Записей: 2773
Fedotov S.A. Temperatures of Entering Magma, Formation and Dimensions of Magma Chambers of Volcanoes // Bulletin Volcanologique. 1982. Vol. 45. Vol. 4. P. 333-347. doi: 10.1007/BF02597256.
A mechanism, of formation of magma chambers that feed volcanoes is discussed. Heat conditions and dimensions of magma chambers which have existed for more than several thousand years may become stable. The approximate equations of heat balance of these chambers are derived by calculating the temperature T1 of the magma entering chambers and the radii a of chambers. Calculations show that the radius of the shallow "peripheral" chambers of the Avachinsky volcano is less than 3-3.5 km. Possible maximum radii of "peripheral" magma chambers were estimated for the Kamchatkan volcanoes of medial size. The temperature difference in their chambers may reach 100-200 "C. This method can be applied to the calculations of "roots" of central-type volcanoes.
Kochegura V.V., Zubov A.G. Paleomagnetic chronostratigraphy of young eruptive series // Abstracts: generation of major basalt types. August 15-22, 1982. Reykjavik, Island: IAVCEI-IAGC Scientific Assembly. 1982. Vol. 81.
Zobin V.M., Gorelchik V.I. Seismicity and source parameters of earthquakes in the region of the large Tolbachik fissure eruption // Bulletin Volcanologique. 1982. Vol. 45. Vol. 2. P. 99-113. 15 p. doi:10.1007/BF02600427.
Апродов В.А. Вулканы. М.: Мысль. 1982. 367 с.
Справочник содержит характеристику около трех тысяч вулканов земного шара, сгруппированных по вулканическим поясам и другим районам проявления вулканизма. Этим поясам и районам предшествует их общая геолого-географическая характеристика. Сведения о вулканах включают географическое положение, морфологию, геологическую структуру, активность и т.д. Книга рассчитана не только на специалистов, но и на более широкий круг читателей.
Бибикова Е.В., Максимов А.П., Кирнозова Т.И., Макаров В.А. Вопросы генезиса андезитов в свете свинцово-изотопных данных // IX Всесоюзн. Симпозиум по стабильным изотопам в геохимии. 1982, Москва. 1982. Т. 1.
Брайцева О.А., Кирьянов В.Ю. О прошлой активности вулкана Безымянный по данным тефрохронологических исследований // Вулканология и сейсмология. 1982. № 6. С. 44-56.
Брайцева О.А., Мелекесцев И.В., Егорова И.А. Тефрохронологические исследования на Камчатке // XII Конгресс ИНКВА. Тезисы докладов. ВИНИТИ, Москва. 1982. Т. 1. С. 39-40.
Брайцева О.А., Мелекесцев И.В., Кожемяка Н.Н., Егорова И.А., Лупикина Е.Г. Стратиграфия четвертичных осадочных и вулканогенных континентальных отложений Камчатки / Четвертичные отложения Востока СССР. Магадан: СВКНИИ ДВНЦ АН СССР. 1982. Вып. 3. С. 45-47.
Виноградов В.Н. Всесоюзный семинар по взаимодействию вулканизма и оледенения // Вулканология и сейсмология. 1982. № 1. С. 107-108.
Виноградов В.Н., Муравьев Я.Д. Изменчивость современных ледников вулканических районов Камчатки // Материалы гляциологических исследований. 1982. № 42. С. 164-170.
Variability of glaciers situated in volcanic regions of Kamchatka is considered. Glacier fluctuations, induced by climatic changes and volcanic activity are distinguished. Kozelsky Glacier advanced in 1971-1976. For five years it made a 330-meter advance and its area increased by 0.09 km . The advance was stimulated by favourable climatic conditions: big snowness of winters and cold summer ablation seasons. The Bil'chenok Glacier advanced in 1976-1977 after a 17-year quiescence period. The glacier terminus descended down to 1100 m a.s.l. and made a 500-m advance. The impact of present-day volcanism on glacier fluctuations was revealed: 1) glacier surges resulting from considerable water film at the glacier-bed boundary, accumulation of
additional volumes of eruptive material on its surface and also due to the growth of seismic activity; 2) shrinkage of the area and volume of glaciers -because of ice melting and washout of their parts by melt waters under thermal influence of erupting volcano and, in particular, in case of subglacial eruptions and ice contacts with lava flows; 3) destruction of ice and glaciers by catastrophic explosive eruptions and also in case of partial subsidence and stopong of volcanoes. Some examples of the impacts of volcanic eruptions on glaciers are given.