyinsky, Ilina, Wine
Region: Kamchatka Peninsula
Volcanic Zone: Southern Kamchatka
Coordinates: 51°29'54" N 157°12'12" E
Absolute Elevation: 1578 m
Status: Active
Aviation Color Code: GREEN
Location: The volcano is located in the Southern volcanic zone of Kamchatka on the northeastern coast of Kurilskoye lake.
Type: Stratovolcano
Composition: high-aluminium basalts, andesite-basalts, andesites, dacites
Last known eruption: ~ 1901

The cone-shaped edifice of the Iliinsky stratovolcano with a base diameter of 8 km on the northeastern slope is complicated by a large explosion funnel 800x1200 m in size and 200-450 m deep, formed during the eruption of 1901. At the top of the volcano there is a double explosive crater. Two large lava flows descend along the northern slope of the volcano. Several small effusive and extrusive domes are noted at the southwestern foot of the volcano.

Кожемяка Н.Н., Важеевская А.А. Вулкан Ильинский / Действующие вулканы Камчатки. В 2-х т. Т. 2. М.: Наука. 1991. С. 364-381.
Potencial Hazard
The principal hazards of the volcano are phreatic explosions, ash clouds, ash falls, pyroclastic flows and surges, lava flows and lakhars.
Proximity of this volcano to Kurile Lake suggests additional hazards related to possible disruption of the lake by collapsen products into the lake.

Ash falls possible at:

Ozernovskiy (50 km to the west from the volcano)
Pauzhetka (28 km to the west)
Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky (200 km to the north-east)
Related Resources
Active Volcanoes of Kamchatka and Kuriles
Holocene Kamchatka volcanoes