Записей: 2754
Хренов А.П., Двигало В.Н., Кирсанов И.Т., Федотов С.А., Горельчик В.И., Жаринов Н.А. Вулкан Ключевской // Действующие вулканы Камчатки. М.: Наука. 1991. Т. 1. С. 106-153.
Шанцер А.Е., Кутыев Ф.Ш., Петров В.С., Зубин М.И. Вулкан Кизимен / Действующие вулканы Камчатки. В 2-х т. Т. 2. М.: Наука. 1991. С. 18-29.
Alidibirov M.A., Bogoyavlenskaya G.E., Kirsanov I.T., Firstov P.P., Girina O.A., Belousov A.B., Zhdanova E.Yu., Malyshev A.I. The 1985 eruption of Bezymianny // Volcanology and Seismology. 1990. Vol. 10. № 6. P. 839-863.
Felitsyn S.B., Kirianov V.Yu. Areal variability of tephra composition as indicated by bulk silicate analysis data // Volcanology and Seismology. 1990. Vol. 9. № 1. P. 1-20.
Kirianov V.Yu., Egorova I.A., Litasova S.N. Volcanic ash on Bering Island (Commander Islands) and Kamchatkan Holocene Eruptions // Volcanology and Seismology. 1990. Vol. 8. № 6. P. 850-868.
Kochegura V.V., Zubov A.G., Braytseva O.A. Magnetostratigraphy of Kamchatkan Holocene formations of soil and pyroclastics // Volcanology and Seismology. 1990. Vol. 8. № 6. P. 825-849.
An account is given of magnetostratigraphic studies of Kamchatkan Holocene formations: the cover of soil and pyroclastics and the rocks of the cinder cones from the flank eruptions of Klyuchevskoi Volcano. А study was made of seven sections of the soil and pyroclastics and of samples from 17 cinder cones. А detailed account is given of the data processing procedure. Consideration is given to the reasons for the established incompleteness of the paleomagnetic record in the sections and it is demonstrated that adequately detailed reconstruction of the history of the geomagnetic 1ield is possible only provided that а study is made of а series of рагаllеl sections. The trajесtory of the geomagnetic field vector over the last 4000 years is determined on the basis of the material on radiocarbon datings. Seven cycles of paleosecular variations are distinguished in the age range investigated; each of these cycles has individual features by which they can be recognised and used for stratigraphic correlation. The, features taken were the direction of rotation of the vector, the shape and size of its loops, and the length of the cycles. Correlation of the sections based on paleomagnetic data was found to be in good agreement with the tephrostratigraphic correlation and enabled corrections to be made to the age of some horizons, including the archeological layers of the primitive settlement at Zhupanovo and the cinder cones. The metachronous magnetization present in some tephra layers was found to be an obstacle to any improvement in the accuracy and detail of magnetochronological reconstructions.
Muravyev Y.D., Salamatin A.N. Mass balance and thermal regime of a crater glacier at Ushkovskii volcano // Volcanology and Seismology. 1990. Vol. 11. № 3. P. 411-424.
A thermal model has been constructed for a steady-state glacier of Ushkovskii Volcano. Analysis of ice mass balance components has revealed elevated heat flow (mean valce 10 W/m2) in the summit crater wich has remained nearly constant over the last 40 years. The measured accumulation rate and temperature distribution in the snow and firn body in the middle of the Gorshkov crater suggest the existence of a considerable uplift (a small embedded crater) overlain by the glaciers. The formulas proposed in this paper can be used to evaluate critical state parameters for unsteady ice masses on the slopes of Klyuchevskoi Volcano.
Slezin Yu.B. The morphology and rheology of modern Klyuchevskoi parasitic lava flows // Volcanology and Seismology. 1990. Vol. 10. Vol. 5. P. 665-686.
Vinogradov V.N., Muravyev Y.D., Nikitina I.M., Salamatin A.N. Production of phreatic explosions in the interaction of lava and ice // Volcanology and Seismology. 1990. Vol. 9. № 1. P. 89-98.
A matematical model is given of the formation of phreatic explosions in lava flows coming into contact with ice formations. Quantitative characteristics are derived for the various stages in the development of the explosion; by means of wich its strength and other parameters may be evaluated. The theoretical calculation results are in agreement with empirical data.
Zharinov N.A., Zhdanova E.Yu., Belousov A.B., Belousova M.G., Ivanov A.P., Malyshev A.I., Khanzutin V.P. Activity of North Kamchatkan volcanoes in 1985 // Volcanology and Seismology. 1990. Vol. 10. Vol. 3. P. 331-346.