Ksudach Volcano. Bibliography
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VONA/KVERT Information Releases. 2005.
Volcano observatory notification to aviation (VONA/KVERT). 2011.
Volynets O.N., Ponomareva V.V., Braitseva O.A., Melekestsev I.V., Chen Ch.H. Holocene eruptive history of Ksudach volcanic massif, South Kamchatka: evolution of a large magmatic chamber // Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 1999. Vol. 91. P. 23-42. doi: 10.1016/S0377-0273(99)00049-9.
The combination of geological, tephrochronological and geochemical studies is used to reconstruct the Holocene eruptive history of Ksudach volcanic massif, South Kamchatka and to trace the evolution of its magma. Ksudach is located in the frontal volcanic zone of Kamchatka. From Early Holocene till AD 240, the volcano had repetitive voluminous caldera-forming eruptions. Later they gave way to frequent moderate explosive–effusive eruptions that formed the Shtyubel' stratovolcano inside the nested calderas, and then to frequent larger explosive eruptions. Holocene eruptive products are low-K2O two pyroxene–plagioclase basaltic andesite to rhyodacite. Mineralogical, geochemical and isotopic data suggest that all the rock varieties originated as a result of fractionation of an initial mafic melt, with insignificant contamination and assimilation. Intensive mixing of the fractionating melts prior to, and during the course of the eruptions, is ubiquitous. The eruptions might have been triggered by repetitive injections of new mafic melt into the silicic chamber. Crystallization of the andesitic and rhyodacitic melts is estimated to have occurred at temperatures of 970–1010°C and 890–910°C, respectively, PH2O 1.5–2.0 kbar and fO2 close to the NNO buffer. According to the experimental data, such PH2O corresponds to 4.5%–5.5% of water in the melt, that is close to the content of water in the silicic hornblende-bearing magmas of the rear zone of the Kuril–Kamchatka arc. Hence, we suggest that the transition from pyroxene phenocryst associations of the frontal zone to the hornblende-bearing ones of the rear zone might be interpreted as reflecting higher temperatures of crystallization of the melts from the frontal zone rather than increasing water content in the rear zone magmas.
Zaretskaya N.E., Ponomareva V.V., Sulerzhitsky L.D. Radiocarbon dating of large Holocene volcanic events within South Kamchatka (Russian Far East) // Radiocarbon. 2007. Vol. 49. № 2. P. 1065-1078.
Radiocarbon dating is widely used when studying recent volcanic activity in the Kamchatka Peninsula due to the abundance of organic matter that is associated with the volcanic deposits. Here, we present the results of 14C dating of major volcanic events within the active South Kamchatka volcanic zone. South Kamchatka includes 8 recently active volcanic centers (stratovolcanoes, calderas, and large craters) that have been erupting during the Holocene. Their tephras represent useful markers for both the southern part of the peninsula and the Northern Kurile Islands. Since these marker tephra layers facilitate stratigraphic and tephrochronological studies in this area, it was important to determine their ages. We have obtained 73 new individual 14C dates on paleosol, peat, charcoal, and wood associated with the marker tephra layers, then complemented these data with 37 earlier published dates and analyzed the resulting data set. We selected the reliable dates and then obtained average 14C ages of marker tephra layers. The details of these procedures, as well as brief descriptions of South Kamchatka Holocene eruptions and their tephra beds, are presented in the paper.
Zubov A.G., Kirianov V.Yu., Hughes S.R., Kurbatov A. To use of thermomagnetic parameters to identify tephra // AGU Meeting-99. Abstracts., 1999 г. 1999.
О возможности использования термомагнитных параметров для идентификации вулканических пеплов
Апродов В.А. Вулканы. М.: Мысль. 1982. 367 с.
Справочник содержит характеристику около трех тысяч вулканов земного шара, сгруппированных по вулканическим поясам и другим районам проявления вулканизма. Этим поясам и районам предшествует их общая геолого-географическая характеристика. Сведения о вулканах включают географическое положение, морфологию, геологическую структуру, активность и т.д. Книга рассчитана не только на специалистов, но и на более широкий круг читателей.
Базанова Л.И., Брайцева О.А., Дирксен О.В., Сулержицкий Л.Д., Данхара Т. Пеплопады крупнейших голоценовых извержений на траверсе Усть-Большерецк - Петропавловск-Камчатский: источники, хронология, частота // Вулканология и сейсмология. 2005. № 6. С. 30-46.
Брайцева О.А., Мелекесцев И.В., Пономарева В.В., Кирьянов В.Ю. Последнее кальдерообразующее извержение на Камчатке (вулкан Ксудач) 1700-1800 14С-лет назад // Вулканология и сейсмология. 1995. № 2. С. 30-49.
The largest Plinian eruption of our era and the latest caldera-forming eruption in the Kurile-Kamchatka region occurred 1700-1800 14C yr BP from the Ksudach volcano. This catastrophic explosive eruption is similar in type and characteristics to the 1883 Krakatau eruption. The volume of pyroclastics ejected was 18-19 km3, including 15 km3 of tephra and 3-4 km of pyroclastic flows. The eruptive column reached 23 km height. A collapse caldera was 4 X 6,5 km in size with a cavity volume of 6.5-7 km3. Tephra was deposited to the north of the volcano to a distance of more than 1000 km. Pyroclastic flows accompanied by ash cloud pyroclastic surges were as long as 20 km. The eruption was first phreatomagmatic, then it became rhythmic, and each rhythm began with the pumiceous tephra eruption followed by the pyroclastic flow formation. Erupted products were rhyolite-dacite remaining invariable during the whole eruption. At the post-caldera stage when the Shtyubel cone started to form within the caldera the basaltic-andesite material began to come to the surface. The driving mechanism of the onset of the eruption is suggested to be an intrusion of magma of basic composition and its mixing with acid magma from a previously existed chamber. The eruption had substantial environmental impact and may have produced a large acidity peak in the Greenland glacial shield.
Бюллетень вулканологической станции на Камчатке / Отв. ред. Влодавец В.И. М.-Л.: Изд-во АН СССР. 1941. № 10. 30 с.
Влодавец В.И. Вулканы Советского Союза / Отв. ред. Головко И.Г. М.: Гос. изд-во географической литературы. 1949. 164 с.
Среди разнообразных явлений природы вулканическая деятельность во все времена особо привлекала внимание человека. Мощные, величественные, порой мрачные, иногда грозные, но всегда прекрасные, а в древности мало или совсем непонятные картины вулканических извержений производили на людей всегда сильное впечатление. И неудивительно поэтому, что деятельность вулканов вызывала в человеке, с одной стороны, безотчетную тревогу, а с другой — поэтическое восхищение.
Люди различно воспринимают деятельность вулканов. Одни видят в них величественные и грозные явления природы, другие интересуются ими с точки зрения внешней красоты проявления внутренних сил земли, третьих поражает мощь вулканических сил, а четвертые стремятся разобраться во всех вулканических явлениях и выявить причины их— познать их.