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Kiryukhin A.V., Fedotov S.A., Kiryukhin P.A., Chernykh E.V. Magmatic plumbing systems of the Koryakskii–Avacha Volcanic Cluster as inferred from observations of local seismicity and from the regime of adjacent thermal springs // Journal of Volcanology and Seismology. 2017. Vol. 11. № 5. P. 321-334. doi:10.1134/S0742046317050049.
An analysis of local seismicity within the Avacha–Koryakskii Volcanic Cluster during the 2000–2016 period revealed a sequence of plane-oriented earthquake clusters that we interpret as a process of dike and sill emplacement. The highest magmatic activity occurred in timing with the 2008–2009 steam–gas eruption of Koryakskii Volcano, with magma injection moving afterwards into the cone of Avacha Volcano (2010–2016). The geometry of the magma bodies reflects the NF geomechanical conditions (tension and normal faults, Sv >SHmax >Shmin ) at the basement of Koryakskii Volcano dominated by vertical stresses Sv, with the maximum horizontal stress SHmax pointing north. A CFRAC simulation of magma injection into a fissure under conditions that are typical of those in the basement of Koryakskii Volcano (the angle of dip is 60о, the size is 2 × 2 km2, and the depth is –4 km abs.) showed that when the magma discharge is maintained at the level of 20000 kg/s during 24 hours the fissure separation increases to reach 0.3 m and the magma injection is accompanied by shear movements that occur at a rate as high as 2 × 10–3 m/s, thus corresponding to the conditions of local seismic events with Mw below 4.5. We are thus able to conclude that the use of planeoriented clusters of earthquakes for identification of magma emplacement events is a physically sound procedure. The August 2, 2011 seismicity increase in the area of the Izotovskii hot spring (7 km from the summit of Koryakskii Volcano), which is interpreted as the emplacement of a dike, has been confirmed by an increase in the spring temperature by 10–12°С during the period from October 2011 to July 2012.
Kopylova G.N., Boldina S.V. Groundwater Pressure Changes Due to Magmatic Activation: Case Study of The E-1 Well, Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia // Geothermal Volcanology Workshop 2020. September 03-09, 2020, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Institute of Volcanology and Seismology. 2020.
Kopylova G.N., Boldina S.V. On the Relationships of Water-Level Variations in the E-1 Well, Kamchatka to the 2008–2009 Resumption of Activity on Koryakskii Volcano and to Large (M ≥ 5) Earthquakes // Journal of Volcanology and Seismology. 2012. Vol. 6. № 5. P. 312-328. doi: 10.1134/S074204631205003X.
Abstract—We discuss the water!level variations in the E!1 well for the time period between May 2006 and
2010, inclusive. A trend towards an increasing level at an abnormally high rate occurred from mid!2006 to
December 2009. This increase is regarded as the response of the aquifer of gas!saturated ground water that
exists in the volcanogenic–sedimentary deposits of the Avacha volcano!tectonic depression to volumetric
strain changes during the precursory period and the occurrence of a swarm of small earthquakes ( = 8.3)
in the area of Koryakskii Volcano and to its phreatic eruption. We estimated the volumetric compression as
Δε = –(4.1 × 10–6–1.5 × 10–5) from the amplitude of water!level rise using the elastic parameters of the wa!
ter!saturated rocks. While the strain source was active, we observed a decreasing sensitivity of the hydrologic
regime in the well to the precursory processes before large (M ≥ 5.0) tectonic earthquakes.
Koulakov Ivan, Jaxybulatov Kayrly, Shapiro Nikolay M., Abkadyrov Ilyas, Deev Evgeny, Jakovlev Andrey, Kuznetsov Pavel, Gordeev Evgeny, Chebrov Viktor Asymmetric caldera-related structures in the area of the Avacha group of volcanoes in Kamchatka as revealed by ambient noise tomography and deep seismic sounding // Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 2014. Vol. 285. P. 36 - 46. doi: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2014.08.012.
Avacha group includes two active and potentially dangerous volcanoes, Avachinsky and Koryaksky, located close to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, the main city of Kamchatka. We present the results of two independent seismic studies of shallow crustal structures beneath the Avacha group based on passive and active source observations. The first study is based on the analysis of continuous recording by 11 seismic stations installed over the Avacha group in 2012 and 7 permanent stations in the same region. We present a series of 2D Rayleigh-wave group velocity maps based on correlation of ambient noise, that were then converted into 3D distribution of shear wave velocity. The second work was based on the reprocessing of an active source deep seismic sounding profile across the Avachinsky volcano that was shot in 1982–1984. We made the analysis of travel times of refracted waves using a 2D tomography inversion. The resulting seismic models appear to be consistent with each other and show clear low-velocity zone to the SW of the Avachinsky volcano and high velocity structures to NE. These observations also agree with the existing gravity and magnetotelluric measurements. Based on the obtained seismic models we identify two large buried calderas and large lava flows that are thought to be related to a series of large eruption episodes of Avachinsky occurred within the last 30,000 years.
Melekestsev I.V., Kartasheva E.V., Kirsanova T.P., Kuzmina A.A. Water Contaminated Fresh Tephra as a Natural Hazard Factor: the 2008-2009 Eruption of Koryakskii Volcano, Kamchatka // Journal of Volcanology and Seismology. 2011. Vol. 5. № 1. P. 17-30. doi: 10.1134/S0742046311010064.
Abstract-This study is the first to show, using data from the eruption of Koryakskii Volcano, Kamchatka that began in December 2008 and continued through 2009 that the water in permanent and temporary streams that start on the slopes of the volcanic cone and in temporary lakes when contaminated with fresh tephra is a specific hazard factor related to long-continued hydrothemial-phreatic eruptions on that volcano. This water is characterized by increased acidity (pH 4.1-4.35) and large amounts (up to 50-100 cm /liter) of solid suspension and is unfit for drinking and irrigation. When combined with tephra, it probably produced mass destruction of a number of animals who lived on the slopes and at the base of the volcano. The water contaminated with tephra is an important component of the atmospheric mud tlows occurring on Koryakskii Volcano; for several future years it will be a potential source for enhancing the acidity of ground water in the volcanic edifice.
Melekestsev I.V., Sulerzhitskiy L.D., Bazanova L.I., Braitseva O.A., Florenskaya N.I. Holocene catastrophic lahars at Avacha and Koryakskiy volcanoes in Kamchatka // Volcanology and Seismology. 1996. Vol. 17. № 4-5. P. 561-570.
Remnants of five catastrophic lahars have been discovered, described, and dated by the carbon-14 method. They occurred during eruptions of Avacha (violent explosions with voluminous juvenile pyroclastics) and Koryakskiy (large fissure lava flows): 3500 to 3200 14C years ago or 1900-1500 years B.C. These lahars were much higher in vigor, hazard, and effect on the environment than the lahars generated by the historic eruptions of these volcanoes. -from Journal summary
National Report for the International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth’s Interior of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics 2011–2014. Presented to the XXVI General Assembly of the IUGG Geoinf. Res. Papers, 3, BS3011. / Ed. Churikova T.G., Gordeychik B.N., Fedotov S.A. Moscow: GCRAS Publ. 2015. 185 p. doi: 10.2205/2015IUGG-RU-IAVCEI.
In the present National Report, major results are given of research conducted by Russian scientists in 2011–2014 on the topics of the International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth’s Interior (IAVCEI) of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics. Kamchatka Peninsula with its famous Klyuchevskaya Group of volcanoes is the most volcanically active area in Russia and one of the most active in the world. Majority of researches and scientific results on Volcanology and Geochemistry of the Earth’s Interior during 2011–2014 were achieved in this region including recent data on new Tolbachik fissure eruption in 2012–2013. Besides it, the scientific results on the magmatism outside Russia, which were achieved by Russian scientists, are also included in this review. Major achievements in the chemistry of the Earth, geothermy, geodynamics, geochronology and deep mantle structure are featured. The studies as for the single volcanoes as well the regional observations are outlined. The theoretical and applied efforts connected to the volcanological processes are considered. The main conclusions are illustrated by summarized figures. All the required references are given.
Ponomareva V.V., Churikova T., Melekestsev I.V., Braitseva O.A., Pevzner M., Sulerzhitskii L. Late Pleistocene-Holocene Volcanism on the Kamchatka Peninsula, Northwest Pacific Region / Volcanism and Subduction: The Kamchatka Region. Washington, D. C.: American Geophysical Union. 2007. Vol. 172. P. 165-198. doi: 10.1029/172GM15.
Late Pleistocene-Holocene volcanism in Kamchatka results from the subduction of the
Pacific Plate under the peninsula and forms three volcanic belts arranged in en echelon manner
from southeast to northwest. The cross-arc extent of recent volcanism exceeds 250 km and
is one of the widest worldwide. All the belts are dominated by mafic rocks. Eruptives with
SiO2>57% constitute ~25% of the most productive Central Kamchatka Depression belt and
~30% of the Eastern volcanic front, but <10% of the least productive Sredinny Range belt.
All the Kamchatka volcanic rocks exhibit typical arc-type signatures and are represented
by basalt-rhyolite series differing in alkalis. Typical Kamchatka arc basalts display a strong
increase in LILE, LREE and HFSE from the front to the back-arc. La/Yb and Nb/Zr increase
from the arc front to the back arc while B/Li and As, Sb, B, Cl and S concentrations decrease.
The initial mantle source below Kamchatka ranges from N-MORB-like in the volcanic front
and Central Kamchatka Depression to more enriched in the back arc. Rocks from the Central
Kamchatka Depression range in 87Sr/86Sr ratios from 0.70334 to 0.70366, but have almost
constant Nd isotopic ratios (143Nd/144Nd 0.51307–0.51312). This correlates with the highest
U/Th ratios in these rocks and suggest the highest fluid-flux in the source region.
Holocene large eruptions and eruptive histories of individual Holocene volcanoes have been
studied with the help of tephrochronology and 14C dating that permits analysis of time-space
patterns of volcanic activity, evolution of the erupted products, and volcanic hazards.
Ponomareva Vera V., Melekestsev Ivan V., Dirksen Oleg V. Sector collapses and large landslides on Late Pleistocene–Holocene volcanoes in Kamchatka, Russia // Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 2006. Vol. 158. № 1-2. P. 117-138. doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2006.04.016.
On Kamchatka, detailed geologic and geomorphologic mapping of young volcanic terrains and observations on historical eruptions reveal that landslides of various scales, from small (0.001 km3) to catastrophic (up to 20–30 km3), are widespread. Moreover, these processes are among the most effective and most rapid geomorphic agents. Of 30 recently active Kamchatka volcanoes, at least 18 have experienced sector collapses, some of them repetitively. The largest sector collapses identified so far on Kamchatka volcanoes, with volumes of 20–30 km3 of resulting debris-avalanche deposits, occurred at Shiveluch and Avachinsky volcanoes in the Late Pleistocene. During the last 10,000 yr the most voluminous sector collapses have occurred on extinct Kamen' (4–6 km3) and active Kambalny (5–10 km3) volcanoes. The largest number of repetitive debris avalanches (> 10 during just the Holocene) has occurred at Shiveluch volcano. Landslides from the volcanoes cut by ring-faults of the large collapse calderas were ubiquitous. Large failures have happened on both mafic and silicic volcanoes, mostly related to volcanic activity. Orientation of collapse craters is controlled by local tectonic stress fields rather than regional fault systems.

Specific features of some debris avalanche deposits are toreva blocks — huge almost intact fragments of volcanic edifices involved in the failure; some have been erroneously mapped as individual volcanoes. One of the largest toreva blocks is Mt. Monastyr' — a ∼ 2 km3 piece of Avachinsky Somma involved in a major sector collapse 30–40 ka BP.

Long-term forecast of sector collapses on Kliuchevskoi, Koriaksky, Young Cone of Avachinsky and some other volcanoes highlights the importance of closer studies of their structure and stability.
Siebert L., Simkin T., Kimberly P. Volcanoes of the World. Berkeley: University of California Press. 2010. 568 p.
This impressive scientific resource presents up-to-date information on ten thousand years of volcanic activity on Earth. In the decade and a half since the previous edition was published new studies have refined assessments of the ages of many volcanoes, and several thousand new eruptions have been documented. This edition updates the book's key components: a directory of volcanoes active during the Holocene; a chronology of eruptions over the past ten thousand years; a gazetteer of volcano names, synonyms, and subsidiary features; an extensive list of references; and an introduction placing these data in context. This edition also includes new photographs, data on the most common rock types forming each volcano, information on population densities near volcanoes, and other features, making it the most comprehensive source available on Earth's dynamic volcanism.