Avachinsky Volcano. Bibliography
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Мелекесцев И.В., Селиверстов Н.И., Сенюков С.Л. Информационное сообщение об активизации в октябре 2001 г. вулкана Авачинский на Камчатке и проведенных исследованиях // Вулканология и сейсмология. 2002. № 2. С. 79-80.
Мелекесцев И.В., Сулержицкий Л.Д., Базанова Л.И., Брайцева О.А. Катастрофические голоценовые лахары Авачинского и Корякского вулканов на Камчатке // Вулканология и сейсмология. 1995. № 4-5. С. 172-181.
For the first time, tracks from 5 catastrophic lahars associated with subsynchronously occurring rueptions of the Avachinsky (great explosions with a large volume ejections of juvenile pyroclastics) and Koryaksky (voluminous lateral lava effusions) volcanoes have been found, described and dated by the C-14 method. Their reconstruction has been conducted. The C-14 ages of lahars are from 3500 to 3200 yrs ago, the calendar ages are from 1900 to 1500 BP. These lahars were significantly greater in volume, degree of hazard, and intensity of impact on the natural environment than those triggered by historic (19th - 20th centuries) eruptions from the both volcanoes. In particular, they caused a considerable (1-3 km) SW migration of the Avacha river down-stream channel, the largest waterway in Southern Kamchatka.
Меняйлов А.А. Извержение вулкана Авачи в 1938 г. // Бюллетень вулканологических станций на Камчатке. 1939. № 6. С. 20-26.
Меняйлов А.А., Набоко С.И. Деятельность камчатских вулканов за первый квартал 1938 г. // Бюллетень вулканологической станции на Камчатке. 1939. № 6. С. 3-19.
Меняйлов А.А., Набоко С.И. Деятельность некоторых камчатских вулканов в конце 1937 г. // Бюллетень вулканологической станции на Камчатке. 1939. Вып. 5. С. 5-16.
Меняйлов А.А., Сосунов Н.Ф. Деятельность Авачинского и Мутновского вулканов (апрель-сентябрь 1938 г.) // Бюллетень вулканологической станции на Камчатке. 1939. № 7. С. 18-19.
Мороз Ю.Ф., Гонтовая Л.И. Глубинное строение Южной Камчатки по геофизическим данным / Геодинамика и вулканизм Курило-Камчатской островодужной системы. Петропавловск-Камчатский: ИВГиГ ДВО РАН. // Геодинамика и вулканизм Курило-Камчатской островодужной системы. Петропавловск-Камчатский: ИВГиГ ДВО РАН. 2001. С. 58-74.
Data of seismological, gravimetric and electromagnetic study are presented. Main peculiarities of deep-seated structure of the earth's crust and upper mantle to the depth of ~90 km have been revealed. Margins of the lithosphere blocks on ground and water area of the Avacha bay have been established. A complex geologic-geophysical model beneath Avachinsky volcano has been developed. It involves crustal magmatic chamber at depth 15 to 25 km, intrusion overlying it, peripheric chamber at depth ~0 to 2 km, and zone saturated with liquid fluids in Avachinsky graben. Major geodynamic processes, which have been operating in the earth's crust at present, are considered. An important role is given to the crustal permeable zone containing fluids. Recommendations are made for the deep well-drilling in the area of Avachinsky volcano with the aim of searching for geothermal deposits.
Мороз Ю.Ф., Гонтовая Л.И. Глубинное строение района Авачинско-Корякской группы вулканов на Камчатке // Вулканология и сейсмология. 2003. № 4. С. 3-10.
Results are presented from gravity, seismic and electromagnetic studies. Main features of the deep structure of the area have been identified. A multidisciplinary geologic-geophysical model has been developed for the crust beneath Avacha Volcano. The model involves a crustal magma chamber at a depth of about 15-25 km, an intrusion that overlies it, and a peripheral chamber under the volcanic cone at 0-2 km depth, as well as a fluid-saturated zone in the Avacha Graben. We discuss possible geodynamic processes that are going on in the crust at present. Importance is attached to the fluid-containing crustal permeable zone. Recommendations are provided for drilling a deep well in the Avacha Graben area to search for a geothermal field.
Мороз Ю.Ф., Логинов В.А. Глубинная геоэлектрическая модель Авачинско-Корякской группы вулканов на Камчатке // Вестник КРАУНЦ. Серия: Науки о Земле. 2019. Вып. 42. № 2. С. 9-24. doi: 10.31431/1816-5524-2019-2-42-9-24.
The article presents the methods and results of the magnetotelluric sounding within the Avacha-Koryaksky group of volcanoes. Geoelectrical section was studied within the period range from 0.0001 to 1000 seconds and above. The authors performed a numerical two-dimensional modeling. Initially, we used test models for possible distortions of curves. The analysis of the magnetotelluric parametres allowed us to characterize the geoelectrical inhomogenuities. Curves along the strike and across the strike were used as main curves. Since longitudinal curves are less prone to coast effect, they were used with transverse curves in order to create a geoelectrical model based on a 2D magnetotelluric field numerical modeling. The created geolectrical model has a conductive bed in the upper part of the section that is connected with an igneous-sedimentary cover. The deep part of the model includes near-vertical conductive zones, which denote a zone with deep faults. The paper describes possible nature of the revealed anomalies and provides rough estimation of rock porosity in the conductive zones.
Набоко С.И. Вулканические эксгаляции и продукты их реакций Труды Лаборатории вулканологии АН СССР. / Отв. ред. Влодавец В.И. М.: Изд-во АН СССР. 1959. Вып. 16. 303 с.