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Андреев В.И., Пузанков М.Ю. Вулкан Большая Ипелька - геологические и геохимические особенности // Материалы конференции, посвященной Дню вулканолога. Петропавловск-Камчатский, 30-31 марта 2009 г. Петропавловск-Камчатский: ИВиС ДВО РАН. 2010. С. 85-91. 210 с.
Bolshaya Ipelka is a shield-shaped volcano, the largest among the units of this type in Kamchatka. The most typical mega-plagiophyre volcanites show that Th/U ratio for the rocks is equal to 3.6, though the standard value for Kamchatka Quarternary volcanites comprises about 1.5. The reason of the untypical content and, respectively, the ratio of these components might be oxidation and further migration of uranium. Conditions for this likely occurred in shallow circulating peripheral magma chambers not only at Ipelka, but to less extend at some other volcanoes with mega-plagiophyre variations of magmas.
Korolev S.P., Urmanov I.P., Kamaev A., Girina O.A. Parametric Methods and Algorithms of Volcano Image Processing / Software Engineering Perspectives in Intelligent Systems. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Cham: Springer. 2020. Vol. 1295. P. 253-263.
A key problem of any video volcano surveillance network is an inconsistent quality and information value of the images obtained. To timely analyze the incoming data, they should be pre-filtered. Additionally, due to the continuous network operation and low shooting intervals, an operative visual analysis of the shots stream is quite difficult and requires the application of various computer algorithms. The article considers the parametric algorithms of image analysis developed by the authors for processing the shots of the volcanoes of Kamchatka. They allow automatically filtering the image flow generated by the surveillance network, highlighting those significant shots that will be further analyzed by volcanologists. A retrospective processing of the full image archive with the methods suggested helps to get a data set, labeled with different classes, for future neural network training.
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Хренов А.П., Двигало В.Н., Кирсанов И.Т., Федотов С.А., Горельчик В.И., Жаринов Н.А. Вулкан Ключевской // Действующие вулканы Камчатки. М.: Наука. 1991. Т. 1. С. 106-153.
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Волынец О.Н., Пополитов Э.И., Флеров Г.Б., Кирсанов И.Т. Распределение ряда главных и малых элементов в плагиоклазах четвертичных вулканических пород и включений Курило-Камчатской островной дуги // Минералогические исследования на Дальнем Востоке. 1977. С. 24-46.
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Khubaeva Olga, Bergal-Kuvikas Olga, Sidorov M.D. Identification of Ruptures and their Interaction with Hydrothermal–Magmatic Systems on Northern Paramushir Isl. (Kuril Islands, Russia): 3D Modeling of Tectonic Fragmentation // Geotecton. 2020. № 54. P. 785-796. doi: 10.1134/S0016852120060072.