Volcano Golovnin. Facts
Name: Golovnin
GVP Number: 290010
Synonims: Itibisinai, Tomariyama
Region: Kuril Islands
Volcanic Zone: Southern Kuriles
Coordinates: 43°50'37" N 145°30'16" E
Absolute Elevation: 543 m
Status: Active
Aviation Color Code: GREEN
Location: Caldera Golovnin forms the southern extremity of the Kunashir Island
Type: Caldera
Composition: two-pyroxene andesite-dacites, andesites, andesite-basalts, two-pyroxene andesites, dacites
Last known eruption: ~ 1848
Golovnin volcano forms a very gentle cone with a diameter of more than 10 km with a strongly truncated peak. At the top there is a caldera with a diameter of 4-4.5 km, the crest of which has a height of 300 - 400 m, the inner walls are relatively flat - no steeper than 25-28 °. The diameter of the bottom of the modern caldera is about 3 km. The northern part of it is occupied by a caldera lake 1 x 2.5 km in size. On the border of the lake and the elevated section of the bottom of the caldera in the latitudinal direction, there are two extrusive domes with a relative height above the lake level of 130 m. Western extrusion was opened in the north by a small explosive crater in which solfatars operate. At the foot of eastern extrusion, an explosive crater with a diameter of 350 m is located on the south side, it is partially cut into the slope of the dome, and partially into the adjacent section of the bottom of the caldera, the crater is occupied by the hot Lake Kipyashchee. In the caldera there are also the Podushechny domes (at the western shore of the lake) and Krutoy (at the southern edge of the caldera bottom), and Vneshniy dome is on its slope.

Горшков Г.С. Вулканизм Курильской островной дуги / Отв. ред. Рудич К.Н. М.: Наука. 1967. 288 с.
Potencial Hazard
Ash clouds, ash falls, pyroclastic flows, hot avalanches and lahars are a potential hazard associated with explosive eruptions of this volcano. The volcano poses a potential hazard to international and local airlines passing in the Kuriles region, since the height of its ash emissions can reach 10-15 km above sea level, ash plumes and clouds can drift hundreds and thousands of kilometers from the volcano in different directions.
Related Resources
Active Volcanoes of Kamchatka and Kuriles