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Girina O.A., Rumyantseva N.A. Microstructure of Tephra from Shiveluch Volcano // Volcanology and Seismology. 1994. Vol. 15. № 5. P. 549-564.
Study is made for the first time on morphological peculiarities of microstructure of three samples from the unbroken marker ash layers of the Shiveluch volcano. In this paper we give the qualitative analysis of tephra structure, i.e. size and shape of particles and type of microstructure, describe structural relationships between deposit components, etc. and make the quantitative analysis of porosity of Sh2 and Sh1 tephra at magnification of 200 and 1,000. Hollow globules of volcanic glass were found for the first time in Sh2 ashes.
Kirianov V.Yu. Volcanic Ash in Kamchatka as a Source of Potential Hazard to Air Traffic // Volcanic Ash and Aviation Safety: Proc. First Intern. Symp. on Volcanic Ash and Aviation safety. US Geological Survey Bull. US Geological Survey. 1994. Vol. 2047. P. 57-63.
Korzhinsky M. A., Tkachenko S. I., Shmulovich K. I., Taran Y. A., Steinberg G. S. Discovery of a pure rhenium mineral at Kudriavy volcano // Nature. 1994. Vol. 369. P. 51-52. doi: 10.1038/369051a0.
KUDRIAVY volcano on Iturup island in the Kuril arc is an active calc-alkaline volcano. It has not erupted this century; its current volcanic activity is characterized by hot (up to 910oC) gas jets which have been stable for at least 30 years. The composition of the gaseous emissions is typical of high-temperature fumaroles, but we report here the discovery of unusual subsurface sublimates associated with one gas jet—a sulphide mineral containing rhenium as the only cation. To our knowledge, this is the first reported occurrence of a pure rhenium mineral. The concentration of rhen-ium in the fumarole gas is only 2–10 p.p.b., so the condensation of pure rhenium sulphide from this gas requires both enrichment of rhenium by eight orders of magnitude and remarkable selectivity. Rhenium is generally believed to exist in only trace amounts at the Earth's surface, but our findings demonstrate that it can be readily mobilized, dispersed and concentrated by degassing magmas.
Melekestsev I.V., Braitseva O.A., Dvigalo V.N., Basanova L.I. Historical eruptions of Avacha volcano, Kamchatka. Attempt of modern interpretation and classification for long-term prediction of the types and parameters of future eruptions. Part 2 (1926-1991) // Volcanology and Seismology. 1994. Vol. 16. № 2. P. 93-114.
Previous data are summarized and new evidence is presented on the Avacha eruptions of 1926-1927, 1938, and 1945. The last eruption of January 1991 is described. The dynamics of the Avacha eruptive activity is considered for a period of 1737-1991. The eruptions are classified into different types. The type and size of a future event are predicted and the related hazard is assessed. It is recommended that the southwestern and southern sectors of the Avacha surrounding should be declared forbidden for residential or industrial construction because of a high volcanic hazard. -Journal summary
Melekestsev I.V., Braitseva O.A., Dvigalo V.N., Bazanova L.I. Historical eruptions of Avacha volcano, Kamchatka. Attempt of modern interpretation and classification for long-term prediction of the types and parameters of future eruptions. Part 1 (1737-1909) // Volcanology and Seismology. 1994. Vol. 15. № 6. P. 649-665.
Some of the previous views on the style of the Avacha eruptions during 1737-1909 are revised on the basis of new data obtained by the authors. The types of eruptions, their geological and geomorphological effects, and the related volcanic hazards are reassessed. All eruptions were explosive events, except for the 1894-1895 extrusive-explosive eruption. The eruptions of 1737, 1779, and 1827 are classified as large, the others, as mild or medium-size events. -from Journal summary
Melekestsev I.V., Dvigalo V.N., Kirianov V.Yu., Kurbatov A.V., Nesmachnyi I.A. Ebeko volcano, Kuril Islands: eruptive history and potential volcanic hazards. Part I // Volcanology and Seismology. 1994. Vol. 15. № 3. P. 339-354.
The eruptive history of Ebeko Volcano is described since its origin about 2400 years ago until the beginning of the 17th century. Six stages of increased activity each lasting 200-300 years were separated by repose periods of the same duration. The eruption of juvenile material (lava and pyroclastics) took place at the first stage only (420-200 B.C.). All eruptions that followed were phreatic events of varying vigor. It is shown that, except for the first eruptive stage, the main volcanic hazard for the Ebeko area and the town of Severo-Kurilsk near by comes from large lahars and tephra fallout. -from Journal summary
Melekestsev I.V., Dvigalo V.N., Kirianov V.Yu., Kurbatov A.V., Nesmachnyi I.A. Ebeko volcano, Kuril Islands: eruptive history and potential volcanic hazards. Part II // Volcanology and Seismology. 1994. Vol. 15. № 4. P. 411-430.
По историческим сведениям, дополненным тефрохронологическими исследованиями и материалами аэрофотосъемок I960, 1987, 1988, 1990 гг. района в. Эбеко, детально восстановлены последствия его извержений XVII-XX вв. Показано, что все извержения были фреатическими и условно фреатомагматическими с источником теплового питания в виде сильно нагретого дайково-силлового комплекса объемом более 1 км . приуроченного к зоне растяжения ССВ (аз. 25°) простирания, вдоль которого расположены вулканы хр. Вернадского на о-в Парамушир. Предполагается, что в будущем главная опасность для г. Северо-Курильска и прилежащих участков связана с прохождением большеобъемных лахаров по рекам Кузьминка и Матросская, начинающихся на в. Эбеко, в меньшей степени - с пеплопадами этого и других вулканов Северных Курил и Южной Камчатки. Доказывается, что серьезная угроза городу может возникнуть при будущем извержении в. Эбеко типа его извержения 1934-1935 гг. Рекомендованы меры для защиты города.
Riley Colleen Origin of scatter in paleomagnetic directions of samples from Gorely Volcano, Kamchatka, Russia. 1994. Дисс. докт. геол.-мин. наук. 70 p.
Lava flows from sixteen sites at Gorely Volcano, Kamchatka were sampled. Initial analysis showed high within-site scatter for NRM specimen directions. Alternating field and thermal demagnetization of specimens showed single-component magnetization indicating that specimens had not moved or were not exposed to changes in the magnetic field during acquisition of a magnetic direction. Scatter is thought to be either due to movement of the specimen with respect to the magnetic field or change in the magnetic field with respect to the specimen. Four factors were found that would contribute to scatter in specimen directions. These are 1) cooling rate, 2) range of unblocking temperatures, 3) relative time of emplacement, and 4) how the specimen moved or was affected by changes in the magnetic field. Only two sites showed that scatter was due to movement of the specimen. It appears that scatter in other sites resulted from changes in the magnetic field generated from a magma-induced electrical current due to lava flowing in the earth’s magnetic field. These changes in the magnetic field are shown to have more affect on material sampled at the surface than on material sampled at depth because massive interiors of flows showed less dispersion in specimen directions than levees or pull-aparts.
Адушкин В.В., Зыков Ю.Н., Федотов С.А. Механизм разрушения механической постройки вследствие потери устойчивости и оценка размеров возможного обрушения Ключевского вулкана // Вулканология и сейсмология. 1994. № 6. С. 81-95.
The new mechanism of the edifice stability loss of stratovolcario have been suggested at the expence of the magma intrusive sheet development from the feeding system. On the base of (hat mechanism there have been considered the opportunity of the catastrophic slope collapse of the Klyuchevskov volcano and there have been given an estimation of ihc geometric parameters of landslide deposils.
Брайцева О.А., Мелекесцев И.В., Пономарева В.В., Сулержицкий Л.Д., Литасова С.Н. Возраст действующих вулканов Курило-Камчатского региона // Вулканология и сейсмология. 1994. № 4-5. С. 5-32.
Ages of most of the active volcanoes, calderas and craters of subcaldera eruptions in the Kurile-Kamchatka region were determined based on the results of geological, geomorphological, tephrochronological and isotope-geochronological studies using more than 600 l4C dates. It has been revealed that the active volcanoes are young, their maximum ages are 40 000 - 50 000 years. Most of the volcanoes that are active at present time started to form at the very end of the Late Pleistocene and in the Holocene. The l4C age was determined for the majority of volcanoes that started to form in the Holocene. It was found that all polygenic stratovolcanoes in Kamchatka formed in the Holocene only within the Eastern volcanic zone. The l4C age was determined for most of the Late Pleistocene calderas that formed within 30 000-40 000 years ago. All Holocene calderas and some craters of subcaldera eruptions were dated. The periods of synchronous intensified activity of volcanoes were determined in the Holocene between 7500 and 7800 years ago and between 1300 and 1800 years ago.