Kizimen Volcano. Bibliography
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Кожемяка Н.Н. О некоторых региональных особенностях действующих вулканов Камчатки: динамика интенсивности и продуктивности вулканизма во времени и пространстве // Вулканология и сейсмология. 2000. № 1. С. 18-23.
Колосков А.В. Изотопно-геохимическая неоднородность плиоцен-четвертичных вулканитов Камчатки и проблема астеносферного диапиризма // Вестник КРАУНЦ. Серия: Науки о Земле. 2020. Вып. 47. № 3. С. 25-57. doi: 10.31431/1816-5524-2020-47-3-25-57.
Isotope-geochemical material for Pliocene-Quaternary volcanoes of the Kamchatka region is generalized on a cartographic basis. The Sr-isotope anomalies of moderate and elevated radiogenicity, geochemically confirmed, are spatially conjugated. This made it possible to interpret these anomalies not only as a reflection of mantle plume material in the composition of volcanic rocks, but also of its hybrid environment, as a consequence of plum-lithosphere remobilization. The presence of multi-directional geochemical trends made it possible to propose the concept of moving boundary values for the composition of indicator rocks of the intraplate type and adakites, which significantly expanded the possibilities of their diagnostics. The isotope-geochemical heterogeneity of basaltoids of the region is generally determined by the peculiarities of concentration of rocks with intraplate and adakite geochemical characteristics, which allows considering the asthenospheric diapirism as the main factor of petrogenesis of Pliocene-Quaternary volcanism in Kamchatka.
Кугаенко Ю.А., Нуждина И.Н., Салтыков В.А. Особенности спектральных компонент вулканических землетрясений на примере вулканов Кизимен, Корякский, Мутновский и Горелый // Вестник КРАУНЦ. Серия: Науки о Земле. 2011. Вып. 18. № 2. С. 102-113.
The article presents a technique for formalized separation of volcano-tectonic earthquakes and low-frequency seismic events which occurred on volcanoes. The technique was used as a case study for four episodes of volcanic activity in Kamchatka based on data from seismic stations located near volcanoes: explosive eruption of Kizimen Volcano (2010-2011), activization of Gorely Volcano (2009-2011), activization of Koriaksky Volcano (2008-2009), long-term intense hydrothermal activity of Mutnovsky Volcano. For visualization of hidden correlation in waveform spectral characteristics we use the triangle diagram. We have targeted a trend in volcano investigation which supposes study of possible relation between types of volcano activity and distribution of spectral components in seismic records.
Кулаков В.С. О деятельности Камчатских вулканов // Природа. 1936. № 8. С. 21-28.
Малик Н.А., Максимов А.П., Ананьев В.В. Извержение вулкана Кизимен в 2010-2012 гг. и его продукты // Материалы региональной конференции «Вулканизм и связанные с ним процессы», посвящённой Дню вулканолога, 29 - 30 марта 2012 г. Петропавловск-Камчатский: ИВиС ДВО РАН. 2012. С. 64-70.
В работе даны краткая характеристика динамики извержения вулкана Кизимен от начала активизации до апреля 2012 г. и первые результаты петрохимического и минералогического изучения твердых продуктов извержения в 2011 г.
Малик Н.А., Овсянников А.А. Извержение вулкана Кизимен в октябре 2010 г. – марте 2011 г. // Вестник КРАУНЦ. Серия: Науки о Земле. 2011. Вып. 17. № 1. С. 7-10.
Мелекесцев И.В. Действующие и потенциально активные вулканы Курило - Камчатской островной дуги в начале XXI в.: этапы исследований, определение термина "действующий вулкан", будущие извержения и вулканическая опасность // Вестник КРАУНЦ. Серия: Науки о Земле. 2006. Вып. 7. № 1. С. 15-35.
Three stages of study of active and potentially active volcanoes on Kamchatka and the Kurile Islands were distinguished: the anterior stage (1700-1935), the new stage (1935-1962) and the recent stage (from 1962 till present time).
This paper provides a new, for the first time scientifically based term of «active volcano». Updated catalogues display active and potentially active volcanoes of Kamchatka and the Kurile Islands. Here we propose a long-term forecast of behavior and parameters of impending eruptions and related volcanic hazards for the typical volcanoes of the 1st and the 2nd stages of evolution.
Мелекесцев И.В. Типы и возраст действующих вулканов Курило-Камчатской зоны // Бюллетень вулканологических станций. 1973. № 49. С. 17-23.
Мелекесцев И.В., Брайцева О.А. Гигантские обвалы на вулканах // Вулканология и сейсмология. 1984. № 4. С. 14-23.
Мелекесцев И.В., Брайцева О.А., Пономарева В.В., Базанова Л.И., Пинегина Т.К., Дирксен О.В. 0-650 гг. - этап сильнейшего природного катастрофизма нашей эры на Камчатке // Вулканология и сейсмология. 2003. Вып. 6. № 6. С. 3-23.
We have identified, and describe in this paper, a phase of multifactor natural catastrophism that has been the greatest during our era in Kamchatka, to be dated 0-650 A. D. Its chief components were. The last catastrophic eruptions to have occurred (a caldera-generating one at about 240 A. D., the pyroclastics volume being 18-19 km3 and a subcaldera one around 600 A. D. with the volume of lava and pyroclastics 9.5-10.5 km3) which were followed by irreversible relief changes over areas of hundreds of square kilometers and have affected rather injuriously many other environmental components. An exceptionally intensive activity of the other volcanoes (at least 75-80% of all active and potebtially active Kamchatkan volcanoes were erupting, tens of large and catastrophic eruptions occurred). Regional catastrophic and large ashfalls. A sharp, large-amplitude (between 1.5-2 and 12-15 m) tectonic uplift of various blocks in Kamchatka. Large earthquakes accompanied by large-volume rockfalls, landslides, large and frequent tsunamis. The catastrophic events of that time are argued to have been part of a worldwide phase of natural catastrophism that we hypothesize to have occurred at the beginning of our era.