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Records: 2752
Volynets O.N., Flerov G.B., Andreev V.N., Popolitov E.I., Abramov V.A., Petrov L.L., Shcheka S.A., Selivanova G.I. Geochemical features of the rocks of the Great Tolbachik Fissure Eruption 1975–1976 in relation to petrogenesis / The Great Tolbachik Fissure Eruption. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1983. P. 116-140.
Fedotov S.A., Kovalev G.N., Markhinin Y.K., Slezin Y.B., Tsyurupa A.I., Gusev N.A., Andreyev V.I., Leonov V.L., Ovsyannikov A.A. Chronology and features of the Southern Breakthrough of the Great Tolbachik Fissure Eruption, 1975-1976 / The Great Tolbachik Eruption. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1983. P. 11-25.
Girina O.A., Melnikov D.V., Manevich A.G., Nuzhdaev A.A., Petrova E. The 2017 Activity of Kamchatka Volcanoes and Danger to Aviation // Abstracts. JpGU2018. May 20-24, 2018. Chiba, Japan. Chiba, Japan: JpGU. 2018. № HDS08-P01.
Салтыков В.А., Воропаев П.В., Кугаенко Ю.А., Чебров Д.В. Удинская сейсмическая активизация 2017–2018 гг. // Вестник КРАУНЦ. Серия: Науки о Земле. 2018. Вып. 37. № 1. С. 5-7.
Обсуждается активизация сейсмичности под Удинскими вулканами, свидетельствующая о возможном возобновлении их вулканической активности. Значимость активизации проанализирована по методике статистической оценки уровня сейсмичности СОУС’09, применяющейся для мониторинга сейсмичности Камчатки.
Ладыгин В.М., Фролова Ю.В., Спиридонов Э.М. О явлении аномально низких значений скоростей продольных волн современных базальтоидов // Вестник КРАУНЦ. Серия: Науки о Земле. 2018. Вып. 37. № 1. С. 20-31.
The paper shows that the abnormally low values of longitudinal wave velocities, typical even for dense differences, are an important feature of Holocene effusive rocks of medium-basic composition. In order to explain this phenomenon, a series of experiments was conducted to saturate the samples with a phosphor followed by a study of the structure of the pore-fractured space on a fluorescent microscope. The experiments showed that low P-wave velocities are caused by the network of the finest microcracks formed in the rock during cooling and crystallization of the magmatic melt.
Котенко Т.А., Сандимирова Е.И., Котенко Л.В. Извержения вулкана Эбеко (Курильские острова) в 2016−2017 гг. // Вестник КРАУНЦ. Серия: Науки о Земле. 2018. Вып. 37. № 1. С. 32-42.
The article presents data on two explosive eruptions produced by Ebeko Volcano 19 to 20 October, 2016 and over the period from November 8, 2016 till the end of August 2017. The latter eruption continues. The material was erupted from three vents: one vent is located in the Active funnel and two vents are at the bottom of Middle crater. The authors analyzed the chemical, mineral, and granulometric compositions of tephra. The studied tephra does not contain magmatic components. The authors classify the eruptions as phreatic. The paper provides the assessment of the composition and volume of gas emission. The gross total volume of the erupted material was estimated to exceed 1.5 million tons.
Мельников Д.В., Жижин М.Н., Трифонов Г.М., Пойда А.А. Динамика извержения вулкана Сноу (о. Чирпой, Курильские острова) в 2012–2017 гг.: результаты применения алгоритма VIIRS Nightfire // Современные проблемы дистанционного зондирования Земли из космоса. 2018. Т. 15. № 3. С. 69-79. doi: 10.21046/2070-7401-2018-15-3-69-79.
Here we present the results of the successful application of VIIRS satellite data for monitoring and reconstruction of the eruption history of Snow volcano (Chirpoi Island, Kuriles) in 2012–2017. We used Nightfire algorithm to accomplish our tasks. This algorithm differs significantly from the other similar systems due to simultaneous usage of numerous diapasons of the infrared spectra (from near to long ranges) together with the data of the visible spectra, while most of the other algorithms (for example, MODVOLC and MIROVA) use one or two diapasons from the middle or long parts of the infrared spectra. Our research shows that the maximal thermal radiation power (MW) was observed from November 2012 to January 2013. During this period, first and most voluminous portion of lava flow was produced. There are four more well-distinguished periods of this eruption: September – October 2013; March – June 2014; August – November 2014; April – June 2015. All of them correspond to the impulses of the fresh lava eruptions, although the thickness of these lava flows is smaller compared to the first period.
Малеев Е.Ф. Пеплы вулкана Тятя извержения 1973 года // Бюллетень вулканологических станций. 1975. № 51. С. 19-27.
Королев С.П., Романова И.М., Мальковский С.И., Сорокин А.А. Сервис-ориентированный интерфейс для доступа к научным данным в области исследования и оперативного мониторинга состояния вулканов Камчатки и Северных Курил // Системы и средства информатики. 2018. Т. 28. № 2. С. 88-98. doi:10.14357/08696527180207.
On the territory of the Russian Far East, there are dozens of active volcanoes, requiring continuous attention of scientists for analysis and control of their condition. To provide solutions of various scientific problems, different information systems were implemented. However, disunity of information systems and limited data exchange between them limit the possibility of carrying out complex studies. This may result in disastrous consequences for the population and different fields of people's activities. The article describes the developed service-oriented software interface that implements interaction between the main existing information systems. The mutual use of accumulated sets of scientific data and processing instruments improves research and operational monitoring of the state of volcanoes in Kamchatka and Northern Kuriles.
Гирина О.А. О действующих вулканах Камчатки и их изучении // "Заповедная Россия": материалы библиотечных чтений. Петропавловск-Камчатский: КГБУ Камчатская краевая детская библиотека им.В. Кручины. 2018. С. 5-14.