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Gordeev E.I., Senyukov S.L., Girina O.A. MONITORING AND REPORTING OF KAMCHATKAN VOLCANIC ERUPTIONS // Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Volcanic Ash and Aviation Safety, June 21-24, 2004, Session 2. Alexandria, Virginia (USA): 2004. P. 43
Magma Chambers beneath the Klyuchevskoy Volcanic Group (2007)
Khubunaya S.A., Gontovaya L.I., Sobolev A.V., Nizkous I.V. Magma Chambers beneath the Klyuchevskoy Volcanic Group // Journal of Volcanology and Seismology. 2007. Vol. 1. № 2. P. 98-118. doi: 0.1134/S0742046307020029.
A 3D velocity model of the Earth's crust beneath the Klyuchevskoy volcanic group has been constructed using the seismic tomography method. Anomalies of the velocity parameters related to the zones of magma supply to active volcanoes have been distinguished. Petrological data on the composition, temperature, and pressure of generation and crystallization of primary melts of Klyuchevskoy volcano magnesian basalts have been obtained. The primary melt corresponds to picrite (MgO = 13-14 wt %) with an ultimate saturation of SiO2 (49-50 wt %), a high H2O content (2.2-2.9%), and incompatible elements (Sr, Rb, Ba, Hf). This melt is formed at pressures of 15-20 kbar and temperatures of 1280--1320С . Its further crystallization proceeds in intermediate magma chambers at two discrete pressure levels (i.e., greater than 6, and 1-2 kbar). The results of the petrological studies are in good agreement with the seismotomographic model.
Magma compositions of Bezymianny, Shiveluch and Karymsky volcanoes according to the data on study of glass inclusions (Kamchatka) (2000)
Bogoyavlenskaya G.E., Naumov V.B., Tolstykh M.L., Ozerov A.Yu., Khubunaya S.A. Magma compositions of Bezymianny, Shiveluch and Karymsky volcanoes according to the data on study of glass inclusions (Kamchatka) // Abstracts of IAVCEI General Assembly, 18-22 July 2000. Bali, Indonesia. 2000. P. 87
Magma migration at the onset of the 2012–13 Tolbachik eruption revealed by Seismic Amplitude Ratio Analysis (2015)
Caudron Corentin, Taisne Benoit, Kugaenko Yulia, Saltykov Vadim Magma migration at the onset of the 2012–13 Tolbachik eruption revealed by Seismic Amplitude Ratio Analysis // Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 2015. Vol. 307. P. 60 - 67. doi: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2015.09.010.
Abstract In contrast of the 1975–76 Tolbachik eruption, the 2012–13 Tolbachik eruption was not preceded by any striking change in seismic activity. By processing the Klyuchevskoy volcano group seismic data with the Seismic Amplitude Ratio Analysis (SARA) method, we gain insights into the dynamics of magma movement prior to this important eruption. A clear seismic migration within the seismic swarm, started 20 hours before the reported eruption onset (05:15 UTC, 26 November 2012). This migration proceeded in different phases and ended when eruptive tremor, corresponding to lava flows, was recorded (at ~ 11:00 UTC, 27 November 2012). In order to get a first order approximation of the magma location, we compare the calculated seismic intensity ratios with the theoretical ones. As expected, the observations suggest that the seismicity migrated toward the eruption location. However, we explain the pre-eruptive observed ratios by a vertical migration under the northern slope of Plosky Tolbachik volcano followed by a lateral migration toward the eruptive vents. Another migration is also captured by this technique and coincides with a seismic swarm that started 16–20 km to the south of Plosky Tolbachik at 20:31 {UTC} on November 28 and lasted for more than 2 days. This seismic swarm is very similar to the seismicity preceding the 1975–76 Tolbachik eruption and can be considered as a possible aborted eruption.
Magma mixing and degassing processes in the magma chamber of Gorely volcano (Kamchatka): evidence from wholerock and olivine chemistry (2015)
Gavrilenko M., Ozerov A., Kyle P., Carr M., Nikulin A. Magma mixing and degassing processes in the magma chamber of Gorely volcano (Kamchatka): evidence from wholerock and olivine chemistry, Abstract V43B-3120 presented at 2015 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 14-18 Dec.. 2015.
Magma rates in feeding conduits of different volcanic centres (1981)
Fedotov S.A. Magma rates in feeding conduits of different volcanic centres // Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 1981. Vol. 9. № 4. P. 379-394. doi:10.1016/0377-0273(81)90045-7.
A quasi-stationary magma flow rate in asthenospheric and crustal conduits of central type volcanoes and volcanic centres was studied analytically under the following conditions. Magma rises through cylindrical channels in which the magma temperature does not change with time, but the wall rocks are gradually heated. The magma rates were calculated for basaltic, andesitic and dacitic volcanoes using the “continental” and “oceanic” geotherms. It follows from these calculations that the magma supply rate may determine the kind of activity of a volcanic centre, being constant for large and very active volcanoes, intermittent for usual volcanic centres of island arcs or sporadic for volcamic fields, clusters of cinder cones and areal volcanism. Theoretical conclusions are consistent with observational data.
Magma storage, ascent and recharge history prior to the 1991 eruption at Avachinsky Volcano, Kamchatka, Russia: Inferences on the plumbing system geometry (2012)
Viccaro Marco, Giuffrida Marisa, Nicotra Eugenio, Ozerov Alexey Yu. Magma storage, ascent and recharge history prior to the 1991 eruption at Avachinsky Volcano, Kamchatka, Russia: Inferences on the plumbing system geometry // Lithos. 2012. Vol. 140–14. P. 11 - 24. doi: 10.1016/j.lithos.2012.01.019.
Textural and compositional features of plagioclase phenocrysts of the 1991 eruption lavas at Avachinsky Volcano (Kamchatka, Russia) were used to investigate the feeding system processes. Volcanics are porphyritic basaltic andesites and andesites with low-K affinity. A fractionation modeling for both major and trace elements was performed to justify the development of these evolved compositions. The occurrence of other magma chamber processes was verified through high-contrast BSE images and core-to-rim compositional profiles (An and FeO wt.) on plagioclase crystals. Textural types include small and large-scale oscillation patterns, disequilibrium textures at the crystal core (patchy zoning, coarse sieve-textures, dissolved cores), disequilibrium textures at the crystal rim (sieve-textures), melt inclusion alignments at the rim. Disequilibrium textures at the cores may testify episodes of destabilization at various decompression rates under water-undersaturated conditions, which suggests different pathways of magma ascent at depth. At shallower, water-saturated conditions, plagioclase crystallization continues in a system not affected by important chemical-physical perturbations (oscillatory zoning develops). Strongly sieve-textured rims, along with An increase at rather constant FeO, are evidence of mixing before the 1991 eruption between a residing magma and a hotter and volatile-richer one. The textural evidence implies that crystals underwent common histories at shallow levels, supporting the existence of a large magma reservoir whose top is at ~ 5.5 km of depth. Distinct textures at the outer rims in a hand-size sample are evidence that crystals mix mechanically at very shallow levels, probably in a small reservoir at ~ 1.8 km of depth.
Magmatic Systems and the Conditions for Hydrothermal Circulation at Depth in the Klyuchevskoi Volcanic Cluster as Inferred from Observations of Local Seismicity and Thermo-Hydrodynamic Simulation (2018)
Kiryukhin A.V., Fedotov S.A., Kiryukhin P.A. Magmatic Systems and the Conditions for Hydrothermal Circulation at Depth in the Klyuchevskoi Volcanic Cluster as Inferred from Observations of Local Seismicity and Thermo-Hydrodynamic Simulation // Journal of Volcanology and Seismology. 2018. Vol. 12. № 4. P. 231-241. doi:10.1134/S0742046318040036.
An analysis of local seismicity within the Klyuchevskoi Volcanic Cluster and Shiveluch Volcano for the period 2000–2017 revealed a sequence of plane-oriented earthquake clusters that are interpreted here as the emplacement of dikes and sills (magmatic fracking). The geometry of magma bodies reflects the geomechanical conditions in volcanic plumbing systems and at the bases of the volcanoes. Magmatic fracking within active magmatic plumbing systems results in the formation of permeable reservoirs whose vertical extent can reach 35 km (Klyuchevskoi) and can be as wide as 15 km across (Shiveluch), depending on the geomechanical condition of the host rocks. These reservoirs will be the arena of subsequent hydrothermal circulation, producing geothermal and ore fields, as well as hydrocarbon fields. TOUGH2-EOS1sc simulation tools were used to estimate the conditions for the formation of hydrothermal reservoirs at temperatures below 1200°С and pressures below 1000 bars.
Magmatic activity of Klyuchevskoy volcano triggering eruptions of Bezymianny volcano based on seismological and petrological data (2023)
Kiryukhin A.V., Bergal-Kuvikas Olga, Lemzikov M.V. Magmatic activity of Klyuchevskoy volcano triggering eruptions of Bezymianny volcano based on seismological and petrological data // Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 2023. doi: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2023.107892.
Magmatic melts evolution at Gorely volcano (Southern Kamchatka) (2008)
Gavrilenko M., Ozerov A., Kyle P., Eichelberger J. Magmatic melts evolution at Gorely volcano (Southern Kamchatka) // 33rd International Geological Congress. Oslo, Norway. Abstracts. 2008.