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Migration of seismic and volcanic activity as display of wave geodynamic process (2012)
Vikulin A.V., Akmanova D.R., Vikulina S.A., Dolgaya A.A. Migration of seismic and volcanic activity as display of wave geodynamic process // Geodynamics & Tectonophysics. 2012. Vol. 3. № 1. P. 1-18. doi: 10.5800/GT-2012-3-1-0058.
Проведен обзор работ по миграции очагов землетрясений. Важным результатом явилось установление волновой природы миграции сейсмической активности, которая осуществляется двумя типами ротационных волн, ответственными за взаимодействие очагов землетрясений и распространяющимися с разными скоростями. Первому типу с предельными скоростями 1–10 см/с соответствуют волны, определяющие дальнодействующее взаимодействие очагов землетрясений, второму – с предельными скоростями 1–10 км/с – соответствуют волны, определяющие близкодействующее взаимодействие форшоков и афтершоков в пределах отдельно взятых очагов землетрясений. Согласно классификации [Bykov, 2005], такие типы волн миграции соответствуют медленным и быстрым тектоническим волнам.
В едином формате представлены наиболее полные данные о землетрясениях за 4.1 тыс. лет и извержениях вулканов за 12 тыс. лет. Собранные данные систематизированы и проанализированы с помощью разработанных авторами методик. Для трех наиболее активных поясов Земли – Пацифики, Альпийско-Гималайского и Срединно-Атлантического – установлены новые, отвечающие первому типу ротационных волн, закономерности пространственно-временного распределения сейсмической и вулканической активности. Подтверждена волновая природа их миграции. Полученные в работе данные в совокупности с данными о скоростях движения границ тектонических плит предлагается использовать в качестве нового подхода к решению задач геодинамики. В основе такого подхода заложена идея единства сейсмического, вулканического и тектонического процессов, протекающих в блоковой геосреде и взаимодействующих между собой посредством ротационных волн с симметричным тензором напряжений. Полученные авторами данные позволяют предположить, что при таком взаимодействии сохраняется геодинамическая величина, механическим аналогом которой является импульс. Показано, что процесс волновой миграции геодинамической активности должен описываться в рамках моделей с сильно нелинейными уравнениями движения.
Millennium-scale major element variations of Klyuchevskoy volcano magmas (Kamchatka) revealed from high-resolution study of tephra deposits (2008)
Portnyagin Maxim, Ponomareva Vera, Bindeman Ilya, Bogaard Christel, Krasheninnikov Stepan, Bergal-Kuvikas Olga, Mironov Nikita, Plechova Anastasia, Hoernle Kaj Millennium-scale major element variations of Klyuchevskoy volcano magmas (Kamchatka) revealed from high-resolution study of tephra deposits // IAVCEI, Reykjavik. 2008.
Mineralogical and Geochemical Characteristics of High-Magnesian Basalts of Gorely volcano (Southern Kamchatka): Implication for Mantle Source (2011)
Gavrilenko M., Ozerov A. Mineralogical and Geochemical Characteristics of High-Magnesian Basalts of Gorely volcano (Southern Kamchatka): Implication for Mantle Source // Abstract V43C-2584 presented at 2011 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 5-9 Dec.. 2011.
Mineralogy and petrology of Kamen volcano rocks, Kamchatka (2009)
Churikova T., Gordeychik B., Wörner G., Ivanov B., Maximov A. Mineralogy and petrology of Kamen volcano rocks, Kamchatka // Mitigating natural hazards in active arc environments. Linkages among tectonism, earthquakes, magma genesis and eruption in volcanic arcs, with a special focus on hazards posed by arc volcanism and great earthquakes. June 22-26, 2009, Fairbanks, Alaska. 2009. P. 117-118.
Mitigation of risks of planes collision with ash clouds in the Northern part of the Pacific region (2011)
Girina O.A. Mitigation of risks of planes collision with ash clouds in the Northern part of the Pacific region // Materials of ISTC International Workshop “Worldwide early warning system of volcanic activities and mitigation of the global/regional consequences of volcanic eruptions”, Moscow, Russia, July 8-9, 2010. Moscow: ISTC. 2011. P. 95-101.
Modeling Strombolian eruptions of Karymsky volcano, Kamchatka, Russia (2003)
Ozerov A., Ispolatov I., Lees J. Modeling Strombolian eruptions of Karymsky volcano, Kamchatka, Russia // Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 2003. Vol. 122. № 3–4. P. 265 - 280. doi: 10.1016/S0377-0273(02)00506-1.
A model is proposed to explain temporal patterns of activity in a class of periodically exploding Strombolian-type andesite volcanoes. These patterns include major events (explosions) which occur every 3–30 min and subsequent tremor with a typical period of 1 s. This two-periodic activity is thought to be caused by two distinct mechanisms of accumulation of the elastic energy in the moving magma column: compressibility of the magma in the conduit and viscoelastic response of the almost solid magma plug on the top. A release of the elastic energy occurs during a stick–slip dynamic phase transition in a boundary layer along the walls of the conduit; this phase transition is driven by the shear stress accumulated in the boundary layer. The intrinsic hysteresis of this first-order phase transition explains the long periods of inactivity in the explosion cycle. Temporal characteristics of the model are found to be qualitatively similar to the acoustic and seismic signals recorded at Karymsky volcano in Kamchatka.
Models of Volcanic Ash Propagation for the Exploration of Explosive Eruptions of Kamchatka Volcanoes (2018)
Malkovsky S.I., Sorokin A.A., Korolev S.P., Girina O.A., Loupian E.A. Models of Volcanic Ash Propagation for the Exploration of Explosive Eruptions of Kamchatka Volcanoes // JKASP-2018. Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky: IVS FEB RAS. 2018.
Modern volcanism of Kamchatka, Russia (2005)
Ozerov A.Yu., Gordeev E.I., Dvigalo V.N. Modern volcanism of Kamchatka, Russia // Proceeding of the 3-rd International symposium. Jeju Volcanological Institute. Korea. 2005. С. 33-41.
Monitoring of 2010-2011 Kizimen Volcano Eruption and Prediction of Danger for Aviation (2011)
Girina O.A., Manevich A.G., Nuzhdaev A.A., Konovalova O.A., Ushakov S.V., Melnikov D.V. Monitoring of 2010-2011 Kizimen Volcano Eruption and Prediction of Danger for Aviation // EGU General Assembly. April 3-8. Vienna, 2011. Abstract. EGU2011-5432. 2011. Vol. 13.
Monitoring of the volcanic rock compositions during the 2012–2013 fissure eruption at Tolbachik volcano, Kamchatka (2015)
Volynets Anna O., Edwards Benjamin R., Melnikov Dmitry, Yakushev Anton, Griboedova Irina Monitoring of the volcanic rock compositions during the 2012–2013 fissure eruption at Tolbachik volcano, Kamchatka // Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 2015. Vol. 307. P. 120 - 132. doi: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2015.07.014.
Abstract Here we present the results from monitoring of the composition of rocks produced during the 2012–2013 fissure eruption at Tolbachik volcano (FTE). Major and trace element concentrations in 75 samples are reported. Products of this eruption are represented by high alumina basaltic trachyandesites with higher alkalis and titanium contents than in all previously studied rocks of the Tolbachik monogenetic volcanic field. Rocks erupted during the first three days (27–30 November) from the northern (also called Menyailov) group of vents are the most silica- and alkali-rich (SiO2 concentrations up to 55.35 wt. and {K2O} up to 2.67 wt.). From December onwards, when the eruptive activity switched from the Menyailov vents to the southern (Naboko) group of vents, silica content dropped by 2 wt., concentrations of MgO, FeO, TiO2 and Mg# increased, and {K2O} and Na2O concentrations and K2O/MgO ratio decreased. For the rest of the eruption the compositions of rocks remained constant and homogeneous; no systematic compositional differences between lava, bombs and scoria samples are evident. Trace element distributions in the rocks of the Menyailov and Naboko vent lavas are relatively uniform; Menyailov lavas have slightly higher Th, Nb, Hf, Y, and {HREE} concentrations than the Naboko vent lavas at more or less constant element ratios. We explain the initial change in geochemistry by tapping of a slightly cooler and fractionated (~ 3 Mt and 8 Cpx) upper part of the magma storage zone before the main storage area began to feed the eruption. Thermodynamic constraints show that apparent liquidus temperatures varied from 1142 °C to 1151 °C, and thermodynamic modeling shows that variations in compositions are consistent with a high degree of low pressure (100–300 MPa), nominally anhydrous fractionation of a parent melt compositionally similar to the 1975 Northern Breakthrough high-Mg basalt. Geochemistry, petrological observations and modeling are in agreement with the newly erupted material being derived from remnant high-Al magma from the 1975–76 Southern Breakthrough eruption with only slight amounts of cooling (less than 1 °C per year) during the intervening 36 years.