Volcano Vilyuchinsky. Facts
Name: Vilyuchinsky
GVP Number: 300083
Synonims: Vilyuchik, Viliuchinsky
Region: Kamchatka Peninsula
Volcanic Zone: Southern Kamchatka
Coordinates: 52°42'18" N 158°16'53" E
Absolute Elevation: 2173 m
Status: Extinct
Location: На водоразделе рек Вилюча и Большая Саранная, в верховьях реки Паратунки, в 45 км южнее г. Петропавловск-Камчатский
Type: Stratovolcano
Composition: andesite-basalts, two-pyroxene andesites
Last known eruption: B.C. (Holocene)

The Vilyuchinsky volcano is located on a sublatitudinal ridge. It has an almost regular conical shape with a sharp crest-shaped top, oblique to the west. To the north of the volcano, on a ridge of meridional strike, there are numerous cinder cones and lava flows, the closest to the volcano of which are located near Green Lake. The volcano is composed mainly of andesitic lavas.

Апрелков С.Е. Вулкан Вилючинский на Камчатке // Бюллетень вулканологической станции. 1963. Вып. 34. С. 44-47.
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Holocene Kamchatka volcanoes