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Записей: 2773
Chapter 4 General problems of tectonics and volcanism of island arcs and associated tectonic systems (1979)
Erlich E.N. Chapter 4 General problems of tectonics and volcanism of island arcs and associated tectonic systems / Quaternary volcanism and tectonics in Kamchatka. Bull. Volcanol.. // Bulletin Volcanologique. 1979. Vol. 42. Vol. 1-4. P. 255-298. doi: 10.1007/BF02597045.
Chemical and isotopic composition of magmatic gases from the 1988 eruption of Klyuchevskoy volcano, Kamchatka (1991)
Taran Yu.A., Rozhkov A.M., Serafimova E.K., Esikov A.D. Chemical and isotopic composition of magmatic gases from the 1988 eruption of Klyuchevskoy volcano, Kamchatka // Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 1991. Vol. 46. № 3–4. P. 255 - 263. doi: 10.1016/0377-0273(91)90087-G.
Gas samples have been collected at the place of magma effusion during the 1988 flank eruption of Klyuchevskoy, for the first time in the course of studies at this volcano. The high-temperature gases (1000–1100°C) are rich in water and halogens but depleted in sulphur. Their molar composition is close to chemical equilibrium at the collection temperature, while their oxidation state corresponds to redox conditions between FMO and NNO buffers. The isotopic composition of the water (δD = −71 to −44‰; δ18O = +6.3 to +8.4‰, versus SMOW) plots within the field of “primary magmatic” waters. The isotopic composition of H2 (δD = −187‰ to −160‰) is consistent with isotopic equilibrium between H2 and H2O in the conditions of emission. Both the chemistry of the gases and the low δ13C of carbon dioxide (−11.6‰, PDB) suggest extensive magma outgassing occurred during the course of the eruption.
Chemical composition, volatile components, and trace elements in the melts of the Gorely volcanic center, southern Kamchatka: Evidence from inclusions in minerals (2012)
Tolstykh M.L., Naumov V.B., Gavrilenko M.G., Ozerov A.Yu., Kononkova N.N. Chemical composition, volatile components, and trace elements in the melts of the Gorely volcanic center, southern Kamchatka: Evidence from inclusions in minerals // Geochemistry International. 2012. Vol. 50. № 6. P. 522-550. doi:10.1134/S0016702912060079.
Chlorine Stable Isotopes to reveal contribution of magmatic chlorine in subduction zones: the case of the Kamchatka-Kuril and the Lesser Antilles Volcanic Arcs (2015)
Agrinier Pierre, Shilobreeva Svetlana, Bardoux Gerard, Michel Agnes, Maximov Alexandr, Kalatcheva Elena, Ryabinin Gennady, Bonifacie Magali Chlorine Stable Isotopes to reveal contribution of magmatic chlorine in subduction zones: the case of the Kamchatka-Kuril and the Lesser Antilles Volcanic Arcs // Geophysical Research Abstracts. EGU2015-3174. Vienna, Austria: EGU General Assembly 2015. 2015. Vol. 17. P. 11034
Chronology and features of the Southern Breakthrough of the Great Tolbachik Fissure Eruption, 1975-1976 (1983)
Fedotov S.A., Kovalev G.N., Markhinin Y.K., Slezin Y.B., Tsyurupa A.I., Gusev N.A., Andreyev V.I., Leonov V.L., Ovsyannikov A.A. Chronology and features of the Southern Breakthrough of the Great Tolbachik Fissure Eruption, 1975-1976 / The Great Tolbachik Eruption. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1983. P. 11-25.
Chronology of Bezymianny Volcano activity, 1956-2010 (2013)
Girina O.A. Chronology of Bezymianny Volcano activity, 1956-2010 // Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 2013. Vol. 263. P. 22-41. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2013.05.002.
Bezymianny Volcano is one of the most active volcanoes in the world. In 1955, for the first time in history, Bezymianny started to erupt and after six months produced a catastrophic eruption with a total volume of eruptive products of more than 3 km3. Following explosive eruption, a lava dome began to grow in the resulting caldera. Lava dome growth continued intermittently for the next 57 years and continues today. During this extended period of lava dome growth, 44 Vulcanian-type strong explosive eruptions occurred between 1965 and 2012. This paper presents a summary of activity at Bezymianny Volcano from 1956 to 2010 with a focus on descriptive details for each event.
Chronology, evolution and morphology of plateau basalt eruptive centers in Avacha River Area, Kamchatka, Russia (1999)
Dirksen O.V., Melekestsev I.V. Chronology, evolution and morphology of plateau basalt eruptive centers in Avacha River Area, Kamchatka, Russia // Volcanology and Seismology. 1999. Vol. 21. № 1. P. 1-27.
Nineteen Holocene eruptive centers (cinder cones with lava flows and maars) were located and described in the Avacha horst and anticline zone west of the East Kamchatka volcanic area. A tephrochronological study and the carbon-14 dating of soil and plant remains ranked the eruptive centers into three age groups: 11 000-7700, 3000-2500, and 1200-600 carbon-14 years B. P. The eruptive centers of these groups are believed to have been operating roughly synchronously with the periods of active magma injection in the East Kamchatka volcanic area. Eruptive histories were reconstructed for some of the volcanic centers. The structural and tectonic settings, geographical positions, and elevations of the centers were analyzed. The volume (1.1 km3) and weight (1.8 X 10^9 metric tons) of the erupted rocks were evaluated. The productivity of the plateau basalt volcanism was found to be 10-100 times lower than the plateau basalt productivity in the area of grabens and synclines, possibly, because of the more shallow basement in the horsts and because of the fact that the compression of the crust under uplifting conditions hampered the magma rise toward the surface. Most of the lavas and pyroclastics are basalts of the medium-potassic series, some having medium (54-62) and some elevated (65-70) Kmg values.
Classification of Video Observation Data for Volcanic Activity Monitoring Using Computer Vision and Modern Neural NetWorks (on Klyuchevskoy Volcano Example) (2021)
Korolev S.P., Sorokin A.A., Urmanov I.P., Kamaev A., Girina O.A. Classification of Video Observation Data for Volcanic Activity Monitoring Using Computer Vision and Modern Neural NetWorks (on Klyuchevskoy Volcano Example) // Remote Sensing. 2021. Vol. 13. Vol. 23. № 4747. P. 1-20. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs13234747.
Currently, video observation systems are actively used for volcano activity monitoring. Video cameras allow us to remotely assess the state of a dangerous natural object and to detect thermal anomalies if technical capabilities are available. However, continuous use of visible band cameras instead of special tools (for example, thermal cameras), produces large number of images, that require the application of special algorithms both for preliminary filtering out the images with area of interest hidden due to weather or illumination conditions, and for volcano activity detection. Existing algorithms use preselected regions of interest in the frame for analysis. This region could be changed occasionally to observe events in a specific area of the volcano. It is a problem to set it in advance and keep it up to date, especially for an observation network with multiple cameras. The accumulated perennial archives of images with documented eruptions allow us to use modern deep learning technologies for whole frame analysis to solve the specified task. The article presents the development of algorithms to classify volcano images produced by video observation systems. The focus is on developing the algorithms to create a labelled dataset from an unstructured archive using existing and authors proposed techniques. The developed solution was tested using the archive of the video observation system for the volcanoes of Kamchatka, in particular the observation data for the Klyuchevskoy volcano. The tests show the high efficiency of the use of convolutional neural networks in volcano image classification, and the accuracy of classification achieved 91%. The resulting dataset consisting of 15,000 images and labelled in three classes of scenes is the first dataset of this kind of Kamchatka volcanoes. It can be used to develop systems for monitoring other stratovolcanoes that occupy most of the video frame.
Cluster Regime – The New Regime Of Flowing Of Gas-Liquid Mixture In Vertical Columns (Based On Experimental Data) (2009)
Ozerov A.Yu. Cluster Regime – The New Regime Of Flowing Of Gas-Liquid Mixture In Vertical Columns (Based On Experimental Data) // 6th International Symposium on Multiphase Flow, Heat Mass Transfer and Energy Conversion. Xi’an, China, 11-15 July 2009. 2009. P. FG-30.
Cluster Regime – The New Regime Of Flowing Of Gas-Liquid Mixture In Vertical Columns (Based On Experimental Data) (2010)
Ozerov A.Yu. Cluster Regime – The New Regime Of Flowing Of Gas-Liquid Mixture In Vertical Columns (Based On Experimental Data) // The 6th International Symposium on Multiphase Flow, Heat Mass Transfer and Energy Conversion. Xi’an, China, 11-15 July 2009. Melville, N.Y.: American Institute of Physics. 2010. Vol. 1207. P. 348-354.