Gorely Volcano. Bibliography
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Gavrilenko M., Ozerov A., Kyle P., Eichelberger J. Magmatic melts evolution at Gorely volcano (Southern Kamchatka) // 33rd International Geological Congress. Oslo, Norway. Abstracts. 2008.
Gavrilenko M.G, Ozerov A.Yu. Geochemical similarities between the pre-caldera and modern evolutionary series of eruptive products from Gorely volcano, Kamchatka // 2010 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 13-17 Dec.. 2010. P. V21B-2333.
Gavrilenko M.G, Ozerov A.Yu. Petrochemical Characteristics of Gorely Volcano (Southern Kamchatka) Magmatic Series // “CoV6-Tenerife 2010” – Cities on Volcanoes 6, Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain May 31 - June 4, 2010. 2010.
Gavrilenko M.G, Ozerov A.Yu. The chemical composition of the accessory minerals inclusions in the olivine and pyroxene phenocrysts, as an indicator of the calc-alkaline magmas evolution conditions at the Gorely volcano (Kamchatka) // 2010 GSA Denver Annual Meeting (31 October – 3 November 2010). Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Denver: GSA. 2010. Vol. 42. № 5. P. 626
Gavrilenko M.G, Ozerov A.Yu., Kyle P., Meshalkin V. The magmatic melts evolution of Gorely volcano (Kamchatka) // 32nd International Geological Congress. Florence, Italy. 2004, Abstracts. 2004. Vol. Part 1. P. 407
Gavrilenko M.G., Ozerov A.Yu., Kyle P.R., Eichelberger J.C. Petrological and Geochemical Characteristics of Magmatic Melts at Gorely Volcano, Kamchatka, Russia // AGU Fall Meeting 2006. Eos Trans. AGU, 87(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstracts. 2006. P. V11A-0558.
Gavrilenko Maxim, Ozerov Alexey, Kyle Philip R., Carr Michael J., Nikulin Alex, Vidito Christopher, Danyushevsky Leonid Abrupt transition from fractional crystallization to magma mixing at Gorely volcano (Kamchatka) after caldera collapse // Bulletin of Volcanology. 2016. Vol. 78. № 7. doi:10.1007/s00445-016-1038-z.
A series of large caldera-forming eruptions (361–38 ka) transformed Gorely volcano, southern Kamchatka Peninsula, from a shield-type system dominated by fractional crystallization processes to a composite volcanic center, exhibiting geochemical evidence of magma mixing. Old Gorely, an early shield volcano (700–361 ka), was followed by Young Gorely eruptions. Calc-alkaline high magnesium basalt to rhyolite lavas have been erupted from Gorely volcano since the Pleistocene. Fractional crystallization dominated evolution of the Old Gorely magmas, whereas magma mixing is more prominent in the Young Gorely eruptive products. The role of rechargeevacuation processes in Gorely magma evolution is negligible (a closed magmatic system); however, crustal rock assimilation plays a significant role for the evolved magmas. Most Gorely magmas differentiate in a shallow magmatic system at pressures up to 300 MPa, ∼3 wt% H2O, and oxygen fugacity of ∼QFM + 1.5 log units. Magma temperatures of 1123–1218 °C were measured using aluminum distribution between olivine and spinel in Old and Young Gorely basalts. The crystallization sequence of major minerals for Old Gorely was as follows: olivine and spinel (Ol + Sp) for mafic compositions (more than 5 wt% of MgO); clinopyroxene and plagioclase crystallized at ∼5 wt% of MgO (Ol +Cpx + Plag) and magnetite at ∼3.5 wt% of MgO (Ol + Cpx + Plag +Mt). We show that the shallow magma chamber evolution of Old Gorely occurs under conditions of decompression and degassing. We find that the caldera-forming eruption(s) modified the magma plumbing geometry. This led to a change in the dominant magma evolution process from fractional crystallization to magma mixing. We further suggest that disruption of the magma chamber and accompanying change in differentiation process have the potential to transform a shield volcanic system to that of composite cone on a global scale.
Girina O.A., Gordeev E.I., Melnikov D.V., Manevich A.G., Nuzhdaev A.A., Romanova I.M. The 25 Anniversary Kamchatkan Volcanic Eruption Response Team // 10th Biennual workshop on Japan-Kamchatka-Alaska subduction processes (JKASP-2018). Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Russia, August 20-26. // 10th Biennual workshop on Japan-Kamchatka-Alaska subduction processes (JKASP-2018). Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky: IVS FEB RAS. 2018. P. 80-82.
Girina O.A., Loupian E.A., Sorokin A.A., Romanova I.M., Melnikov D.V., Manevich A.G., Nuzhdaev A.A., Bartalev S.A., Kashnitskii A.V., Uvarov I.A., Korolev S.P., Malkovsky S.I., Kramareva L.S. Information Technologies for the Analyzing of Kamchatka and the Kuril Islands Volcanoes Activity in 2019-2020 // Short Paper Proceedings of the VI International Conference on Information Technologies and High-Performance Computing (ITHPC 2021), Khabarovsk, Russia, September 14-16, 2021. Khabarovsk: CEUR-WS.org. 2021. Vol. 2930. P. 112-118.
The work is devoted to the activity analysis of Kamchatka and the Kuril Islands volcanoes in 2019-2020.The activity of the volcanoes was estimated based on the processing of data from daily satellite monitoring carried out using the information system “Remote monitoring of Kamchatkan and the Kuriles volcanoes activity (VolSatView)”. The activity of the Kamchatka and the Kuril Islands volcanoes considered based on the analysis of their thermal anomalies. Analysis of the characteristics of thermal anomalies over volcanoes was carried out in KVERT IS. Analysis of the temperature of thermal anomalies of volcanoes in the Kuril - Kamchatka region in 2019-2020 shows a significantly higher activity of the Kamchatka volcanoes in comparison with the Kuril volcanoes.
Global Volcanism Program. Volcanoes of the World, v. 4.11.0 (08 Jun 2022). 2013. doi: 10.5479/si.GVP.VOTW4-2013.
The Volcanoes of the World database is a catalog of Holocene and Pleistocene volcanoes, and eruptions from the past 12,000 years.