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Алмаз и другие акцессорные минералы в продуктах извержения 2008—2009 гг. Корякского вулкана (Камчатка) (2018)
Аникин Л.П., Силаев В.И., Чубаров В.М., Петровский В. А., Вергасова Л.П., Карпов Г.А., Сокоренко А.В., Овсянников А.А., Максимов А.П. Алмаз и другие акцессорные минералы в продуктах извержения 2008—2009 гг. Корякского вулкана (Камчатка) // Вестник ИГ Коми НЦ УрО РАН. 2018. № 2. С. 18-27. doi: 10.19110/2221-1381-2018-2-18-27.
The paper provides new data related to the accessory minerals found in ashes from phreatic eruption of Klyuchevskoy volcano in 2008—2009. We characterized form of extraction, composition and specific features of garnet, corundum, deltalumine, muassonite, sulfide thallium, native metal and carbon phases including micro-diamond, and also likely abiogenic condensed organic compound. A feature of the Koryak diamonds is a very small size and a cubic habit, which may indicate their crystallization from the gas phase under conditions of significant super saturation along the carbon. The detection of various particles and filaments of condensed organic compounds in the form and color in the ash of the Koryak volcano confirms the previous conclusion about systematic inorganic synthesis of highly organized prebiological forms of organic matter in modern volcanoes.
Алмазы в продуктах извержения вулкана Толбачик (Камчатка, 2012–2013 гг.) и механизм их образования (2016)
Галимов Э.М., Севастьянов В.С, Карпов Г.А., Шилобреева С.Н., Максимов А.П. Алмазы в продуктах извержения вулкана Толбачик (Камчатка, 2012–2013 гг.) и механизм их образования // Геохимия. 2016. № 10. С. 868-872. doi: 10.7868/S0016752516100034.
The origin of diamonds in the lava and ash of the recent Tolbachik eruption of 2012–2013 (Kamchatka) is enigmatic. The mineralogy of the host rocks provides no evidence for the existence of the high pressure that is necessary for diamond formation. The analysis of carbon isotope systematics showed a similarity between the diamonds and dispersed carbon from the Tolbachik lava, which could serve as a primary material for diamond synthesis. There are grounds to believe that the formation of Tolbachik diamonds was related to fluid dynamics. Based on the obtained results, it was suggested that Tolbachik microdiamonds were formed as a result of cavitation during the rapid movement of volcanic fluid. The possibility of cavitation-induced diamond formation was previously theoretically substantiated by us and confirmed experimentally. During cavitation, ultrahigh pressure is generated locally (in collapsing bubbles), while the external pressure is not critical for diamond synthesis. The conditions of the occurrence of cavitation are rather common in geologic processes. Therefore, microdiamonds of such an origin may be much more abundant in nature than was supposed previously.
Алунитизация в прикратерной части вулкана Зимина (1966)
Борисова В.Н. Алунитизация в прикратерной части вулкана Зимина // Современный вулканизм. Труды 2-го Всесоюзного вулканологического совещания. М.: Наука. 1966. Т. 1. С. 192-197.
Амфиболоподобные микрофазы в базальтах (1984)
Балуев Э.Ю., Цурюпа А.А. Амфиболоподобные микрофазы в базальтах / Минералы и минеральные парагенезисы горных пород и руд Северо - Востока СССР. Магадан: СВКНИИ ДВНЦ АН СССР. 1984. С. 162-170.
Анализ активности вулкана Безымянный в 2016-2017 гг. с помощью методов дистанционного зондирования (2018)
Гирина О.А., Мельников Д.В., Маневич А.Г., Сорокин А.А., Крамарева Л.С., Уваров И.А., Кашницкий А.В. Анализ активности вулкана Безымянный в 2016-2017 гг. с помощью методов дистанционного зондирования // Современные проблемы дистанционного зондирования Земли из космоса. Тезисы докладов. Шестнадцатая Всероссийская открытая конференция. 12-16 ноября 2018 г. М.: ИКИ РАН. 2018.
Анализ временных рядов яркости термальных аномалий вулканов Камчатки по данным спутника Himawari-8 (2017)
Мельников Д.В., Крамарева Л.С., Маневич А.Г., Гирина О.А., Уваров И.А., Марченков В.В. Анализ временных рядов яркости термальных аномалий вулканов Камчатки по данным спутника Himawari-8 // Современные проблемы дистанционного зондирования Земли из космоса. Тезисы докладов. Пятнадцатая Всероссийская открытая конференция. 13-17 ноября 2017 г. М.: ИКИ РАН. 2017. С. 106
Анализ извержений вулкана Безымянный в 2019 г. с помощью дистанционных методов исследований (2019)
Гирина О.А., Мельников Д.В., Маневич А.Г., Мальковский С.И., Сорокин А.А., Уваров И.А., Марченков В.В., Кашницкий А.В., Крамарева Л.С., Нуждаев А.А. Анализ извержений вулкана Безымянный в 2019 г. с помощью дистанционных методов исследований // Материалы 17-ой Всероссийской открытой конференции "Современные проблемы дистанционного зондирования Земли из космоса". М.: ИКИ РАН. 2019.
Анализ образующей вулканического конуса для выявления ослабленных секторов постройки (на примере Корякского вулкана, Камчатка) (2004)
Делемень И.Ф., Уткин И.С., Уткина Л.И., Мельников Д.В., Жданова О.К. Анализ образующей вулканического конуса для выявления ослабленных секторов постройки (на примере Корякского вулкана, Камчатка) // Вестник КРАУНЦ. Серия: Науки о Земле. 2004. № 4. С. 90-108.
Анализ подготовки Трещинного Толбачинского извержения 2012-2013 гг. в параметрах сейсмического режима и деформаций земной коры по данным системы комплексного мониторинга активности вулканов Камчатки (2015)
Кугаенко Ю.А., Титков Н.Н., Салтыков В.А., Воропаев П.В. Анализ подготовки Трещинного Толбачинского извержения 2012-2013 гг. в параметрах сейсмического режима и деформаций земной коры по данным системы комплексного мониторинга активности вулканов Камчатки // Вулканология и сейсмология. 2015. № 4. С. 40-58. doi: 10.7868/S0203030615040057.
Abstract—This paper is concerned with ground deformation and seismicity prior to the Tolbachik Fissure Eruption, which began in Kamchatka on November 27, 2012. Seismic and GPS data were analyzed to reveal synchronous precursory anomalies in crustal deformation and seismicity that lasted approximately 4 months (August to November 2012). The seismic anomaly was a statistically significant increase of seismicity with low energy (mostly KS = 4–6) beneath the Ploskii Tolbachik Volcano edifice at depths of less than 5 km. The rates of seismicity and seismic energy release were exceeded by factors of approximately 40 compared with the
2000–2011 mean values during the 2 to 3 weeks immediately before the eruption. The strain anomalies were observed as movements in the middle of the Klyuchevskoy volcanic group: a radial (relative to the eruption) compression and an extension in the tangential direction. The strain had reached ~ 10^–7 by the beginning of the eruption. The durations of the seismic and strain anomalies were comparable in value (~ 4 months before the eruption), thus providing evidence of a common origin. We can classify them as belonging to the same time scale of precursors (the intermediate�term in the accepted terminology).
Анализ развития пароксизмального извержения вулкана Шивелуч 10–13 апреля 2023 года на основе данных различных спутниковых систем (2023)
Гирина О.А., Лупян Е.А., Хорват А., Мельников Д.В., Маневич А.Г., Нуждаев А.А., Бриль А.А., Озеров А.Ю., Крамарева Л.С., Сорокин А.А. Анализ развития пароксизмального извержения вулкана Шивелуч 10–13 апреля 2023 года на основе данных различных спутниковых систем // Современные проблемы дистанционного зондирования Земли из космоса. 2023. Т. 20. № 2. С. 283-291.
Sheveluch volcano is the most active volcano in Kamchatka. The paroxysmal explosive eruption of the volcano that destroyed the lava dome in the volcanic crater continued on April 10–13, 2023. According to various satellite data, the height of the separate eruptive clouds probably exceeded 15 km a. s. l. A powerful cyclone, which dominated the entire Kamchatka Peninsula, pulled the eruptive cloud to the west, turned it to the south, stretched it to the north and directed it to the east from the volcano. The dynamics of the development of ash and aerosol clouds of this eruption is reflected in the animations made from a series of Himawari-9 satellite images in the VolSatView IS from 08:00 UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) on April 10 to 07:50 UTC on April 14 ( and of the Arctica-M1 satellite from 16:00 to 21:30 UTC April 10 ( It was noted that the eruptive column was not vertical: for example, at the initial moment of the eruption on April 10 at 13:20 UTC, it deviated to the north-northeast, on April 11 at 12:00 UTC to the northwest, and on April 12 at 07:00 UTC to the southwest. During the paroxysmal eruption, sulfur dioxide continuously entered the atmosphere, the maximum amount of which was released on April 10–11, as a result of the explosive destruction of the lava dome of the Sheveluch volcano. Ash clouds along with aerosol clouds on April 10–13 were stretched into a strip more than 3500 km long from west to northeast. On April 21–22, the Sheveluch aerosol cloud was observed in the region of the Scandinavian Peninsula. The total area of the territory of Kamchatka and the Pacific Ocean where ash and aerosol plumes and clouds were observed during the April 10–13 eruption was about 3280 thousand km2. The paroxysmal eruption of Sheveluch volcano belongs to the sub-Plinian type because it is characterized by a big height of eruptive cloud and a long event duration. For this eruption, the VEI (Volcanic Explosivity Index) is estimated to be 3–4. A detailed description of the paroxysmal explosive eruption of Sheveluch volcano and the spread of the eruptive cloud was performed based on data from various satellite systems (Himawari-9, NOAA-18/19, GOES-18, Terra, Aqua, JPSS-1, Suomi NPP, Arctica-M1 etc.) in the information system “Remote monitoring of the activity of the volcanoes of the Kamchatka and the Kuriles” (VolSatView,