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Гордеев Е.И., Гирина О.А., Лупян Е.А. , Кашницкий А.В., Уваров И.А., Ефремов В.Ю., Мельников Д.В., Маневич А.Г., Сорокин А.А., Верхотуров А.Л., Романова И.М., Крамарева Л.С., Королев С.П. Изучение продуктов извержений вулканов Камчатки с помощью гиперспектральных спутниковых данных в информационной системе VolSatView // Современные проблемы дистанционного зондирования Земли из космоса. 2015. Т. 12. № 1. С. 113-128.
Annually in Kamchatka from three to eight volcanoes are in eruptions or in a state of unrest. Multidisciplinary study of each eruption encompassing the history and evaluation of geological effect with the detailed examination of volcanogenic products is needed to assess the dynamics of volcanic activity and hazard to population. The combined efforts of experts from IVS FEB RAS, IKI RAS, CC FEB RAS and FEC FSI RCSH “Planeta” led to the development of the information system called Monitoring of Activity of Kamchatkan Volcanoes (VolSatView, The system allows working with various satellite data of mid to high resolution, meteorological and instrumental information from on-ground observation networks and to conduct combined analyses of diverse data. Currently, the VolSatView features an advanced instrumental base for the analyses of hyperspectral data that could be applied for the examination of volcanic activity. This paper illustrates application of the VolSatView in studying eruptive products of the Northern group of Kamchatka volcanoes (ex. pyroclastic and lava formations) based on hyperspectral satellite data. It is found that spectral reflectivity is indicative of pyroclastic rocks of andesitic composition, whereas spectral brightness is more informative in examination of fresh hot lava. Basaltic and andesitic lavas differ in spectral parameters, for example, in profile configurations of spectral brightness and their values.
Гирина О.А., Маневич А.Г., Мельников Д.В., Нуждаев А.А., Демянчук Ю.В. Активность вулканов Камчатки в 2014 г. // Вулканизм и связанные с ним процессы. Тезисы докладов XVIII региональной конференции, посвященной Дню вулканолога, 30 марта - 1 апреля 2015 г. Петропавловск-Камчатский: ИВиС ДВО РАН. 2015. С. 20-22.
Гирина О.А., Демянчук Ю.В., Мельников Д.В., Маневич А.Г., Маневич Т.М., Нуждаев А.А. Извержение вулкана Ключевской в 2015 г. и его опасность для авиации // Вулканизм и связанные с ним процессы. Тезисы XVIII региональной конференции, посвященной Дню вулканолога, 30 марта - 1 апреля 2015 г. Петропавловск-Камчатский: ИВиС ДВО РАН. 2015. С. 14-19.
Гирина О.А. Особенности тектоники Северной группы вулканов Камчатки // Вулканизм и связанные с ним процессы. Тезисы докладов XVIII региональной конференции, посвященной Дню вулканолога, 30 марта - 1 апреля 2015 г. Петропавловск-Камчатский: ИВиС ДВО РАН. 2015. С. 140-144.
Volynets Anna, Melnikov Dmitry, Griboedova Irina Plagioclase lapilli and phenocrysts in the lavas of the 2012-2013 Tolbachik Fissure eruption // 8-th Biennial Workshop on Japan-Kamchatka-Alaska Subduction Processes, JKASP 2014. 22-26 September, 2014, Sapporo, Japan. 2014.
The 2012-2013 Tolbachik Fissure eruption started from lava gushing and effusion in the Menyailov vent on November 27 th , 2012; after three days the activity of this vent ceased and the eruption continued from the Naboko vent until its end in September 2013. The eruption produced about 0.7 km 3 of high-Al basaltic trachyandesites (Dvigalo et al., 2014). At Menyailov vent SiO2 concentrations were as high as 55.35 wt.% and K2O -2.67 wt.% -higher than in any previously erupted rocks in Tolbachik monogenetic area. From the beginning of December, SiO 2 concentration in lavas dropped by 2 wt.% and remained at this level until the end of eruption. MgO, TiO2, Mg# increased, K2O, Na2O decreased slightly. Most prominent change we observe in K2O/MgO ratio, which was about 0.7 in the Menyailov vent rocks and became 0.5 in the Naboko vent rocks. Details of the geochemical composition of the volcanic rocks produced by this eruption are reported elsewhere (Volynets et al., 2013, Volynets et al., 2014 a, b); here we present the results of the geochemical study of the main phenocrysts in the lavas – plagioclase. For the detailed geochemical study of the plagioclase we selected two samples from the Naboko vent (Pl-phyric lavas, erupted in February and August) and five crystal lapilli (two of them were erupted in December 2012, and three – during 2013, when the new cone has been already built). Plagioclases in these lavas are represented by two generations of labradorite and bytownite. Pl phenocrysts of the 1 st generation are large (up to 2 cm on the long axis) strongly resorbed at the edges and sometimes in the cores as well, containing lots of glass inclusions. Pl subphenocrysts of the 2 nd generation are smaller (less than 500 µm), usually nonresorbed and clean, having euhedral facets. Normal, reversed and patchy zoning are typical for all studied crystals (fig.1, I and II). Maximum concentrations of An (up to 83% at compositional variation between An50 and 74) has been measured in the patchy zones. Crystal lapilli are characterized by the oscillatory zoning with An fluctuations around An57-63 (fig. 1, III and IV). This kind of zoning is the result of the diffusion control of Pl growth at low growth rates (Sibley et al., 1976). The edges of lapilli are usually rich of glassy inclusions, tunnel-like dissolution structures, Ol, Px, Mt inclusions (fig. 1, III and IV). There are abundant resorption zones in lapilli, with plenty of glassy inclusions. These zones are characterized by the patchy zoning with An concentration jumps up to An74; usually these high-An areas are observed near the inclusions of glass. At the edges of lapilli there are zones with An gradual decrease towards the rim from An 74 to An61.

Plagioclase lapilli and phenocrysts in the lavas of the 2012-2013 Tolbachik Fissure eruption.
Melnikov Dmitry, Harris Andrew, Volynets Anna, Belousov Alexander, Belousova Marina Dynamic of the lava flows during the Tolbachik Fissure eruption in 2012-2013 (Kamchatka) inferred from the satellite and ground-based observations // EGU General Assembly 2014. 2014, Vienna, Austria. 2014.
Fissure eruption on the slope of Plosky Tolbachik volcano continued from November 27th, 2012 until September
2013. It was named as The Institute of Volcanology and Seismology 50th Anniversary Fissure Tolbachik Eruption.
The eruption started from the 5 km-long fissure opening and continued with the intensive lava effusion from it.
During the first two days of eruption the length of the lava flows was 9 km, and lava covered the area of 14.4
km2 (Gordeev et al., 2013). Lava discharge rate at this period was about 400 m3/sec. Two eruptive centers were
formed on the fissure – upper (Menyailov vent) and lower (Naboko vent), and lava gushed from them to the height
up to 200-300 meters. On December 1st, the Menyailov vent activity ceased, and the eruption concentrated at the
Naboko vent. Cinder cone was formed here, and lava flows effused from the base of the cone. Lava erupted from
the Menyailov vent, is different from the Naboko vent lava by higher silica content (SiO2 55.35 wt.% vs. 52.5
wt.%, respectively). That may be caused by the discharge of two levels of the magma chamber, fractionated to
a different extent. Morphologically, lava flows from the beginning of eruption until April 2013 were dominantly
aa-lava type, and from April until September 2013 pahoehoe type dominated.
For distinguishing of the dynamic of the lava flows the following methods were applied. As remote sensing methods
we used different satellite data – for specification of the area covered by lava flows, their length, temperature we
used Landsat 7 ETM+, Landsat 8, ASTER, EO-1 ALI and HYPERION. For time averaged discharge rate (TADR)
and lava flow area determination we used AVHRR data. We detected that in December 2013 lava discharge rate
varied from 120 to 40 m3/sec, and then it gradually decreased to average values 5-15 m3/sec and remained on this
level until the end of eruption. These data are confirmed by the ground-based observations, which were conducted
during the entire period of eruption. At the end of eruption in September 2013, lava flows area was about 36 km2, the maximum length of the lava flow – 15 km.
Clarke Amanda B., Ongaro Tomaso, Belousov Alexander Vulcanian Eruptions / Encyclopedia of Volcanoes. Academic Press: Elsevier. 2015. P. 505-518.
Zellmer Georg F., Rubin K., Miller C., Shellnut G., Belousov Alexander, Belousova Marina Resolving discordant U–Th–Ra ages: constraints on petrogenetic processes of recent effusive eruptions at Tatun Volcano Group, northern Taiwan / Chemical, Physical and Temporal Evolution of Magmatic Systems. London: Geological Society, Special Publications. // The Geological Society of London. 2015. Vol. 422. doi: 10.1144/SP422.3.
Belousov Alexander, Belousova Marina, Krimer D., Costa F., Prambada O., Zaennudin A. Volcaniclastic stratigraphy of Gede Volcano, West Java, Indonesia: How it erupted and when // Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 2015. Vol. 301. P. 238-252.
Муравьев Я.Д., Саламатин А.Н. Баланс массы и термодинамический режим ледника в кратере Ушковского вулкана // Вулканология и сейсмология. 1989. № 3. С. 85-92.
Построена теплофизическая модель стационарного состояния ледника в активном кратере Ушковского вулкана. Анализ составляющих баланса массы льда показал повышенный геотермический поток (среднее значение 10 Вт/м2) в пределах вершинного конуса и слабую его изменчивость за последние 40 лет. По измеренной скорости аккумуляции и распределению температуры в снежнофирновой скорости аккумуляции и распределению температуры в снежно-фирновой толще в центре кратера Горшкова предполагается существование значительного поднятия (вложенного малого кратера), перекрытого ледником.
Полученные расчетные формулы помогут оценить параметры критических состояний нестационарных ледяных масс на склонах Ключевского вулкана.
Рис.5, библ.8.