Volcano Aag. Facts
Name: Aag
GVP Number: 300830
Synonims: Aak, Bolshoy Sredniy Mys (Big Middle cape)
Region: Kamchatka Peninsula
Volcanic Zone: Eastern Kamchatka
Coordinates: 53°23'47" N 158°39'18" E
Absolute Elevation: 2330 m
Status: Extinct
Location: The volcano is located about 10 km to the north-west of Koryaksky volcano, about 40 km to the north of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky
Type: Stratovolcano
Composition: two-pyroxene andesites
Last known eruption: Undated

The Aag is destroyed volcano with traces of glacier treatment of the second phase of the Upper Pleistocene glaciation. The primary slopes of the volcano are preserved in the form of separate plateau-like remnants in the lower part of the structure. According to spore-pollen analysis (I.A. Egorova), the volcano formed in the first half of the Upper Pleistocene. The volcano is composed of powerful flows (60-100 m) of light gray dacites and andesidacites.

Вулканы и геотермы Камчатки / Отв. ред. Федотов С.А., Эрлих Э.Н. Петропавловск-Камчатский: ИВ ДВНЦ АН СССР. 1974.
Заварицкий А.Н. Вулканы Камчатки Тр. лаб. вулканологии АН СССР. Вып. 10. / Отв. ред. Горшков Г.С. М.: АН СССР. 1955. № 10. 82 с.full text