Sedankinsky Volcano. Bibliography
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Певзнер М.М. Голоценовый вулканизм Срединного хребта Камчатки Труды Геологического института. / Отв. ред. Федонкин М.А. М.: ГЕОС. 2015. Вып. 608. 252 с.
The monograph is devoted to the spatio-temporal activation of Holocene volcanism within the Miocene-Quaternary volcanic zone of the Sredinny Range of Kamchatka. The pattern of volcanic activation, grouping elements and periodic pulses of endogenous activity, as well as their chronological relationship with episodes of endogenous activity increasing of the North Pacific. The characteristics of individual volcanic centers and the largest eruptions are provided. Age determinations of eruptions are based on detailed tephrochronological research and extensive radiocarbon dating.
For a wide range of professionals in the field of geology, geochronology, volcanology, petrology, geography,
geomorphology, paleoclimatology, ecology and geobotany.
Певзнер М.М. Северная граница вулканической активности Камчатки в голоцене // Вестник КРАУНЦ. Серия: Науки о Земле. 2010. Вып. 15. № 1. С. 117-144.
The paper presents data on specified northern boundary of the Holocene volcanic activity in Kamchatka. This boundary is located 80 km to the north for the frontal volcanic zone and 180 km to the northwest from Sheveluch Volcano for the zone of the Sredinny Range. For the first time numerous evidence for the Holocene volcanic activity within the Kamchatkan zones with no deep seismicity and located to the north from the Aleutian transform fault were detected, studied and dated using geologic methods and isotope geochemistry. Radiocarbon age for the eruptions was estimated.
Певзнер М.М., Волынец А.О. Голоценовый вулканизм Срединного хребта Камчатки // Проблемы эксплозивного вулканизма (к 50-летию катастрофического извержения вулкана Безымянный). Материалы первого международного симпозиума. Петропавловск-Камчатский, 25-30 марта 2006 г. Петропавловск-Камчатский: ИВиС ДВО РАН. 2006. С. 124-132.
Numerous Holocene volcanic centres (5 stratovolcanoes, including 4 active and potentially dangerous, and 12 monogenetic centres) are discovered within Sredinny Range of Kamchatka. Their exact ages are determined. Spatial and temporal characteristics, as well as composition of Holocene volcanic rocks witness against direct connection of magma genesis with contemporary Pacific plate subduction. Sub-meridional chronological trends and elements of grouping, identified for Holocene volcanic activity of Sredinny Range of Kamchatka, may indicate seismo-geodynamical nature of young volcanic activity and associated with it advection in the extinct island arc system.