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Records: 2753
Исследования вулканов Камчатки дистанционными методами в 2005 году (2006)
Сенюков С.Л., Дрознина С.Я., Нуждина И.Н., Гарбузова В.Т., Кожевникова Т.Ю. Исследования вулканов Камчатки дистанционными методами в 2005 году // Проблемы эксплозивного вулканизма (к 50-летию катастрофического извержения вулкана Безымянный). Материалы первого международного симпозиума. Петропавловск-Камчатский, 25-30 марта 2006 г. Петропавловск-Камчатский: ИВиС ДВО РАН. 2006. С. 64-75.
Sergey L. Senyukov, Svetlana Y. Droznina, Irina N. Nuzhdina,
Valentina T. Garbuzova, and Tatiana Y. Kozhevnikova
Kamchatkan Branch of the Geophysical Survey of the RAS, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, 683006, RUSSIA
Kamchatkan Branch of the Geophysical Survey (KBGS) RAS has being monitored
volcanic activity since February 2000 (
using three remote methods: 1) Seismic monitoring is a leading method (processing and
interpretation of the data from automatic telemetric seismic stations); 2) Visual and video
observation; 3) Satellite observation. Processing and interpretation of the sensor AVHRR
data from satellite NOAA. Data from KCCM (Kamchatsky Centre of Communication
and Monitoring).
In 2005, Sheveluch, Kluchevskoy, Bezymianny and Karymsky volcanoes had the
eruptions. Successful short-term eruption predictions (time and size) for Bezymianny and
Klyuchevskoy volcanoes were made by Research Laboratory of Seismic and Volcanic
Activity (KBGS) and passed to Kamchatkan Branch of Russian Advisory Council.
Исследования на вулкане Ушишир (Курильские острова) в августе 1983 г. (1986)
Гавриленко Г.М., Бондаренко В.И., Гусева В.И., Сазонов А.П., Сергеев В.А., Мальцева В.И., Фазлуллин С.М. Исследования на вулкане Ушишир (Курильские острова) в августе 1983 г. // Вулканология и сейсмология. 1986. № 1. С. 3-12.
Исследования по вулканологии и сейсмологии, их развитие и значение на Камчатке, история отечественной науки (статьи и очерки 1973-2002 гг.) (2002)
Федотов С.А. Исследования по вулканологии и сейсмологии, их развитие и значение на Камчатке, история отечественной науки (статьи и очерки 1973-2002 гг.). Петропавловск-Камчатский: ИВ ДВО РАН. 2002. 169 с.
Academician of RAS S.A. Fedotov had carried out volcanological and seismological observations in Kamchatka in 1957-2002 and has headed them during decades in position of the Director of the Institute of Volcanology, Far East Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, 1971-2002. More than 20 his articles and studies printed in 1973-2002 are placed in this book. Different aspects of the investigations mentioned above related to a period of their highest rise in Kamchatka are considered. Their history, developments, tasks and problems, organization, great natural and scientific events, results and vitally important applications are described. The book is prepared for specialists in Earth’s sciences, volcanologists, seismologists, geologists, geophysicists, geochemists especially for teachers and students, all readers which are interested in history and achievements of science in Russia, in volcanoes and earthquakes, and in problem of defence against the high seismic danger in Kamchatka.
Исследования по вулканологии и сейсмологии, их развитие и значение на Камчатке, история отечественной науки (статьи и очерки 1973-2002 гг.) (2003)
Федотов С.А. Исследования по вулканологии и сейсмологии, их развитие и значение на Камчатке, история отечественной науки (статьи и очерки 1973-2002 гг.). Петропавловск-Камчатский: Холдинговая компания «Новая Книга». 2003. 184 с.
Academician of RAS S.A. Fedotov had carried out volcanological and seismological observations in Kamchatka in 1957-2002 and has headed them during decades in position of the Director of the Institute of Volcanology, Far East Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, 1971-2002. More than 20 his articles and studies printed in 1973-2002 are placed in this book. Different aspects of the investigations mentioned above related to a period of their highest rise in Kamchatka are considered. Their history, developments, tasks and problems, organization, great natural and scientific events, results and vitally important applications are described. The book is prepared for specialists in Earth’s sciences, volcanologists, seismologists, geologists, geophysicists, geochemists especially for teachers and students, all readers which are interested in history and achievements of science in Russia, in volcanoes and earthquakes, and in problem of defence against the high seismic danger in Kamchatka.
Исследования по вулканологии и сейсмологии: задачи и перспективы (1990)
Федотов С.А. Исследования по вулканологии и сейсмологии: задачи и перспективы // Вестник ДВО РАН. 1990. № 1. С. 9-14.
Истечение жидкой серы в кальдере Головнина летом 1979 года (1980)
Мархинин Е.К. Истечение жидкой серы в кальдере Головнина летом 1979 года // Современный вулканизм и связанные с ним геологические, геофизические и геохимические явления (Тезисы докладов). Тбилиси: Мецниереба. 1980. С. 153-154.
Исторические извержения Авачинского вулкана на Камчатке (попытка современной интерпретации и классификации для долгосрочного прогноза типа и параметров будущих извержений). Ч. I (1737-1909 гг.) (1993)
Мелекесцев И.В., Брайцева О.А., Двигало В.Н., Базанова Л.И. Исторические извержения Авачинского вулкана на Камчатке (попытка современной интерпретации и классификации для долгосрочного прогноза типа и параметров будущих извержений). Ч. I (1737-1909 гг.) // Вулканология и сейсмология. 1993. № 6. С. 13-27.
The old views on the style of the Avachinsky eruptions during 1737- 1909 have partially been revised based on new data obtained by the authors. We specified their types and geological-geomorphological effect and made an assessment of the related volcanic hazards. All the eruptions were merely explosive except for the effusive-explosive eruption of 1894-1895. The eruptions of 1737, 1779 and 1827 are referred to large for this historical eruptive stage, the rest (of 1772, 1851-1855, 1878, 1881, 1894-1895 and 1909) are regarded as small and moderate.
Исторические извержения Авачинского вулкана на Камчатке (попытка современной интерпретации и классификации для долгосрочного прогноза типа и параметров будущих извержений). Ч. II (1926-1991 гг.) (1994)
Мелекесцев И.В., Брайцева О.А., Двигало В.Н., Базанова Л.И. Исторические извержения Авачинского вулкана на Камчатке (попытка современной интерпретации и классификации для долгосрочного прогноза типа и параметров будущих извержений). Ч. II (1926-1991 гг.) // Вулканология и сейсмология. 1994. № 2. С. 3-23.
We have summed up and supplemented new data on the eruptions of 1926-1927, 1938 and 1945 plus added the description of the last eruption of the volcano in January 1991. Considering the dynamics of the eruptive activity of the Avachinsky volcano in 1737-1991 we have presented a classification for these eruptions. Also we made a forecast of the type and parameters of possible future eruption as well as estimated the volcanic hazard associated with it. Because of high degree of volcanic hazard in the SW and S sectors of the base of the volcano it is proposed to prohibit constructions of any kind in these areas.
Исторические извержения вулкана Пик Сарычева (о. Матуа, Курильские острова) (2011)
Дегтерев А.В., Рыбин А.В., Разжигаева Н.Г. Исторические извержения вулкана Пик Сарычева (о. Матуа, Курильские острова) // Вестник КРАУНЦ. Серия: Науки о Земле. 2011. Вып. 17. № 1. С. 102-119.
The article provides data on historical events of the Kurile island arc’s most active Peak Sarychev Volcano, Matua Island, the Central Kuriles. During the study period the volcano was producing short terminal eruptions of explosive and explosive-effusive types discharging volcanites chiefly with pyroclastic flows and related formations.
Исторические извержения вулкана Чикурачки (о. Парамушир, Курильские острова) (2003)
Белоусов А.Б., Белоусова М.Г., Гришин С.Ю., Крестов П.В. Исторические извержения вулкана Чикурачки (о. Парамушир, Курильские острова) // Вулканология и сейсмология. 2003. № 3. С. 15-34.
The dynamics of hostorical eruptions for Chikurachki Volcano has been analyzed. It is shown that these were either weak Strombolian-type eruptions (at intervals of a few years to a few tens of years) or powerful Plinian-type eruptions (at intervals of 100-200 years) discharging basaltic magma (50-54% SiO2). We have studied the tephra deposits and determined the parameters of the 1853 and 1986 Plinian-type eruption phases whose values have turned out to be similar: the minimum volume of erupted magma was 0.03 and 0.04 km3, respectively, the magma discharge was 5 x106 kg/s for both eruption types, the eruptive column height was about 13-14 km for wind velocities of 35-40 and 15 m/s, the Plinian-type phases lasting 5 and 7 hours. Information is provided on the morphology of the volcanic edifice and the structure of the soil-pyroclastic cover in the area. The condition of the crater in the summer of 2000 is described. It is concluded that high, pyroclastics-charged clouds of Plinian-type eruptions are the leading risk factor associated with Chikurachki Volcano.