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Записей: 2773
On deep structure properties of the upper mantle and volcanism of the Kuril Island arc (1966)
Fedotov S.A. On deep structure properties of the upper mantle and volcanism of the Kuril Island arc // Abstracts of papers related with geophysics: XI Pacific Science Congress: Proceedings. Tokyo. 1966. Vol. 3. P. 37
On probability of catastrophic explosive eruptions in the Kurile - Kamchatka volcanic area in future (1988)
Melekestsev I.V. On probability of catastrophic explosive eruptions in the Kurile - Kamchatka volcanic area in future // Kagoshima International Conference on Volcanoes. Abstracts. Kagoshima: 1988. P. 382
On some theoretical problems of Volcanology (1958)
Gorshkov G.S. On some theoretical problems of Volcanology // Bulletin Volcanologique. 1958. Vol. 19. Vol. 1. P. 103-114. doi: 10.1007/BF02596600.
On the Magma Chambers beneath Klyuchevskoi Volcano, Kamchatka (2018)
Khubunaya S.A., Gontovaya L.I., Sobolev A.V., Khubunaya V.S. On the Magma Chambers beneath Klyuchevskoi Volcano, Kamchatka // Journal of Volcanology and Seismology. 2018. Vol. 12. № 2. P. 14-30. doi: 10.1134/80742046318020045.
AAbstract—Numerous summit and parasitic eruptions of moderate potassium magnesian and high-alumina basalts and basaltic andesites, their mineralogic and geochemical features, and the composition of in situ chilled melt inclusions in the olivine of cinder lapilli discharged by Klyuchevskoi Volcano all provide evidence of the presence of magma chambers beneath the volcano. This is also supported by a dualism in the variation of CaO and A1203 concentrations in olivine and clinopyroxene during crystallization. The mineralogic features in the high-alumina basalts that were discharged by all parasitic eruptions of Klyuchevskoi provide evidence of magnesian magma being emplaced from a deeper chamber into a shallow high-alumina chamber. The distribution of incoherent elements in the volcano's magnesian and aluminiferous rocks shows that they came from a single mantle source. The geochemical and mineralogic data are in good agreement with the results of geophysical surveys that concern the structure and properties of the lithosphere beneath Klyuchevskoi.
On the Relation of Volcanism and the Upper Mantle (1965)
Gorshkov G.S. On the Relation of Volcanism and the Upper Mantle // Bulletin Volcanologique. 1965. Vol. 28. Vol. 1. P. 159-167. doi: 10.1007/BF02596923.
On the Relationships of Water-Level Variations in the E-1 Well, Kamchatka to the 2008–2009 Resumption of Activity on Koryakskii Volcano and to Large (M ≥ 5) Earthquakes (2012)
Kopylova G.N., Boldina S.V. On the Relationships of Water-Level Variations in the E-1 Well, Kamchatka to the 2008–2009 Resumption of Activity on Koryakskii Volcano and to Large (M ≥ 5) Earthquakes // Journal of Volcanology and Seismology. 2012. Vol. 6. № 5. P. 312-328. doi: 10.1134/S074204631205003X.
Abstract—We discuss the water!level variations in the E!1 well for the time period between May 2006 and
2010, inclusive. A trend towards an increasing level at an abnormally high rate occurred from mid!2006 to
December 2009. This increase is regarded as the response of the aquifer of gas!saturated ground water that
exists in the volcanogenic–sedimentary deposits of the Avacha volcano!tectonic depression to volumetric
strain changes during the precursory period and the occurrence of a swarm of small earthquakes ( = 8.3)
in the area of Koryakskii Volcano and to its phreatic eruption. We estimated the volumetric compression as
Δε = –(4.1 × 10–6–1.5 × 10–5) from the amplitude of water!level rise using the elastic parameters of the wa!
ter!saturated rocks. While the strain source was active, we observed a decreasing sensitivity of the hydrologic
regime in the well to the precursory processes before large (M ≥ 5.0) tectonic earthquakes.
On the State of Kunashir Island Volcanoes (March, 1974 - May, 1982) (1983)
Markhinin E.K. On the State of Kunashir Island Volcanoes (March, 1974 - May, 1982) // Volcanology and Seismology. 1983. № 1. P. 45-52.
On the classification and terminology of Pelee and Katmai type eruptions (1962)
Gorshkov G.S. On the classification and terminology of Pelee and Katmai type eruptions // Bulletin Volcanologique. 1962. Vol. 24. Vol. 1. P. 155-165. doi: 10.1007/BF02599340.
On the origin of ignimbrites in relation to the study of recent eruptions (1963)
Gorshkov G.S. On the origin of ignimbrites in relation to the study of recent eruptions // Bulletin Volcanologique. 1963. Vol. 25. Vol. 1. P. 33-37. doi: 10.1007/BF02596536.
On the petrochemistry of volcanic rocks in connection with the formation of island arcs (1961)
Gorshkov G.S. On the petrochemistry of volcanic rocks in connection with the formation of island arcs // Publ. du Bureau Central Sasmol Intern. 1961. Vol. A. № 22.