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Петухов С.И., Анохин В.М., Мельников М.Е. Особенности геодинамических обстановок в районе Северо-Западного звена Магеллановых гор (Тихий океан) // Вестник КРАУНЦ. Серия: Науки о Земле. 2012. Вып. 20. № 2. С. 78-88.
A lineament analysis of the relief was made using a detailed bathymetry map of the region drawn according to the results of multi-beam echo-sounding. The authors separated linear objects of the relief, measured their course azimuths, plotted the rose diagram of the lineament directivities of the region, and built the models of the surface and subsurface deformation field of the region at separating the blocks of dominant stress and strain. The blocks travel along the lines of alternation of stress sign (block borders). The directivities
of the block borders were compared with the lineaments directivities resulting in conclusion that they both have spatial and generic relations. The systems of linear forms directivities of the relief and the borders of surface and subsurface blocks partially correspond to the four main systems of the global disjunctive network (planetary fracturing), which suggests a considerable influence of the latter on the structural plan of the region.Redistribution of stresses is associated with the modern geological processes leading to the formation of new
configurations of seabed relief and partial destruction of the old surfaces of guyots.
Пономарев Г.П., Пузанков М.Ю. Система эмпирических уравнений для расчетов условий образования магматических парагенезисов // Вестник КРАУНЦ. Серия: Науки о Земле. 2012. Вып. 20. № 2. С. 89-99.
The article provides data on a set of equations (about 600 equations) created using a database of experimental data called «INFOREX». Along with traditional equations such as thermometers and barometers, the authors created meltometers to calculate element content in a melt and equilibrometers to calculate composition equilibrium of studied paragenesis. The article presents examples for each type of equations with their properties. Investigation of interphase distribution of elements allowed distinguishing pressure-sensitive and temperature-sensitive elements, peculiarities of distribution of silica, aluminium, magnesium, and calcium, magnesium – alkali sum in basic iltrabasic melt system – is a rock-forming mineral. Equations and a number of regularities used to distinguish genesis of natural paragenesis allowed evaluation of melt ascent rate in rift valleys of Mid-Ocean Ridge, as well as provided evidence for non-magmatic genesis of diamonds and increasing in magnesium content in komatiites during secondary alterations.
Мартынова М.Ю. Петрология и вопросы эволюции плейстоцен-голоценовых лав вулканического центра Уксичан (Срединный хребет, Камчатка) // Вестник КРАУНЦ. Серия: Науки о Земле. 2012. Вып. 20. № 2. С. 159-173.
New data on petrography, chemical and mineral composition of Pleistocene- Holocene basaltic lavas from shield volcanoes and scoria cones of Uksichan volcanic field (the Central Kamchatka volcanic belt, Kamchatka peninsula) show that they originate from a common magma source and parental magma, but with different degree and types of fractional crystallization. The computer simulation evidences that the lavas from late shield volcanoes were formed during isobaric crystallization (H2O ~ 2 wet %, ƒО2 – +1.2 NNO) under a pressure of 5 to 1 kbar with a step of 1 kbar. Such physical conditions correspond to relatively slow rising of magma chambers from depth of ~ 15 km to ~ 3 km. Scoria cones were generated during polibaric fractional crystallization (H2O ~ 2.6 wet. %, ƒО2 – +1.1 NNO) with decompression speed of 0.25 kbar / % crystallization. This type of differentiation assumes the relatively fast melt transport without a long storage in the crust magma chambers. Petrochemical indicators of two differentiation types are behavior of CaO and Al2O3.
Бергаль-Кувикас О.В. Особенности пространственного проявления вулканизма Парамуширской группы, Курильская островная дуга // Вестник КРАУНЦ. Серия: Науки о Земле. 2012. Вып. 20. № 2. С. 194-207.
This article represents a detail analysis of the spatial variations in volcanism from the Northern sector of the Kurile Island Arc. Investigations of the volcano time activity and comparison of the volume of erupted material made it possible to characterize features of the volcanism on the front and rear zones in dependence of the slab depth and location of faults. Data from volcanic location, as well as microscopic and geochemical analysis of its products allowed identifying geologic and petrologic peculiarities of volcanic formations in three main zones: the frontal, the intermediate, and rear zones.
Масуренков Ю.П., Егорова И.А., Кочегура В.В., Лупикина Е.Г., Флоренский И.В. Геологические соотношения и последовательность формирования вулканогенных и вулканогенно-осадочных образований / Вулканический центр: строение, динамика, вещество (Карымская структура). М.: Наука. 1980. С. 8-17.
Лупикина Е.Г. Последовательность и условия накопления озерных вулканогенно-осадочных отложений по данным диатомового анализа / Вулканический центр: строение, динамика, вещество (Карымская структура). М.: Наука. 1980. С. 23-52.
Котенко Т.А., Котенко Л.В., Сандимирова Е.И., Шапарь В.Н., Тимофеева И.Ф. Эруптивная активность вулкана Эбеко (о. Парамушир) в 2010-2011 гг. // Вестник КРАУНЦ. Серия: Науки о Земле. 2012. Вып. 19. № 1. С. 160-167.
The items of information about eruptions activity of Ebeko volcano in 2010-2011 are resulted. In 2010 from eruption funnel of Northern crater there were two weak short-term explosive eruptions. The eruption was phreatic, the cast out products are submitted by resurgent ashes. Volumes of the thrown out material ~ 1.2 t and ~ 95 t accordingly. All eruptions were anticipated by changes in chemical structure of fumarole gases, before eruption of July 2, 2010 the seismic harbingers were observed. In July, 2011 there was a series of hydrothermal explosions on the average crater of a volcano. The morphological changes have bottom and southwest wall of a crater. The maximal range ejection of ashes did not exceed 560 m.
Козлов Д.Н., Жарков Р.В. Тепловизионная съемка активных вулканов Курильских островов в 2009-2011 гг. // Вестник КРАУНЦ. Серия: Науки о Земле. 2012. Вып. 19. № 1. С. 231-239.
The paper presents results from heat vision survey conducted at the following active volcanoes of the Kurile Islands during field works in 2009-2011: Golovnin and Mendeleev (Kunashir Isl.), Sarychev Peak (Matua Isl.), Ekarma (Ekarma Isl.), and Zavaritsky (Simushir Isl.). The paper contains thermogramms made after eruptions of Sarychev Peak in 2009 and Ekarma in 2010. Methods of heat vision survey and processing of infra-red images are described.
Гришин С.Ю., Комачкова И.В. Температура отложений мощного пирокластического потока 2005 г. на вулкане Шивелуч (Камчатка) и начало его зарастания // Вестник КРАУНЦ. Серия: Науки о Земле. 2011. Вып. 18. № 2. С. 128-134.
Thick deposits of pyroclastic flow from Shiveluch Volcano (February 2005) have remained high temperature for 6 years after the eruption. Despite the increased temperature of the deposits, plants began its colonization in recent years. To identify features of succession certain characteristics of unusual ecotope have been studied, including distribution of temperature background.
Фирстов П.П., Шакирова А.А. Сейсмические явления, сопровождавшие извержение вулкана Кизимен в 2011 г. // Вестник КРАУНЦ. Серия: Науки о Земле. 2011. Вып. 18. № 2. С. 7-13.