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Записей: 2773
Bezymianny volcano: 50 years of activity (2006)
Bogoyavlenskaya G.E., Girina O.A. Bezymianny volcano: 50 years of activity // Abstracts. 5rd Biennial Workshop on Subduction Processes emphasizing the Japan-Kurile-Kamchatka-Aleutian Arcs (JKASP-5). 2006. P. 129 doi: P 601.
Bezymyannyi: Eruptive History and Dynamics (1991)
Braitseva O.A., Melekestsev I.V., Bogoyavlenskaya G.E., Maksimov A.P. Bezymyannyi: Eruptive History and Dynamics // Volcanology and Seismology. 1991. Vol. 12. № 2. P. 165-194.
Calcic cores of plagioclase phenocrysts in andesite from Karymsky volcano: Evidence for rapid introduction by basaltic replenishment (2002)
Izbekov Pavel E., Eichelberger John C., Patino Lina C., Vogel Thomas A., Ivanov Boris V. Calcic cores of plagioclase phenocrysts in andesite from Karymsky volcano: Evidence for rapid introduction by basaltic replenishment // Geology. 2002. Vol. 30. № 9. P. 799-802.
Calcic cores in plagioclase of Karymsky andesite of the 1996–2000 eruptive cycle texturally and compositionally (both trace and major elements) mimic the plagioclase phenocrysts of basalt erupted 6 km away at the onset of the cycle. These observations support the view that simultaneous eruption of andesite and basalt at Karymsky in the beginning of the cycle represents an example of replenishment and eruption triggering of an andesitic reservoir. Homogeneity of andesitic output occurred within two months. This suggests to us that blending of injected basalt into reservoir magma was thorough and rapid.
Catalogue of the Active Volcanoes of the World, Including Solfatara Fields: Kamchatka and continental areas of Asia. Part 8 (1959)
Vlodavetz V.I., Piip B.I. Catalogue of the Active Volcanoes of the World, Including Solfatara Fields: Kamchatka and continental areas of Asia. Part 8. Napoli: International Volcanological Association. 1959. 110 p.
Catalogue of the active volcanoes of the world including solfatara fields. Part VII - Kurile Islands (1958)
Gorshkov G.S. Catalogue of the active volcanoes of the world including solfatara fields. Part VII - Kurile Islands / Ed. Signore Francesco Napoli, Italy: the International Volcanological Association. 1958. 100 p.
Catastrophic eruptions of the directed-blast type at Mount St. Helens, Bezymianny and Shiveluch volcanoes (1985)
Bogoyavlenskaya G.E., Braitseva O.A., Melekestsev I.V., Kirianov V.Yu., Dan Miller C. Catastrophic eruptions of the directed-blast type at Mount St. Helens, Bezymianny and Shiveluch volcanoes // Journal of Geodynamics. 1985. Vol. 3. № 3-4. P. 189-218. doi:10.1016/0264-3707(85)90035-3.
This paper describes catastrophic eruptions of Mount St. Helens (1980), Bezymianny (1955–1956), and Shiveluch (1964) volcanoes. A detailed description of eruption stages and their products, as well as the quantitative characteristics of the eruptive process are given. The eruptions under study belong to the directed-blast type. This type is characterized by the catastrophic character of the climatic stage during which a directed blast, accompanied by edifice destruction, the profound ejection of juvenile pyroclastics and the formation of pyroclastic flows, occur. The climatic stage of all three eruptions has similar characteristics, such as duration, kinetic energy of blast (10^17−10^18 J), the initial velocity of debris ejection, morphology and size of newly-formed craters. But there are also certain differences. At Mount St. Helens the directed blast was preceeded by failure of the edifice and these events produced separable deposits, namely debris avalanche and directed blast deposits which are composed of different materials and have different volumes, thickness and distribution. At Bezymianny, failure did not precede the blast and the whole mass of debris of the old edifice was outburst only by blast. The resulting deposits, represented by the directed blast agglomerate and sand facies, have characteristics of both the debris avalanche and the blast deposit at Mount St. Helens. At Shiveluch directed-blast deposits are represented only by the directed-blast agglomerate; the directed-blast sand facies, or blast proper, seen at Mount St. Helens is absent. During the period of Plinian activity, the total volumes of juvenile material erupted at Mount St. Helens and at Besymianny were roughly comparable and exceeded the volume of juvenile material erupted at Shiveluch, However, the volume of pyroclastic-flow deposits erupted at Mount St. Helens was much less.
The heat energy of all three eruptions is comparable: 1.3 × 10^18, 3.8−4.8 × 10^18 and 1 × 10^17 J for Shiveluch, Bezymianny, and Mount St. Helens, respectively.
Change in the fumarole regime of Kliuchevsky volcano (1960)
Naboko S.I. Change in the fumarole regime of Kliuchevsky volcano // Bulletin Volcanologique. 1960. Vol. 23. Vol. 1. P. 135-140. 6 p. doi: 10.1007/BF02596638.
Chapter 1 Recent tectonics of the crust and volcanism in Kamchatka (1979)
Chapter 1 Recent tectonics of the crust and volcanism in Kamchatka / Quaternary volcanism and tectonics in Kamchatka. Bull. Volcanol.. // Bulletin Volcanologique. 1979. Vol. 42. Vol. 1-4. P. 9-112. doi: 10.1007/BF02597042.
Chapter 2 Basalt and basalt-andesite volcanism in Kamchatka (1979)
Chapter 2 Basalt and basalt-andesite volcanism in Kamchatka / Quaternary volcanism and tectonics in Kamchatka. Bull. Volcanol.. // Bulletin Volcanologique. 1979. Vol. 42. Vol. 1-4. P. 113-174. doi: 10.1007/BF02597043.
Chapter 3 Acid volcanism in Kamchatka (1979)
Chapter 3 Acid volcanism in Kamchatka / Quaternary volcanism and tectonics in Kamchatka. Bull. Volcanol.. // Bulletin Volcanologique. 1979. Vol. 42. Vol. 1-4. P. 175-254. doi: 10.1007/BF02597044.