Avachinsky Volcano. Bibliography
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Бергаль-Кувикас О.В., Биндеман И.Н., Чугаев А.В., Ларионова Ю.О., Перепелов А.Б., Хубаева О.Р. Моногенный вулканизм Малко-Петропавловской зоны поперечных дислокаций: оценка вулканоопасности для территории Авачинского залива, городов Вилючинск и Петропавловск-Камчатский // Вулканизм и связанные с ним процессы. Материалы XXIV ежегодной научной конференции, посвящённой Дню вулканолога, 29-30 марта 2021 г. Петропавловск-Камчатский: ИВиС ДВО РАН. 2021. С. 75-78.
В работе представлены результаты комплексного изучения моногенного вулканизма в МалкоПетропавловской зоне поперечных дислокаций (МПЗ), высказывается предположение о формировании моногенного вулканизма на границах разновозрастных слэбов, на продолжении Авачинского трансформного разлома. В районе МПЗ проживает около 75 % населения (~250 тыс. чел.) Камчатки, поэтому изучение вулканоопасности актуально.
Богоявленская Г.Е., Наумов В.Б., Толстых М.Л., Бабанский А. Д., Хубуная С.А. Составы расплавов и условия кристаллизации андезитов вулканов Авачинский, Безымянный, Шивелуч и Карымский (по данным изучения расплавных включений) // Вулканология и сейсмология. 2004. № 6. С. 35-48.
Studies of melt inclusions in minerals of some Kamchatka volcanoes are reported. We studies andesite basalts and andesites in volcanoes situated in the Central Kamchatka Depression (Shiveluch and Bezymyannyi) and in the East Kamchatka Volcanic Belt (Avacha and Karymskii). In addition, we studied the basalts of the 1996 eruption in the Karymskii Volcanic Center and the dacites on Dikiy Greben Volcano, southern Kamchatka. We used homogenization of melt inclusions and the analysis of chilled glass in these inclusions with electron and ion microlog sondes. More than 200 melt inclusions have been studied in minerals from 25 volcanic rock samples. It was found that the compositions of melt inclusions in andesite phenocrysts strongly vary in basicity; the content of SiO 2 varies between 56 and 80% wt, increasing silica percentage going along with decreasing concentrations of Al2O3, FeO, MgO, CaO and increasing concentrations of Na2O and K2O. Most (about 80%) of glass in the inclusions have dacite and rhyolite compositions. However, the compositions of acid melts (SiO2 > 65% wt) which produce the andesites are significantly different from those which produce the dacites and rhyolites as to the content of TiO2, FeO, MgO, CaO and K2O. Comparison between the compositions of melt inclusions from andesite plagioclase on the four volcanoes showed considerable differences. The basic andesites (56-59% SiO2) of Bezymyannyi Volcano exhibit a large scatter in inclusion composition (SiO2 = = 56-81%). The more acid andesites (SiO2 = 61%) of Shiveluch Volcano show a lower scatter in inclusion composition (SiO2 = 67-79%). The melt inclusions in the Karymskii andesites are amore basic. They are enriched with Fe, Ti, Ca, Mg, P, Na and are considerably depleted in K. The melts that produce the Karymskii andesites are probably less differentiated. On the volcanoes under study we also found high-potassium melts (K 2O = 3.8-6.8% wt), independent of the concentrations of SiO2 in them (the range here is between 51.4 and 77.2% wt). The melts differ considerably between volcanoes as to the concentration of volatiles. The greatest concentrations of H2O are found in the Shiveluch melts (3.0 to 7.2% wt with the mean equal to 4.7% wt) and on Avacha (4.7-4.8% wt), lower concentrations being in the melts of Dikiy Greben (0.4-1.8% wt) and Bezymyanyi (<1% wt). Using fluid inclusions of CO2 found in andesite plagioclase of Shiveluch Volcano, we inferred a pressure of 350-1600 bars, which corresponds to the depth of the magma chamber equal to 1.5-6 km. We found the concentrations of 17 admixture elements in glass of melt inclusions sampled from the plagioclase of four volcanoes (Avacha, Bezymyannyi, Dikiy Greben, Shiveluch). Judging by the concentrations of these elements, the melts here studied are similar to the typical island arc magmas.
Брайцева О.А., Базанова Л.И., Мелекесцев И.В., Сулержицкий Л.Д. Крупнейшие голоценовые извержения вулкана Авачинский на Камчатке (этап 7250-3700 14С лет назад) // Вулканология и сейсмология. 1998. № 1. С. 3-24.
The chronology, dynamics, and parameters of seven large eruptions of Avacha Volcano were reconstructed for its IAv andesitic period 7250-370014C years B.P., which began after a >2000-year period of relative quiescence. Their juvenile (andesitic pyroclastics) and resurgent products are described, and the geological and geomorphological consequences are evaluated. The largest eruption occurred 715014C years B.P. (8-10 km3 of erupted material). The subsequent events occurred 5700 (≥0.34 km3), 5600 (≥0.4 km3), 5500 (>1.34 km3), 5000 (≥0.5 km3), 4500 (>1.1 km3), and 4000 (≥0.6 km3) 14C years B.P. The erupted rocks were dominated by tephra; pyroclastic flows occurred only during the events of 5500 and 5000 years ago. It is believed that most of the eruptions produced acid peaks of varying intensity in the Greenland ice sheet.
Будников А.Е. Снежники Авачинской группы вулканов / Итоги гляциологических исследований на Камчатке. М.: Наука. 1976. № 25. С. 55-57.
Бюллетень вулканологической станции на Камчатке / Отв. ред. Влодавец В.И. М.-Л.: Изд-во АН СССР. 1941. № 10. 30 с.
Виноградов В.Н. Современное оледенение Авачинской группы вулканов // Вопросы географии Камчатки. 1970. № 6. С. 51-61.
Виноградов В.Н. Современное оледенение районов активного вулканизма Результаты исследований по международным геофизическим проектам. / Отв. ред. Котляков В.М. М.: Наука. 1975. 105 с.
Монография посвящена изучению современных ледников и снежного покрова Камчатки, особенно районов Авачинской и Ключевской групп вулканов. Выявлены специфические черты морфологии, режима и строения этих ледниковых толщ. Рассмотрены формирование рельефа Камчатки, ее климатические условия, морфологические типы и основные черты ледников. Исследовано влияние вулканизма на снежный покров.
Виноградов В.Н., Будников А.Е. Динамика ледников Авачинской группы вулканов в последнее столетие и черты их режима // Вопросы географии Камчатки. 1977. № 7. С. 26-30.
Виноградов В.Н., Муравьев Я.Д. Ледник Козельский (Авачинская группа вулканов) Водно-ледниковый и тепловой баланс горноледниковых бассейнов. СПб: Гидрометеоиздат. 1992. 120 с.
Виноградов В.Н., Муравьев Я.Д. Режим ледников вулканических районов Камчатки / Гляциологические исследования: [Сб. ст.] № 27: Взаимодействие вулканизма с оледенением. М.: Изд-во Академии наук СССР. 1985. С. 36-50.
Glacial balance observations and the information of meteorological network were used to reconstruct a long-term mass balance of Kozelsky and Grechishkin glaciers (Avachinsky volcanic group and mountains Ostraya and Khuvkhoytun). The mean annual balance of both glaciers is negative and equals 30 and 38 g/cra , respectively, for the last 40 years. From the beginning of the sixties favourable climatic conditions for glacial development of Kamchatka were observed, which caused the transgression of Kozelsky glacier in 1972-76 and the deceleration of degradation rate of Grechishkin glacier.
Besides that the regime of the crater glaciers of Mutnovsky volcano was examined (analysed). The accumulation of solid precipitation reaches here 3000 mm per year. The measured mass balance of North-eastern and Southwestern glaciers in 1980 were 29 and 23 g/cm2 respectively. Presently, this volcano is active and has a positively influence on the crater glacier regime. The area of crater glaciation has increased by 0.4 km2 or 17% since the major eruption in 1945.