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Цюрупа А.И. В.Н. Виноградов // Неизвестная Камчатка. 1998. № 1. С. 36-37.
Braitseva O.A., Melekestsev I.V., Bogoyavlenskaya G.E., Maksimov A.P. Bezymyannyi: Eruptive History and Dynamics // Volcanology and Seismology. 1991. Vol. 12. № 2. P. 165-194.
Tokarev P.I. Dynamics and Large Deformations of Volcanoes // Volcanology and Seismology. 1991. Vol. 12. № 2. P. 241-259.
Naboko S.I., Glavatskikh S.F. The Behaviour of Cu, Zn, and Pb in Modern Volcanic Processes: Implications for the Genesis of Sulphide Deposits // Volcanology and Seismology. 1991. Vol. 12. № 2. P. 214-240.
Felitsyn S.B., Vaganov P.A., Kirianov V.Yu. Trace Element Distribution in Kamchatkan Ashes from Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis // Volcanology and Seismology. 1991. Vol. 12. № 2. P. 195-213.
Камчатские экспедиции вулканолога Бориса Пийпа (дневники 1931-1954 гг.) / Отв. ред. Белоусова М.Г., Белоусов А.Б. М.: Тов-во научных изданий КМК. 2021. 509 с.
В книге публикуются полевые дневники известного советского вулканолога,
основателя и первого директора Института вулканологии ДВО РАН на Камчатке,
члена-корреспондента Академии наук СССР Бориса Ивановича Пийпа (6.11.1906–10.03.1966), а также воспоминания о нем и его переписка. В книге описаны экспедиции 1931–1954 гг. на Ключевскую группу вулканов, на вулканы Авачинский, Шивелуч, Толбачик, в кальдеру Узон, на термальные ключи
Центральной и Северной Камчатки и на Курильские острова для изучения последствий цунами 1952 г.
Книга приурочена к 115-летию с даты рождения Б.И. Пийпа.
Гирина О.А., Маневич А.Г., Мельников Д.В., Нуждаев А.А., Кашницкий А.В., Уваров И.А., Романова И.М., Сорокин А.А., Мальковский С.И., Королев С.П., Крамарева Л.С. Спутниковый мониторинг эксплозивного извержения вулкана Чиринкотан (Северные Курилы) в 2021 г. // Современные проблемы дистанционного зондирования Земли из космоса. 2021. Т. 18. № 5. С. 321-327.
Chirinkotan volcano–island is located in the rear zone of the Northern Kuril Islands. The eruptive activity of the volcano is represented by explosive (Vulcanian type) and explosive-effusive eruptions of moderate intensity; the composition of the rocks is andesite. There is information about eight historical volcanic eruptions. The paper describes the course of the eruption in August 2021 based on the study of various satellite data in the information system “Remote monitoring of Kamchatka and Kuril Islands volcanic activity” (VolSatView, Single explosions on Chirinkotan volcano were noted on August 8–10, 15, 17, 18, 22 and 23; and three explosive events took place on August 14. Ash clouds moved mainly west, southwest, east and southeast of the volcano. The total area of ash falls during the eruption exceeded 55 thousand km2. Chirinkotan volcano ash repeatedly fell on the Islands of Raikoke, Matua, Rasshua, Ekarma, Shiashkotan, Harimkotan and Onekotan. For this eruption, the Volcanic Explosivity Index is rated 2. The activity of the volcano in August was hazardous to local aviation
Ponomareva V.V., Pendea I. Florin, Zelenin Egor, Portnyagin Maxim, Gorbach N.V., Pevzner M.M., Plechova A.A., Derkachev Alexander, Rogozin Aleksei, Garbe-Schönberg Dieter The first continuous late Pleistocene tephra record from Kamchatka Peninsula (NW Pacific) and its volcanological and paleogeographic implications // Quaternary Science Reviews. 2021. Vol. 257. 1. № Article 106838. P. 1-23.
The Kamchatka volcanic arc (NW Pacific) is one of the most productive arcs in the world, known for its highly explosive activity. At the same time, the Kamchatkan record of late Pleistocene explosive eruptions has remained fragmentary. Here we present the first continuous record of Kamchatkan explosive activity between ~12 and 30 ka, which includes ~70 eruptions and extends the earlier reconstructed Holocene sequence for another 20 ka. Our record is based on geochemical correlations of 14C-dated tephras that represent all Kamchatka volcanic zones and are buried in lacustrine deposits along the 200 km stretch of the Central Kamchatka Depression (CKD). The accompanying geochemical database of volcanic glass compositions includes 3104 new electron microprobe and 221 LA-ICP-MS analyses. The data show that during the period under study, large silicic explosive eruptions peaked at 30e25 ka. Later times were mostly associated with the moderate activity from northern CKD volcanoes Shiveluch and Zarechny. Our tephra record provides the first tephrochronological model for dating and correlating Central Kamchatka late Pleistocene deposits and gives us some insight into the timing of glacial advances in the Kliuchevskoi volcanic group and volcanic response to the onset of the Last Glacial Maximum and glacial unloading at its termination. In addition, studied sections of lacustrine deposits tightly linked by tephra markers suggest the existence of a large lake system within the CKD for ~20 kyr until its final discharge at ~12 ka BP.
Korolev S.P., Sorokin A.A., Urmanov I.P., Kamaev A., Girina O.A. Classification of Video Observation Data for Volcanic Activity Monitoring Using Computer Vision and Modern Neural NetWorks (on Klyuchevskoy Volcano Example) // Remote Sensing. 2021. Vol. 13. Vol. 23. № 4747. P. 1-20.
Currently, video observation systems are actively used for volcano activity monitoring. Video cameras allow us to remotely assess the state of a dangerous natural object and to detect thermal anomalies if technical capabilities are available. However, continuous use of visible band cameras instead of special tools (for example, thermal cameras), produces large number of images, that require the application of special algorithms both for preliminary filtering out the images with area of interest hidden due to weather or illumination conditions, and for volcano activity detection. Existing algorithms use preselected regions of interest in the frame for analysis. This region could be changed occasionally to observe events in a specific area of the volcano. It is a problem to set it in advance and keep it up to date, especially for an observation network with multiple cameras. The accumulated perennial archives of images with documented eruptions allow us to use modern deep learning technologies for whole frame analysis to solve the specified task. The article presents the development of algorithms to classify volcano images produced by video observation systems. The focus is on developing the algorithms to create a labelled dataset from an unstructured archive using existing and authors proposed techniques. The developed solution was tested using the archive of the video observation system for the volcanoes of Kamchatka, in particular the observation data for the Klyuchevskoy volcano. The tests show the high efficiency of the use of convolutional neural networks in volcano image classification, and the accuracy of classification achieved 91%. The resulting dataset consisting of 15,000 images and labelled in three classes of scenes is the first dataset of this kind of Kamchatka volcanoes. It can be used to develop systems for monitoring other stratovolcanoes that occupy most of the video frame.
Korzhinsky M. A., Tkachenko S. I., Shmulovich K. I., Taran Y. A., Steinberg G. S. Discovery of a pure rhenium mineral at Kudriavy volcano // Nature. 1994. Vol. 369. P. 51-52. doi: 10.1038/369051a0.
KUDRIAVY volcano on Iturup island in the Kuril arc is an active calc-alkaline volcano. It has not erupted this century; its current volcanic activity is characterized by hot (up to 910oC) gas jets which have been stable for at least 30 years. The composition of the gaseous emissions is typical of high-temperature fumaroles, but we report here the discovery of unusual subsurface sublimates associated with one gas jet—a sulphide mineral containing rhenium as the only cation. To our knowledge, this is the first reported occurrence of a pure rhenium mineral. The concentration of rhen-ium in the fumarole gas is only 2–10 p.p.b., so the condensation of pure rhenium sulphide from this gas requires both enrichment of rhenium by eight orders of magnitude and remarkable selectivity. Rhenium is generally believed to exist in only trace amounts at the Earth's surface, but our findings demonstrate that it can be readily mobilized, dispersed and concentrated by degassing magmas.