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Records: 2105
Menyailov I.A., Nikitina L.P., Shapar V.N. Results of geochemical monitoring of the activity of Ebeko volcano (Kurile Islands) used for eruption prediction // Journal of Geodynamics. 1985. Vol. 3. № 3-4. P. 259 - 274. doi: 10.1016/0264-3707(85)90038-9.
The monitoring of the state of active volcanoes, carried out using different parameters, including geochemical, is very important for studies of deep processes and geodynamics. All changes which occur within the crater before eruptions reflect the magma activation and depend on the deep structure of volcano. This paper gives the results of prolonged monitoring of Ebeko volcano, located in the contact zone between the oceanic and continental plates (the Kurile Island Arc). The geochemical method has been used as the basis for eruption prediction because the increase in the activity of the Ebeko in the period from 1963 to 1967 that ended in a phreatic eruption was not preceded by seismic preparation. Investigations carried out at Ebeko volcano give evidence that change of all the chosen geochemical parameters is a prognostic indicator of a forthcoming eruption. This change depends on the type of eruption, and the deep structure and hydrodynamic regime of the volcano.
Miller T.P., Kirianov V.Yu. Volcanic Ash Hazard along the North Pacific (NOPAC) Air Routs: Kurile Islands - Kamchatka - Alaska // Proc. of the 95 International workshop on Volcanoes Commemorating the 50-th Anniversary of the Mt. Shova-Shinzan: Short papers and Abstracts. 1995.
Mironov N.L., Portnyagin M.V. H2O and CO2 in parental magmas of Kliuchevskoi volcano inferred from study of melt and fluid inclusions in olivine // Russian Geology and Geophysics. 2011. Vol. 52. № 11. P. 1353 - 1367. doi: 10.1016/j.rgg.2011.10.007.
This paper reports new FTIR data on the H2O and CO2 concentrations in glasses of 26 naturally quenched and experimentally partially homogenized melt inclusions in olivine (Fo85–91) phenocrysts from rocks of the Kliuchevskoi volcano. Measured H2O concentrations in the inclusions range from 0.02 to 4 wt.%. The wide variations in the H2O content of the inclusions, which do not correlate with the host olivine composition and contents of major elements in the melts, are explained by the H2O escape from inclusions via diffusion through the host olivine during the magma eruption and the following cooling. The largest H2O loss is characteristic of inclusions from lava samples which cooled slowly after eruption. The minimal H2O loss is observed for inclusions from rapidly quenched pyroclastic rocks. Parental magmas of the Kliuchevskoi volcano are estimated to contain 3.5 wt.% H2O. The new data imply a 40 °C lower mantle temperatures than that estimated earlier for the Kliuchevskoi primary melts. The concentrations of CO2 in glasses range from <0.01 to 0.13 wt.% and do not correlate with the type of studied inclusions and their composition. The calculated pressures of melt equilibria with H2O–CO2 fluid inside the inclusions are lower than 270 MPa. They are significantly lower than a pressure of 500 MPa calculated from the density (~0.8 g/cm3) of cogenetic fluid inclusions in high-Fo olivine. The significant pressure drop inside the melt inclusions after their trapping in olivine might be due to the H2O loss and redistribution of CO2 from melt to daughter fluid phase. Compared with melt inclusions, cogenetic fluid inclusions provide independent information about the crystallization pressures of olivine and initial CO2 content in the Kliuchevskoi magma, which were estimated to be at least 500 MPa and 0.35 wt.%, respectively. The maximum CO2 concentrations in the primary Kliuchevskoi melts are estimated at 0.8–0.9 wt.%. The decompression crystallization of the Kliuchevskoi magmas starts at depths of 30–40 km and proceeds with a continuous decrease in CO2 content and an increase (up to 6–7 wt.%) and then a decrease (at <300 MPa) in H2O content in melts, which explains the origin of the whole spectrum of rocks and melt inclusions of the Kliuchevskoi volcano.
Moiseenko K.B., Malik N.A. Linear inverse problem for inferring eruption source parameters from sparse ash deposit data as viewed from an atmospheric dispersion modeling perspective // Bulletin of Volcanology. 2019. Vol. 81. № 3. P. 19 doi: 10.1007/s00445-019-1281-1.
Determination of the volcanic eruption source parameters—total grain-size distribution and vertical ash mass distribution (VMD) within the source—is carried out on a collection of measured-area samples and granulometry data. For this, the geophysical inverse methods and Hybrid Particle and Concentration Transport Model (HYPACT) driven by wind and turbulence fields simulated with the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS) are used. A two-step inversion procedure is proposed to obtain approximate but physically meaningful solution when the total number of ashfall samples is small and it is not possible to make a good initial guess of the source parameters. First, a spectrum of particle fall velocities is estimated by selecting a best-fit subset of aerodynamically distinct subpopulations of free and aggregate particles from the trial set used to simulate a polycomponent ashfall. The singular value decomposition (SVD) analysis is then employed to identify spatial components of the ash emissions’ vertical distribution, as resolvable by the observations. Model validation experiments are conducted for the January 12, 2011, short-duration vulcanian explosion at Kizimen and paroxysmal phase of the December 24, 2006, sub-Plinian eruption at Bezymianny. The derived VMDs exhibit high variability in fine ash content (~ 60–100 wt%) as well as strong secondary maxima in the lower troposphere, likely reflecting the contribution of ash particles fallen out of co-pyroclastic flow ash clouds and partially collapsing eruption columns.
Muravyev Y.D., Fedotov S.A., Budnikov V.A., Ozerov A.Yu., Maguskin M.A., Dvigalo V.N., Andreev V.I., Ivanov V.V., Kartasheva L.A., Markov I.A. Activity in the Karymsky Center in 1996: Summit Eruption at Karymsky and Phreatomagmatic Eruption in the Akademii Nauk Caldera // Volcanology and Seismology. 1998. Vol. 19. № 5. P. 567-604.
Представлены материалы исследований деятельности вулканов Карымского долгоживущего вулканического центра на Камчатке в 1996 г. Рассмотрены особенности динамики и вещественный состав пород одновременно начавшихся извержений вулкана Карымский и в кальдере Академии Наук. Эффузивно-эксплозивное извержение Карымского вулкана возобновилось после 14-летнего периода покоя и в течение года поставило через вершинный кратер -30 млн.т вещества андезитодацитового состава. Предполагается длительная эруптивная активность этого вулкана в ближайшие годы. Одновременно с типичной для Карымского вулкана активностью в 6 км южнее впервые на Камчатке в историческое время наблюдалось субаквальное эксплозивное извержение в озере, занимающем кальдеру Академии Наук. За 18ч извержения в северной части Карымского озера выросла постройка из пирокластического материала базальтового, андезитобазальтового состава с кратером диаметром 650 м. Объем извергнутого пирокластического материала оценивается в 0.04 км3, общий вес >70 млн.т. Обсуждены последствия извержений для окружающей среды, описаны оживление гидротермальной деятельности и образование новой группы горячих источников в кальдере Академии Наук, сделаны оценки прорывных паводков из Карымского озера и т.п.
Muravyev Y.D., Salamatin A.N. Mass balance and thermal regime of a crater glacier at Ushkovskii volcano // Volcanology and Seismology. 1990. Vol. 11. № 3. P. 411-424.
Построена теплофизическая модель стационарного состояния ледника в активном кратере Ушковского вулкана. Анализ составляющих баланса массы льда показал повышенный геотермический поток (среднее значение 10 Вт/м¤) в пределах вершинного конуса и слабую его изменчивость за последние 40 лет. По измеренной скорости аккумуляции и распределению температуры в снежнофирновой скорости аккумуляции и распределению температуры в снежно-фирновой толще в центре кратера Горшкова предполагается существование значительного поднятия (вложенного малого кратера), перекрытого ледником.
Полученные расчетные формулы помогут оценить параметры критических состояний нестационарных ледяных масс на склонах Ключевского вулкана.
Muravyev Y.D., Shiraiwa T. 400 years of climatic change in Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia: paleoglaciologic, tree-ring and ice-core evidance // Proceedings International Workshop. Matsuyama, Japan, 2002. 2002. P. 76-91.
Naboko S.I. Change in the fumarole regime of Kliuchevsky volcano // Bulletin Volcanologique. 1960. Vol. 23. Vol. 1. P. 135-140. 6 p. doi: 10.1007/BF02596638.
Naboko S.I., Glavatskikh S.F. Indicator-Elements in Exhalation and Hydrothermal Processes // Volcanology and Seismology. 1988. Vol. 7. № 4. P. 517-538.
Naboko S.I., Glavatskikh S.F. Posteruptive Hematite Mineralization // Volcanology and Seismology. 1983. № 1. P. 83-96.