Shokalsky (6.21) Volcano. Bibliography
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Бондаренко В.И., Рашидов В.А. Геоморфология подводного хребта Шокальского (Курильская островная дуга) // Вестник КРАУНЦ. Серия: Науки о Земле. 2013. Вып. 22. № 2. С. 44-54.
During the voyages of R\V Vulkanolog in the eighties of the last century the kamchatkan scientists studied 17 geophysical profiles (about 1100 route kilometres) within the submarine Shokalsky Ridge. The investigation showed that the Shokalsky Ridge is comprised of 4 large volcanic massives. Numerous faults were revealed within the ridge area, including those with traces of recent activity. Shift amplitude along some faults may be as long as several hundreds of meters. Canyons that split the Shokalsky Ridge are chiefly confined to the cross keystone faults.
Геофизические исследования подводных вулканов Курильской островной дуги. 2004.