Записей: 2754
Bogatikov O.A., Melekestsev I.V., Gurbanov A.G., Sulerzhitskii L.D., Katov D.M., Puriga A.I. Radiocarbon dating of holocene eruptions of the Elbrus Volcano in the northern Caucasus, Russia // Doklady Earth Sciences. 1998. Vol. 363. № 8. P. 1093-1095.
Braitseva O.A., Bazanova L.I., Melekestsev I.V., Sulerzhitskiy L.D. Large holocene eruptions of Avacha Volcano, Kamchatka (7250-3700 14C years B.P.) // Volcanology and Seismology. 1998. Vol. 20. № 1. P. 1-27.
The chronology, dynamics, and parameters of seven large eruptions of Avacha Volcano were reconstructed for its IAv andesitic period 7250-370014C years B.P., which began after a >2000-year period of relative quiescence. Their juvenile (andesitic pyroclastics) and resurgent products are described, and the geological and geomorphological consequences are evaluated. The largest eruption occurred 715014C years B.P. (8-10 km3 of erupted material). The subsequent events occurred 5700 (≥0.34 km3), 5600 (≥0.4 km3), 5500 (>1.34 km3), 5000 (≥0.5 km3), 4500 (>1.1 km3), and 4000 (≥0.6 km3) 14C years B.P. The erupted rocks were dominated by tephra; pyroclastic flows occurred only during the events of 5500 and 5000 years ago. It is believed that most of the eruptions produced acid peaks of varying intensity in the Greenland ice sheet.
Fedotov S.A. Study and mechanism of the simultaneous 1996 Karymsky volcano and Akademii Nauk caldera eruptions in Kamchatka // Volcanology and Seismology. 1998. Vol. 19. № 5. P. 525-566.
Izbekov P., Eichelberger J., Ivanov B., Maximov A. Variations of Volcanic Glass Composition Show Possible Mixing Event at the Beginning of 1996 Eruption of Karymsky Volcano, Kamchatka, Russia // Trans. American Geophys. Union, Fall Meet. Suppl, Abstract . 1998. Vol. 79(45). P. V22B-10.
Lees J.M., Johnson J.B., Gordeev E.I., Ozerov A.Yu. Degassing explosion at Karymsky volcano, Kamchatka // Abstracts of international seismic volcanic workshop on Kamchatkan and Alaska-Aleutian island arcs, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, July 1-9, 1998. 1998. P. 23
Muravyev Y.D., Fedotov S.A., Budnikov V.A., Ozerov A.Yu., Maguskin M.A., Dvigalo V.N., Andreev V.I., Ivanov V.V., Kartasheva L.A., Markov I.A. Activity in the Karymsky Center in 1996: Summit Eruption at Karymsky and Phreatomagmatic Eruption in the Akademii Nauk Caldera // Volcanology and Seismology. 1998. Vol. 19. № 5. P. 567-604.
Data are presented from studies of volcanoes in the Karymsky long-living volcanic center, Kamchatka in 1996. We examine the dynamics and rock composition for eruptions that started simultaneously on Karymsky Volcano and in the Akademia Nauk caldera. The effusive-explosive eruption of Karymsky Volcano was resumed after a 14-year repose period, producing about 30 million tons of andesite-dacite discharges through the summit vent. Long-continued eruptive activity of that volcano is supposed to go on during the near future. Simultaneously with this activity, typical of Karymsky Volcano, a subaquaceous explosive eruption was observed in the lake that occupies the Akademia Nauk caldera 6 km south of the volcano for the first time in Kamchatka during the historical period. An edifice arose in the northern part of Lake Karymsky during 18 hours of this eruption consisting of basaltic and basaltic andesite pyroclastic material surrounding a crater of diameter 650 m. The amount of erupted pyroclastic material is estimated as 0.04 km3, the total weight being over 70 million tons. A discussion is provided of the impact of these eruptions on the environment; we describe renewed hydrothermal activity and the formation of a new group of hot springs in the Akademia Nauk caldera, and estimate the possibility of breakthrough floods from Lake Karymsky etc.
Ponomareva V.V., Pevzner M.M., Melekestsev I.V. Large debris avalanches and associated eruptions in the Holocene eruptive history of Shiveluch Volcano, Kamchatka, Russia // Bulletin of Volcanology. 1998. Vol. 59. № 7. P. 490-505. doi: 10.1007/s004450050206.
Shiveluch Volcano, located in the Central Kamchatka Depression, has experienced multiple flank failures during its lifetime, most recently in 1964. The overlapping deposits of at least 13 large Holocene debris avalanches cover an area of approximately 200 km2 of the southern sector of the volcano. Deposits of two debris avalanches associated with flank extrusive domes are, in addition, located on its western slope. The maximum travel distance of individual Holocene avalanches exceeds 20 km, and their volumes reach ∼3 km3. The deposits of most avalanches typically have a hummocky surface, are poorly sorted and graded, and contain angular heterogeneous rock fragments of various sizes surrounded by coarse to fine matrix. The deposits differ in color, indicating different sources on the edifice. Tephrochronological and radiocarbon dating of the avalanches shows that the first large Holocene avalanches were emplaced approximately 4530–4350 BC. From ∼2490 BC at least 13 avalanches occurred after intervals of 30–900 years. Six large avalanches were emplaced between 120 and 970 AD, with recurrence intervals of 30–340 years. All the debris avalanches were followed by eruptions that produced various types of pyroclastic deposits. Features of some surge deposits suggest that they might have originated as a result of directed blasts triggered by rockslides. Most avalanche deposits are composed of fresh andesitic rocks of extrusive domes, so the avalanches might have resulted from the high magma supply rate and the repetitive formation of the domes. No trace of the 1854 summit failure mentioned in historical records has been found beyond 8 km from the crater; perhaps witnesses exaggerated or misinterpreted the events.
Авдейко Г.П., Пилипенко Г.Ф., Палуева А.А., Напылова О.А. Геотектонические позиции современных гидротермальных проявлений Камчатки // Вулканология и сейсмология. 1998. № 6. С. 85-99.
Большинство гидротермальных проявлений и все высокотемпературные гидротермальные системы локализованы в пределах трех вулканических поясов (Восточно-Камчатского, Южно-Камчатского и Срединного хребта), связанных с зонами субдукции. Поддвиг в зоне субдукции под Срединным хребтом в настоящее время прекратился. Помимо геологических данных это подтверждается тем, что вынос тепла гидротермами Срединного хребта на порядок ниже, чем на Восточной и Южной Камчатке. Пространственное распределение гидротерм почти идентично во всех поясах. При ширине вулканических поясов и зон гидротермальной активности 90-100 км более 95% выносимого гидротермами тепла приурочено к зонам шириной -45 км, примыкающим к вулканическим фронтам. Вулканические фронты дуг являются четкими границами, за которыми нынос тепла резко обрывается. Типичен дискретный характер выноса тепла вдоль вулканических поясов с характерным расстоянием 70-100 км между пиковыми значениями тепловой разгрузки. Количественная оценка вклада возможных источников тепла и воды в формирование гидротермальных систем показала, что единственный реальный источник тепла - близповерхностные магматические очаги. Рассмотрен сценарий возможного тепломассопереноса, приводящий к формированию гидротермальных систем и связанных с ними рудопроявлений.
Авдейко Г.П., Пилипенко Г.Ф., Хворостов В.П. Тектонические позиции и условия образования современных гидротермальных систем и Au-Ag рудопроявлений Камчатки // Минерало-рудообразование в вулканогидротермальных системах островных дуг (Камчатка-Курильские острова-Японские острова): Материалы Российско-японского полевого семинара, г. Петропавловск-Камчатский, Россия, 25 июля-2 августа 1998 г. 1998. С. 15-17.
Белоусов А.Б., Белоусова М.Г. Извержения вулкана Безымянный // Природа. 1998. Т. 3. С. 35-38.