Volcano Rasshua. Facts
Name: Rasshua
GVP Number: 290220
Synonims: Rashowa
Region: Kuril Islands
Volcanic Zone: Central Kuriles
Coordinates: 47°45'42" N 153°1'8" E
Absolute Elevation: 956 m
Status: Active
Aviation Color Code: GREEN
Location: Island-volcano Rasshua is separated from Matua Island by the 28 km wide Nadezhda Strait
Type: Stratovolcano
Composition: andesite-basalts, two-pyroxene andesites
Last known eruption: 1846
In plan the Island has an oval shape measuring 6 X 13 km and an area of ​​62 square kilometers, strongly elongated in the meridional direction. The stratovolcano cone is located in the middle of the Island; it almost completely fills the ancient caldera. In its destroyed crater are two Holocene cones. The cone Zapadny is the highest point of the Island (956 m); at its top, a shallow crater with a size of 75 x 120 m has been preserved. Numerous lava flows descend from the crater in a westerly direction. The active cone Vostochny has an explosive crater more than 500 m wide, open in the form of an amphitheater to the southeast. Light, altered rocks stretch from the crater to the seashore on a wide front. A powerful flow of very fresh lava descends along the western slope of the cone. Older lava flows descend east and northeast to the ocean. The rocks of the volcano are two-pyroxene andesibasalts and andesites.

Горшков Г.С. Вулканизм Курильской островной дуги / Отв. ред. Рудич К.Н. М.: Наука. 1967. 288 с.
Горшков Г.С. Действующие вулканы Курильской островной дуги / Молодой вулканизм СССР. Труды Лаборатории вулканологии АН СССР.. М.: Изд-во АН СССР. 1958. Вып. 13. С. 5-70.
Горшков Г.С. Каталог действующих вулканов Курильских островов // Бюллетень вулканологических станций. 1957. № 25. С. 96-178.
Potencial Hazard
Ash clouds, ash falls, pyroclastic flows, hot avalanches and lahars are a potential hazard associated with explosive eruptions of this volcano. The volcano poses a potential hazard to international and local airlines passing in the Kuriles region, since the height of its ash emissions can reach 10-15 km above sea level, ash plumes and clouds can drift hundreds of kilometers from the volcano in different directions. In addition, the outflow of lava flows onto the slopes of the volcano and the surrounding area is possibly.
Related Resources
Active Volcanoes of Kamchatka and Kuriles