Volcano Mashkovtsev. Facts
Name: Mashkovtsev
GVP Number: 300001
Synonims: Moshkovskaya
Region: Kamchatka Peninsula
Volcanic Zone: Southern Kamchatka
Coordinates: 51°6'3" N 156°43'12" E
Absolute Elevation: 503 m
Status: Extinct
Location: Mashkovtsev volcano is located on South Kamchatka, to the south of the mouth of Kambalnaya River, flowing into the Sea of Okhotsk. The volcano forms a projection on the western coast of Kamchatka with the Cape Kambalny. The Gulf of Mary is located between the Cape Kambalny and the Lopatka peninsula.
Type: Cinder cone
Composition: basalts
Last known eruption: Undated, but probable Holocene eruption
The volcano is a slag-lava cone with a crater on the top. Lava flows are noting on the northern slope, small cinder cones are observed on the southwestern its slope and at the northern volcanic foot.