Sheveluch Volcano. Bibliography
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Ponomareva Vera, Portnyagin Maxim, Pevzner Maria, Blaauw Maarten, Kyle Philip, Derkachev Alexander Tephra from andesitic Shiveluch volcano, Kamchatka, NW Pacific: chronology of explosive eruptions and geochemical fingerprinting of volcanic glass // International Journal of Earth Sciences. 2015. Vol. 104. № 5. P. 1459-1482. doi:10.1007/s00531-015-1156-4.
The ~16-ka-long record of explosive eruptions from Shiveluch volcano (Kamchatka, NW Pacific) is refined using geochemical fingerprinting of tephra and radiocarbon ages. Volcanic glass from 77 prominent Holocene tephras and four Late Glacial tephra packages was analyzed by electron microprobe. Eruption ages were estimated using 113 radiocarbon dates for proximal tephra sequence. These radiocarbon dates were combined with 76 dates for regional Kamchatka marker tephra layers into a single Bayesian framework taking into account the stratigraphic ordering within and between the sites. As a result, we report ~1,700 high-quality glass analyses from Late Glacial–Holocene Shiveluch eruptions of known ages. These define the magmatic evolution of the volcano and provide a reference for correlations with distal fall deposits. Shiveluch tephras represent two major types of magmas, which have been feeding the volcano during the Late Glacial–Holocene time: Baidarny basaltic andesites and Young Shiveluch andesites. Baidarny tephras erupted mostly during the Late Glacial time (~16–12.8 ka BP) but persisted into the Holocene as subordinate admixture to the prevailing Young Shiveluch andesitic tephras (~12.7 ka BP–present). Baidarny basaltic andesite tephras have trachyandesite and trachydacite (SiO2 < 71.5 wt%) glasses. The Young Shiveluch andesite tephras have rhyolitic glasses (SiO2 > 71.5 wt%). Strongly calc-alkaline medium-K characteristics of Shiveluch volcanic glasses along with moderate Cl, CaO and low P2O5 contents permit reliable discrimination of Shiveluch tephras from the majority of other large Holocene tephras of Kamchatka. The Young Shiveluch glasses exhibit wave-like variations in SiO2 contents through time that may reflect alternating periods of high and low frequency/volume of magma supply to deep magma reservoirs beneath the volcano. The compositional variability of Shiveluch glass allows geochemical fingerprinting of individual Shiveluch tephra layers which along with age estimates facilitates their use as a dating tool in paleovolcanological, paleoseismological, paleoenvironmental and archeological studies. Electronic tables accompanying this work offer a tool for statistical correlation of unknown tephras with proximal Shiveluch units taking into account sectors of actual tephra dispersal, eruption size and expected age. Several examples illustrate the effectiveness of the new database. The data are used to assign a few previously enigmatic wide-spread tephras to particular Shiveluch eruptions. Our finding of Shiveluch tephras in sediment cores in the Bering Sea at a distance of ~600 km from the source permits re-assessment of the maximum dispersal distances for Shiveluch tephras and provides links between terrestrial and marine paleoenvironmental records.
Portnyagin Maxim, Hoernle Kaj, Plechov Pavel, Mironov Nikita, Khubunaya Sergey Constraints on mantle melting and composition and nature of slab components in volcanic arcs from volatiles (H2O, S, Cl, F) and trace elements in melt inclusions from the Kamchatka Arc // Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 2007. Т. 255. № 1-2. С. 53-69. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2006.12.005.
Rulenko O.P. Volcanic Cloud Electrification // Volcanology and Seismology. 1988. Vol. 7. № 2. P. 253-272.
Siebert L., Simkin T., Kimberly P. Volcanoes of the World. Berkeley: University of California Press. 2010. 568 p.
This impressive scientific resource presents up-to-date information on ten thousand years of volcanic activity on Earth. In the decade and a half since the previous edition was published new studies have refined assessments of the ages of many volcanoes, and several thousand new eruptions have been documented. This edition updates the book's key components: a directory of volcanoes active during the Holocene; a chronology of eruptions over the past ten thousand years; a gazetteer of volcano names, synonyms, and subsidiary features; an extensive list of references; and an introduction placing these data in context. This edition also includes new photographs, data on the most common rock types forming each volcano, information on population densities near volcanoes, and other features, making it the most comprehensive source available on Earth's dynamic volcanism.
Slezin Yu.B. The Bezymyannyi, Shiveluch, and St. Helens volcanoes: A comparative revision of their catastrophic eruptions during the 20th century // Journal of Volcanology and Seismology. 2015. Vol. 9. № 5. P. 289-294. doi:10.1134/S0742046315050073.
Steinberg G.S., Lorenz V. External ballistic of volcanic explosions // Bulletin Volcanologique. 1983. Vol. 46. Vol. 4. P. 333-348. 16 p. doi:10.1007/BF02597769.
VONA/KVERT Information Releases. 2005.
Volcano observatory notification to aviation (VONA/KVERT). 2011.
Volynets O.N., Ponomareva V.V., Babansky A.D. Magnesian Basalts of Shiveluch Andesite Volcano, Kamchatka // Petrology. 1997. Vol. 5. № 2. P. 206-221.
Андезитовый вулкан Шивелуч в голоценовое время дважды извергал необычные для него породы:
амфиболсодержащие магнезиальные умереннокалиевые базальты (7600 лет назад) и магнезиаль-
ные высококалиевые базальты с флогопитом и амфиболом (3600 лет назад). Объем тефры соста-
вил примерно 0.1 и 0.3 км3 соответственно. Некоторые минералогические и геохимические особен-
ности голоценовых базальтов, например близкий диапазон вариаций магнезиальное™ вкрапленни-
ков оливина, моноклинного пироксена и амфибола, повышенная магнезиальность пород и
повышенные содержания в них Сг и Ni, наследуются андезитобазальтами и андезитами вулкана Ши-
велуч. Эти обстоятельства, а также результаты масс-балансовых расчетов не противоречат гипоте-
зе о происхождении эффузивов вулкана Шивелуч в процессе кристаллизационной дифференциации
расплавов голоценовых базальтов. Однако другие геохимические особенности рассматриваемых
пород, например близкие содержания редкоземельных элементов в них, делают маловероятной воз-
можность образования магнезиальных андезитобазальтов путем фракционной кристаллизации рас-
плава магнезиального базальта, но позволяют предполагать их формирование в процессах взаимо-
действия таких расплавов с веществом деплетированной мантии на малых глубинах. В то же время
различие в минералогическом составе голоценовых умеренно- и высококалиевых базальтов и ре-
зультаты балансовых расчетов могут служить доказательством различных источников выплавле-
ния исходных расплавов для этих пород.
Walter Thomas R., Zorn E.U, Harnett C.E., Shevchenko A.V., Belousov A., Belousova M., Vassileva M.S. Influence of conduit and topography complexity on spine extrusion at Shiveluch volcano, Kamchatka // Communications Earth & Environment. 2022. Vol. 3. № 169. P. 1-10.