Записей: 2773
Shishkina T.A., Botcharnikov R.E., Holtz F., Almeev R.R., Portnyagin M.V. Solubility of H2O- and CO2-bearing fluids in tholeiitic basalts at pressures up to 500 MPa // Chemical Geology. 2010. Vol. 277. № 1–2. P. 115 - 125. doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2010.07.014.
The solubility of H2O- and CO2-bearing fluids in tholeiitic basalts has been investigated experimentally at temperature of 1250 °C and pressures of 50, 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 MPa. The concentrations of dissolved H2O and CO2 have been determined using FTIR spectroscopy with an accurate calibration of the absorption coefficients for hydrogen- and carbon-bearing species using synthesized standards of the same tholeiitic composition. The absorption coefficients are 0.65 ± 0.08 and 0.69 ± 0.08 L/(mol cm) for molecular H2O and OH groups by Near-Infrared (NIR), respectively, and 68 ± 10 L/(mol cm) for bulk H2O by Mid-Infrared (MIR). The carbonate groups determined by MIR have an absorption coefficient of 317 ± 23 L/(mol cm) for the band at 1430 cm−1.The solubility of H2O in the melt in equilibrium with pure H2O fluid increases from about 2.3 ± 0.12 wt.% at 50 MPa to about 8.8 ± 0.16 wt.% at 500 MPa, whereas the concentration of CO2 increases from about 175 ± 15 to 3318 ± 276 ppm in the melts which were equilibrated with the most CO2-rich fluids (with mole fraction of CO2 in the fluid, XflCO2, from 0.70 to 0.95). In melts coexisting with H2O- and CO2-bearing fluids, the concentrations of dissolved H2O and CO2 in basaltic melt show a non-linear dependence on both total pressure and mole fraction of volatiles in the equilibrium fluid, which is in agreement with previous studies. A comparison of new experimental data with existing numerical solubility models for mixed H2O–CO2 fluids shows that the models do not adequately predict the solubility of volatiles in basaltic liquids at pressures above 200 MPa, in particular for CO2, implying that the models need to be recalibrated.

The experimental dataset presented in this study enables a quantitative interpretation of volatile concentrations in glass inclusions to evaluate the magma storage conditions and degassing paths of natural island arc basaltic systems. The experimental database covers the entire range of volatile compositions reported in the literature for natural melt inclusions in olivine from low- to mid-K basalts indicating that most melt inclusions were trapped or equilibrated at intermediate to shallow levels in magmatic systems (< 12–15 km).
Siebert Lee, Glicken Harry, Ui Tadahide Volcanic hazards from Bezymianny- and Bandai-type eruptions // Bulletin of Volcanology. 1987. Vol. 49. Vol. 1. P. 435-459. doi: 10.1007/BF01046635.
Simakin Alexander, Salova Tamara, Devyatova Vera, Zelensky Michael Reduced carbonic fluid and possible nature of high-K magmas of Tolbachik // Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 2015. Vol. 307. P. 210 - 221. doi: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2015.10.018.
Abstract Historical basaltic eruptions of Tolbachik volcano (Kamchatka) are of a medium to high potassic type. The potassic character of magmatism can be attributed to the influence of CO2–CO-rich fluid at or near the magma generation depths. Decarbonatization reactions in the mantle under Tolbachik producing a column of the carbonic fluids may be connected with the recent accretion of Kronotsky paleoarc with carbonates dragged under the mantle wedge. With thermodynamic modeling, we show that reduced carbonic fluid at fO2 < {NNO} may be a good carrier of nickel transported in the form of Ni(CO)4. This carbonyl is expected to become thermally stable near the magmatic temperatures at pressures above 1 GPa. In the crust, it is predicted to be thermally stable within the {PT} field of the amphibolite facies. We connect the particles of native Ni and Ag–Pt alloy observed in the volcanic aerosols from the 2012–13 Tolbachik eruption with flushing of the ascending Tolbachik magma with reduced carbonic fluids enriched with {PGE} and Ni. Native metals may form by the thermal decomposition of the carbonyls and other carbon-bearing compounds dissolved in the fluid.
Simon A., Yogodzinski G.M., Robertson K., Smith E., Selyangin O., Kiryukhin A., Mulcahy S.R., Walker J.D. Evolution and genesis of volcanic rocks from Mutnovsky Volcano, Kamchatka // Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 2014. Vol. 286. P. 116 - 137. doi: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2014.09.003.
This study presents new geochemical data for Mutnovsky Volcano, located on the volcanic front of the southern portion of the Kamchatka arc. Field relationships show that Mutnovsky Volcano is comprised of four distinct stratocones, which have grown over that past 80 ka. The youngest center, Mutnovsky IV, has produced basalts and basaltic andesites only. The three older centers (Mutnovsky I, II, III) are dominated by basalt and basaltic andesite (60–80 by volume), but each has also produced small volumes of andesite and dacite. Across centers of all ages, Mutnovsky lavas define a tholeiitic igneous series, from 48–70 SiO2. Basalts and basaltic andesites have relatively low K2O and Na2O, and high FeO* and Al2O3 compared to volcanic rocks throughout Kamchatka. The mafic lavas are also depleted in the light rare earth elements (REEs), with chondrite-normalized La/Sm < 1.0. Andesites have generally higher REE abundances and are more enriched in light REEs, some showing negative Eu anomalies. All samples are depleted in field strength elements (HFSEs) relative to similarly incompatible REEs (e.g., low La/Ta, Nd/Hf compared to MORB), similar to island arc volcanic rocks worldwide. Radiogenic isotope ratios (Sr, Nd, Pb, Hf) are similar for samples from all four eruptive centers, and indicate that all samples were produced by melting of a similar source mixture. No clear age-progressive changes are evident in the compositions of Mutnovsky lavas. Mass balance and assimilation-fractional crystallization (AFC) modeling of major and rare earth elements (REEs) indicate that basaltic andesites were produced by FC of plagioclase, clinopyroxene and olivine from a parental basalt, combined with assimilation of a melt composition similar to dacite lavas present at Mutnovsky. This modeling also indicates that andesites were produced by FC of plagioclase from basaltic andesite, combined with assimilation of dacite. Dacites erupted from Mutnovsky I and II have low abundances of REEs, and do not appear to be related to mafic magmas by FC or AFC processes. These dacites are modeled as the products of dehydration partial melting at mid-crustal levels of a garnet-free, amphibole-bearing basaltic rock, which itself formed in the mid-crust by emplacement of magma that originated from the same source as all Mutnovsky magmas. Lead isotope data indicate that subducted sediment is likely present in the source beneath Mutnovsky and most Kamchatka volcanoes, but uniformly radiogenic Hf and Nd in mafic samples (εNd = 8.7–9.3, εHf = 15.4–15.9), and significant variation in trace element ratios at nearly constant εNd and εHf, indicate that sediment plays a minor roll in controlling subduction trace element patterns in Mutnovsky lavas. Mafic lavas with Ba/Th > 450 require an aqueous fluid source component from subducting oceanic crust, but mixing patterns in isotope versus trace element ratio plots for Hf and the REEs (εNd and εHf vs. ratios with Ce, Nd and Hf) demonstrate that a source component with radiogenic Nd and Hf, and fractionated (arc-type) trace element ratios must be present in the source of Mutnovsky lavas. This source component, which is interpreted to be a partial melt of subducted basalt in the eclogite facies (eclogite melt source component), appears to be present in the source of all Kamchatka volcanoes. Cross-arc geochemical patterns at Mutnovsky and in other arc systems (Isu-Bonin, Tonga-Kermadec) suggest that the aqueous fluid component diminishes and the eclogite melt component is increased from volcanoes at the arc front compared to those in rear-arc positions.
Slezin Yu.B. The Bezymyannyi, Shiveluch, and St. Helens volcanoes: A comparative revision of their catastrophic eruptions during the 20th century // Journal of Volcanology and Seismology. 2015. Vol. 9. № 5. P. 289-294. doi:10.1134/S0742046315050073.
Slezin Yu.B. The morphology and rheology of modern Klyuchevskoi parasitic lava flows // Volcanology and Seismology. 1990. Vol. 10. Vol. 5. P. 665-686.
Sobisevich A.L., Agibalov A.O., Bergal-Kuvikas Olga, Zaitsev V.A., Zykov D.S., Makeev V.M., Poleshchuk A.V., Sentsov A.A., Shevchenko A.V. Developing the Methods for Multidisciplinary Morphometric Analysis of Relief for Assessing the Tectonic Fragmentation of the Interior // Journal of Volcanology and Seismology. 2024. № 18. P. 251-260. doi: 10.1134/S074204632470057X.
Sorokin A.A., Girina O.A., Korolev S.P., Romanova I.M., Efremov V.Yu., Malkovskii S., Verkhoturov A., Balashov I. The system of computer modeling of ash cloud propagation from Kamchatka volcanoes // 2016 6th International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering (WCSE 2016). Tokyo, Japan: 2016. Vol. II. P. 730-733.
Sorokin A.A., Girina O.A., Loupian E.A., Malkovskii S.I., Balashov I.V., Efremov V.Yu., Kramareva L.S., Korolev S.P., Romanova I.M., Simonenko E.V. Satellite observations and numerical simulation results for the comprehensive analysis of ash clouds transport during the explosive eruptions of Kamchatka volcanoes // Russian Meteorology and Hydrology. 2017. Vol. 42. № 12. P. 759-765. doi: 10.3103/S1068373917120032.
Ash clouds resulting from explosive volcanic eruptions pose a real threat to human (for aircraft flights, airports operations, etc.); therefore, the detection, monitoring, and forecast of their movement is an urgent and important issue. The features and examples of application of the new tool developed on the basis of "Monitoring of active volcanoes of Kamchatka and the Kurile Islands" information system (VolSatView) are described. It allows the integrated monitoring and forecasting of ash cloud transport using the data of remote sensing and mathematical modeling as well as the assessment of the parameters of explosive events.
Sorokin A.A., Korolev S.P., Romanova I.M., Girina O.A., Urmanov I.P. The Kamchatka volcano video monitoring system // 2016 6th International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering (WCSE 2016). Tokyo, Japan: 2016. Vol. II. P. 734-737.