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Girina O.A. Pyroclastic surge deposits of Bezymianny volcano // Volcanology and Seismology. 1997. Vol. 18. № 5. P. 547-560.
Федотов С.А., Озеров А.Ю., Магуськин М.А., Иванов В.В., Карпов Г.А., Леонов В.Л., Двигало В.Н., Гриб Е.Н., Андреев В.И., Лупикина Е.Г., Овсянников А.А., Будников В.А., Бахтиаров В.Ф., Левин В.Е. Извержения Карымского вулкана в 1998-2000 гг., связанные с ними сейсмические, геодинамические и поствулканические процессы, их воздействие на окружающую среду / Катастрофические процессы и их влияние на природную среду. Вулканизм. М.: Наука. 2002. Т. 1. С. 117-160.
Поваров О.А., Сугробов В.М., Федотов С.А., Трухин Ю.П., Уткин И.С., Уткина Л.И. Изучение возможности извлечения тепловой энергии магматического очага Авачинского вулкана с помощью бурения глубоких скважин // Проект научного бурения на Мутновском вулкане - исследование связи магматической и гидротермальных систем. Петропавловск-Камчатский: Камчатский печатный двор. 2006. С. 79-82.
Дневники вулканолога Бориса Пийпа / Отв. ред. Белоусов А.Б., Белоусова М.Г. М.: ЛОГАТА. 2006. 160 с.
Издание посвящается 100-летию со дня рождения Б.И. Пийпа.
В книге впервые публикуются полевые дневники известного советского вулканолога Бориса Ивановича Пийпа (6.11.1906 - 10.03.1966). Описаны путешествия к Авачинскому и Ключевскому вулканам, знаменитое извержение Ключевского вулкана в 1945 г., маршруты в кальдеру Узон. Особый интерес представляет рассказ о "засекреченном" цунами на Курилах и Камчатке в 1952 г.
Федотов С.А., Балеста С.Т., Дрознин В.А., Масуренков Ю.П., Сугробов В.М. О возможности использования тепла магматического очага Авачинского вулкана // Бюллетень вулканологических станций. 1977. № 53. С. 27-37.
Овсянников А.А., Муравьев Я.Д. О современной активности вулкана Ушковский (Дальний Плоский) // Вулканизм и связанные с ним процессы. Тезисы докладов VI Всесоюзного вулканологического совещания. Петропавловск-Камчатский, сентябрь 1985 г. Петропавловск-Камчатский: ИВ ДВНЦ АН. 1985. Вып. 1. С. 48-50.
Gorshkov G.S. Volcanism and the Upper Mantle: Investigations in the Kurile Island Arc. New York-London: Plenum Press. 1970. 385 p. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4684-1767-8.
The present volume seems to me to be a particularly im­ portant one for several reasons. Not least among these is the fact that it summarizes the work of two decades by G. S. Gorshkov, one of the world's leading volcanologists. In addition, it is the first general work of this length on the volcanism of what might be called a "narrow" island arc, a relatively simple megastructure as com­ pared with the "wide" arcs such as Japan and Indonesia. Finally, in this volume Gorshkov has summarized and cited extensive evi­ dence for his general ideas on the relation between volcanism and the earth's crust and mantle. A few potentially troublesome items should be noted here. In the translation the Russian terms "suite" and "series" have been retained, though for American readers these might better have been translated as "formation" and "group. " In almost all cases Russian place names have simply been transliterated rather than translated (e. g. , "Yuzhnyi Isthmus" rather than "South Isthmus"); in a few cases the English equivalent has been given in brackets where this is essential to the understanding of the author's com­ ments. The adjectives have retained their Russian case endings in the process (masculine -yi or -ii, feminine -aya or -'ya, neuter -oe) and this may occasionally lead to some slight confusion, for example, when the author calls a given feature Severnyi Volcano at one point and Severnaya Mountain at another.
Botcharnikov Roman E., Shmulovich Kirill I., Tkachenko Sergey I., Korzhinsky Mikhail A., Rybin Alexander V. Hydrogen isotope geochemistry and heat balance of a fumarolic system: Kudriavy volcano, Kuriles // Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 2003. Vol. 124. № 1-2. P. 45-66. doi:10.1016/S0377-0273(03)00043-X.
The temperature and hydrogen isotope composition of the fumarolic gases have been studied at Kudriavy volcano, Kurile Islands, which is unique for investigating the processes of magma degassing because of the occurrence of numerous easily accessible fumaroles with a temperature range of 100–940°C. There are several local fumarolic fields with a total surface area of about 2600 m2 within the flattened crater of 200×600 m. Each fumarolic field is characterized by the occurrence of high- and low-temperature fumaroles with high gas discharges and steaming areas with lower temperatures. We have studied the thermal budget of the Kudriavy fumarolic system on the basis of the quantitative dependences of the hydrogen isotope ratio (D/H) and tritium concentration on the temperature of fumarolic gases and compared them with the calculated heat balance of mixing between hot magmatic gas and cold meteoric water. Hydrogen isotope composition (δD and 3H) shows a well expressed correlation with the gas temperature. Since D/H ratio and 3H are good indicators of water sources in volcanic areas, it suggests that the thermal budget of the fumarolic system is mostly controlled by the admixing of meteoric waters to magmatic gases. The convective mechanism of heat transfer in the hydrothermal system governs the maximum temperatures of local fumaroles and fumarolic fields. Low-temperature fumaroles at Kudriavy are thermally buffered by the boiling processes of meteoric waters in the mixing zone at pressures of 3–12 bar. These values may correspond to the hydrostatic pressure of water columns about 30–120 m in height in the volcanic edifice and hence to the depth of a mixing/boiling zone. Conductive heat transfer is governed by conductive heat exchange between gases and country rocks and appears to be responsible for the temperature distribution around a local fumarolic vent. The temperature and pressure of shallow degassing magma are estimated to be 1050°C and 2–3 bar, respectively. The length of the ‘main’ fumarolic gas conduit is estimated to be about 80 m from the linear correlation between maximal temperatures of fumarolic fields and distances to the highest-temperature ‘F-940’ fumarole. This value may correspond to the depth of an apical part of the magmatic chamber. The geometry of the crater zone at the Kudriavy summit and the model of convective gas cooling suggest different hydrostatic pressures in the hydrothermal system at the base of high- and low-temperature gas conduits. The depths of gas sources for low-temperature fumaroles are evaluated to be about 200 m at the periphery of the magma chamber.
Новограбленов П.Т. Извержение паразитного кратера Ключевского вулкана // Известия Государственного географического общества. 1933. Т. 65. Вып. 1. С. 52-54.
Новограбленов П.Т. Извержение Горелого вулкана в 1928-1930 гг. // Известия Государственного Русского географического общества. 1930. Т. 62. Вып. 4. С. 459-461.