Volcano Kolokol. Facts
Name: Kolokol
GVP Number: 290120
Synonims: Uruppu-Fudzi
Region: Kuril Islands
Volcanic Zone: Southern Kuriles
Coordinates: 46°2'37" N 150°2'55" E
Absolute Elevation: 1328 m
Status: Active
Aviation Color Code: GREEN
Location: In the northern part of Urup Island, southwest of the Berg volcano
Type: Stratovolcano
Composition: andesites
Last known eruption: 00000 - 0000
Volcano Kolokol has the appearance of a regular, graceful cone with a height of 1326 m above sea level. The crater of the volcano is severely destroyed, the crest is almost not preserved. At the top there was a flat area 150 x 200 m in size. A small lava flow descends to the west of the crater, there is a scree below, and several parallel lava flows up to 4 km long stretch from the foot of the cone almost to the seashore. A heavily strewn stream also descends along the southern slope of the volcano. A wide stream, in appearance of a very viscous lava, “reserves” the southeast slope of the volcano; apparently this was the last outpouring. From under the base of the cone south to the river valley. A slightly sintered pyroclastic stream descends with an even fish tape. Apparently, under the modern cone of the Kolokol volcano, some large crater is hidden, which gave this pyroclastic flow. The bell cone of Kolokol volcano is undoubtedly postglacial; there are almost no traces of erosion on it.

Горшков Г.С. Вулканизм Курильской островной дуги / Отв. ред. Рудич К.Н. М.: Наука. 1967. 288 с.
Potencial Hazard
Ash clouds, ash falls, pyroclastic flows, hot avalanches and lahars are a potential hazard associated with explosive eruptions of this volcano. The volcano poses a potential hazard to international and local airlines passing in the Kuriles region, since the height of its ash emissions can reach 10-15 km above sea level, ash plumes and clouds can drift hundreds of kilometers from the volcano in different directions. In addition, the outflow of lava flows onto the slopes of the volcano and the surrounding area is possibly.
Related Resources
Active Volcanoes of Kamchatka and Kuriles