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Записей: 2773
Activity of the Volcanoes of Kamchatka and the Kuril Islands (1989)
Fedotov S.A., Ivanov B.V., Dvigalo V.N., Kirsanov I.T., Muravyev Y.D., Ovsyannikov A.A., Razina A.A., Seliverstov N.I., Stepanov V.V., Khrenov A.P., Chirkov A.M. Activity of the Volcanoes of Kamchatka and the Kuril Islands // Volcanology and Seismology. 1989. Vol. 7. № 5. P. 647-682.
Advances in studies of dense volcanic granular flows (2005)
Bursik M., Patra A., Pitman E. B ., Nichita C., Macias J. L., Saucedo R., Girina O.A. Advances in studies of dense volcanic granular flows // Reports on Progress in Physics. 2005. Vol. 68. P. 271-301.
Age and Paleogeography of Formation of Volcano-Sedimentary Deposits in the Uzon-Geizernaya Caldera Depression, Kamchatka (According to Palynological Data) (1993)
Egorova I.A. Age and Paleogeography of Formation of Volcano-Sedimentary Deposits in the Uzon-Geizernaya Caldera Depression, Kamchatka (According to Palynological Data) // Volcanology and Seismology. 1993. Vol. 15. № 2. P. 157-176.
Based on thepalynological studies, the age dismembering is made of volcanogenic-sedimentary deposits in the Uzon-Geysernaya Caldera Depression. The paleogeographical setting of the time of sedimentation is described. The age of deposits was established to be Late Pleitocene-Holocene. The dating was made of the main events of the post-caldera volcanic activity in the Uzon Caldera.
Age of Volcanoes in the Kurille-Kamchatka Zone (1969)
Melekestsev I.V., Braitseva O.A., Sulerzhitskii L.D., Ogorodov N.V., Kozhemiaka N.N., Egorova I.A., Lupikina E.G. Age of Volcanoes in the Kurille-Kamchatka Zone // International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth`s Interior. Sumposium on Volcanoes &Their Roots. Oxford: 1969. P. 138-139.
Ages and stages of development of the Kurile - Kamchatka active volcanoes (1983)
Melekestsev I.V. Ages and stages of development of the Kurile - Kamchatka active volcanoes // Arc Volcanism: Physics and Tectonics. Proceedings of a 1981 IAVCEI Symposium, Arc Volcanism, August-September, 1981, Tokyo and Hakone. Tokyo: Terra Scientific Publishing Co. 1983. P. 230-231.
Ages of active volcanoes in the Kuril-Kamchatka region (1995)
Braitseva O.A., Melekestsev I.V., Ponomareva V.V., Sulerzhitskiy L.D., Litasova S.N. Ages of active volcanoes in the Kuril-Kamchatka region // Volcanology and Seismology. 1995. Vol. 16. № 4-5. P. 341-369.
The births (ages) of most of the active volcanoes, calderas, and large craters produced by caldera-resembling eruptions (subcaldera craters) were dated as a result of geological, geomorphological, tephrochronological, and isotopic studies. The dated active volcanoes were found to be fairly young formations, the age of the oldest being 40-50 thousand years. Most of the presently highly active volcanoes had been born at the very end of the late Pleistocene or during the Holocene. Carbon-14 ages were determined for the majority of the Holocene volcanoes. The periods of time when Holocene volcanoes had been synchronously active were 7500-7800 and 1300-1800 years ago. -from Journal summary
Along-arc variations in lithospheric mantle compositions in Kamchatka, Russia: First trace element data on mantle xenoliths from the Klyuchevskoy Group volcanoes (2013)
Ionov D.A., Bénard A., Plechov P.Yu., Shcherbakov V.D. Along-arc variations in lithospheric mantle compositions in Kamchatka, Russia: First trace element data on mantle xenoliths from the Klyuchevskoy Group volcanoes // Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 2013. Vol. 263. P. 122 - 131. doi: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2012.12.022.
Abstract We provide results of a detailed study of the first peridotite xenoliths of proven mantle origin reported from Bezymyanny volcano in the Klyuchevskoy Group, northern Kamchatka arc. The xenoliths are coarse spinel harzburgites made up mainly of Mg-rich olivine as well as subhedral orthopyroxene (opx) and Cr-rich spinel, and also contain fine-grained interstitial pyroxenes, amphibole and feldspar. The samples are unique in preserving the evidence for both initial arc mantle substrate produced by high-degree melt extraction and subsequent enrichment events. We show that the textures, modal and major oxide compositions of the Bezymyanny xenoliths are generally similar to those of spinel harzburgite xenoliths from Avacha volcano in southern Kamchatka. However, coarse opx from the Bezymyanny harzburgites has higher abundances of light and medium rare earth elements and other highly incompatible elements than coarse opx from the Avacha harzburgites. We infer that (1) the sub-arc lithospheric mantle beneath both Avacha and Bezymyanny (and possibly between these volcanoes) consists predominantly of harzburgitic melting residues, which experienced metasomatism by slab-related fluids or low-fraction, fluid-rich melts and (2) the degrees of metasomatism are higher beneath Bezymyanny. By contrast, xenolith suites from Shiveluch and Kharchinsky volcanoes 50–100 km north of the Klyuchevskoy Group include abundant cumulates and products of reaction of mantle rocks with silicate melts at high melt/rock ratios. The high melt flux through the lithospheric mantle beneath Shiveluch and Kharchinsky may be related to the asthenospheric flow around the northern edge of the sinking Pacific plate; lateral propagation of fluids in the mantle wedge south of the plate edge may contribute to metasomatism in the mantle lithosphere beneath the Klyuchevskoy Group volcanoes.
Amphibole record of 1964 plinian and following dome-forming eruptions of Shiveluch volcano, Kamchatka (2020)
Gorbach N.V., Philosofova T.M, Portnyagin M.V. Amphibole record of 1964 plinian and following dome-forming eruptions of Shiveluch volcano, Kamchatka // Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 2020. Vol. 407. № 107108. doi: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2020.107108.
Shiveluch is one of the most active explosive volcanoes worldwide. During the last рlinian eruption in 1964 and the following (1980-current time) dome-forming eruptions Shiveluch has produced andesites and dacites (SiO2~60-64 wt.%) containing variably zoned, compositionally and texturally diverse amphibole phenocrysts. In this work, we attempt to decode the complex zoning of the amphibole crystals in the 55-year series of pumice, dome rocks and mafic enclaves in order to reconstruct the most recent evolution of the volcano plumbing system.
The amphibole zoning in Shiveluch andesites reveals correlation with the style and date of eruption. High-Al cores mantled by low-Al rims in amphiboles from the 1964 plinian eruption record a drastic decrease of pressure and rapid magma ascent from the lower crust to the shallow magma chamber. Typically unzoned and often opacitized low-Al crystals from the early dome-building episodes in 1980-1981 and 1993-1995 reflect magma crystallization in the shallow magma chamber. Complexly zoned amphiboles from andesites erupted in 2000s indicate replenishment of the shallow magma chamber with mafic magma and syn-eruptive mixing processes. Amphibole-based barometric calculations obtained by different approaches indicate that the Shiveluch plumbing system is complex and comprises two, mafic and silicic magma storage zones at ~15-20 km and ~5-6 km depths. We suggest that both episodes of the plinian eruption in 1964 and the extensive dome growth in 2001-2016 were driven by influx of mafic magma in the shallow storage zone beneath Shiveluch. The mafic replenishment likely preceded the 1964 plinian eruption and repeatedly occurred during the period of extensive dome growth in 2001-2016. The variable styles of the recent Shiveluch eruptions may be controlled by the relative volume of the mafic recharges and their thermal and viscosity effects on the efficiency of magma mixing.
An eruption of the Veer cone as a volcanic event during the increase of volcanic activity in Kamchatka at the beginning of the Christian Era (2010)
Dirksen O.V., Bazanova L.I. An eruption of the Veer cone as a volcanic event during the increase of volcanic activity in Kamchatka at the beginning of the Christian Era // Journal of Volcanology and Seismology. 2010. Vol. 4. № 6. P. 378-384. doi: 10.1134/S0742046310060023.
Tephrochronologic studies conducted in the Levaya Avacha River valley helped determine the true age of the Veer cinder cone, which formed approximately in 470 AD (1600 14C BP). These data refute the existing idea that it was generated in 1856. The monogenetic Veer cone should be cancelled from the catalogs of historical eruptions and active volcanoes in Kamchatka. The eruption of this cone was a reflection of the all-Kamchatkan increase in the activity of endogenous processes that occurred in 0–650 AD.
Analysis of the Development of the Paroxysmal Eruption of the Sheveluch Volcano on April 10–13, 2023, Based on Data from Various Satellite Systems (2023)
Girina O.A., Loupian E.A., Horváth Á, Melnikov D.V., Manevich A.G., Nuzhdaev A.A., Bril A.A., Ozerov A.Yu., Kramareva L.S., Sorokin A.A. Analysis of the Development of the Paroxysmal Eruption of the Sheveluch Volcano on April 10–13, 2023, Based on Data from Various Satellite Systems // Cosmic Research. 2023. Vol. 61. Vol. 1. P. S182-S187. https://doi.org/10.1134/S0010952523700533.
The Sheveluch volcano is the most active volcano in Kamchatka. The paroxysmal explosive eruption of the volcano that destroyed the lava dome in the volcanic crater continued on April 10–13, 2023. According to various satellite data, the height of the separate eruptive clouds probably exceeded 15 km above sea level. A powerful cyclone, which dominated the entire Kamchatka Peninsula, pulled the eruptive cloud to the west, turned it to the south, stretched it to the north, and directed it to the east from the volcano. The dynamics of the development of ash and aerosol clouds of this eruption is reflected in the animations made from a series of Himawari-9 satellite images in the VolSatView IS from 08:00 UTC on April 10 to 07:00 UTC on April 14 (http://d33.infospace.ru/jr_d33/materials/2023v20n2/283-291/1683110898.webm) and of the Arctica-M1 satellite from 16:00 to 21:30 UTC on April 10 (http://d33.infospace.ru/jr_d33/materials/2023v20n2/283-291/1683821166.webm). It was noted that the eruptive column was not vertical: for example, at the initial moment of the eruption on April 10 at 13:20 UTC, it deviated to the north–northeast; on April 11, at 12:00 UTC to the northwest; and, on April 12, at 7:00 UTC to the southwest. During the paroxysmal eruption, sulfur dioxide continuously entered the atmosphere, the maximum amount of which was released on April 10–11, as a result of the explosive destruction of the lava dome of the Sheveluch volcano. Ash clouds along with aerosol clouds on April 10–13 were stretched into a strip more than 3500 km long from west to northeast. On April 21–22, the Sheveluch aerosol cloud was observed in the region of the Scandinavian Peninsula. The total area of the territory of Kamchatka and the Pacific Ocean where ash and aerosol plumes and clouds were observed during the April 10–13 eruption was about 3280000 km2. The paroxysmal eruption of Sheveluch volcano belongs to the sub-Plinian type because it is characterized by a large height of the eruptive cloud and a long event duration. For this eruption, the Volcanic Explosivity Index is estimated to be 3–4. A detailed description of the paroxysmal explosive eruption of the Sheveluch volcano and the spread of the eruptive cloud was performed based on data from various satellite systems (Himawari-9, NOAA-18/19, GOES-18, Terra, Aqua, JPSS-1, Suomi NPP, Arctica-M1, etc.) in the information system “Remote Monitoring of Kamchatka and Kuril Islands Volcanic Activity” (VolSatView, http://kamchatka.volcanoes.smislab.ru).