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Арсанова Г.И. Вулкан как глубинная геологическая структура (механизмы возникновения и стока магм) // The Scientific Heritage. 2020. Т. 1. № 50. С. 16-24.
For the first time the causes of the birth of volcanoes in the depths of the planet and the mechanism of magma ejection to the surface are explained. The final conclusion was obtained as a result of the integration of knowledge of several sciences. Their synthesis allowed to define VOLCANO as a self-organizing space-time vortex dissipative structure, the form of which is created and carried in the form of waves, and through the thread (core) of the structure is the drain of magma. Such structures are itself born in a suitable chaotic environment; appropriate environment arises as a consequence of high pressure, which breaks down the structures of molecules and this creates a lot of different moving particles. The pressure necessary for this, apparently, is reached at the asthenosphere level, where the "roots" of volcanoes are localized.
Арсанова Г.И. О природе вулканической деятельности (Опыт использования принципов синергетического мировидения) / Сб. Система «Планета Земля». 200 лет со дня кончины М.Б. Барклая-де-Толли (1761-1818). М.: ЛЕНАНД. 2018. С. 37-63.
Арсанова Г.И. Роль воды в вулканизме // Вулканология и сейсмология. 2019. № 4. С. 69-80. doi: 10.31857/S0203-03062019469-80.
Water plays an extremely important role in volcanism: it acts as an evacuator of viscous melts in a variety of ways, which is ensured by the presence of relevant properties of its phase states, which successively changing with the fall of the environmental parameters. In this sense, the supercritical (fluid) state of water is especially significant. The paper provides a summary of fluid properties that are unique in many ways. The properties determine the relationship between water fluid and silicate melt, which in turn explains the cause of volcanic phenomena and the course of eruptions: explosions of different power, the emergence of the so-called fluidized mass, scorching clouds, landslides and breakthroughs on the slopes, the formation of ignimbrites, as well as the mechanism of gas transport to the foot of volcanoes. Both by role and quantity, water is the main volcanic substance, which together with the silicate melt constitutes magma.
Арсанова Г.И. Сверхкритическое состояние воды как причина вулканических явлений // The Scientific Heritage. 2020. Т. 2. № 45. С. 7-17.
Features of the dynamics of volcanic eruptions for the first time are explained as a consequence of the properties of high-temperature phases of water and their transitions. Some properties of water in supercritical (fluid) condition are given. The latter determine the nature of the relationship between water and melt in the volcanic process, which in turn explains the explosions of different power, the rapidity of scorching clouds, the transfer of gases to the foot of volcanoes, breakouts and landslides on the slopes, the occurrence of ash, pumice, pseudoliquefied mass, as well as possibly ignimbrits and volcanic glass. It shows the impossibility of penetration of cold water into the active volcanic channel, as well as their high (before the change of phase) heating in the conditions of the crust.
Арсеньев В.К. В кратере вулкана. Владивосток: Акц. об-во "Книжное дело". 1925. 32 с.
Артамонов А.В. Подводные горы системы поднятий Маркус-Неккер (Тихий океан): особенности строения и магматизма // Вестник КРАУНЦ. Серия: Науки о Земле. 2016. Вып. 31. № 3.
The paper presents geological and geochemical characteristics of Cretaceous guyots of Marcus-Necker intraplate rise in the Pacific Ocean. Comparison of guyots located in different parts of the extended system revealed significant differences in their geochemical characteristics, which suggest lateral and (or) vertical mantle heterogeneity in the region. The studied volcanic rocks belong to the alkaline series. In some cases, they exhibit low values of Na2O/K2O. This volcanism is not typical for most of intraplate ocean rises. No consistency is observed between volcanic rock composition of guyots, their age and (or) geographic position. A complex pattern of magnetic anomaly lineations and irregular location of seamounts of different age cause difficulties in applying hot spot model to explain the formation of this intraplate magmatic province. The location of seamounts in the structure of the rise system and the entire system in the structure of the Pacific Ocean does not contradict the formation of fault zones, which initiate melting of upper mantle geochemically inhomogeneous substrate and lead to the formation of intraplate rises. Deep fluid flows may cause a large-scale melting of the upper mantle.
Бабаянц П.С., Блох Ю.И., Бондаренко В.И., Рашидов В.А., Трусов А.А. Применение пакета программ структурной интерпретации СИГМА-3D при изучении подводных вулканов Курильской островной дуги // Вестник КРАУНЦ. Серия: Науки о Земле. 2005. Вып. 6. № 2. С. 67-76.
SIGMA-3D software package of structural interpretation is an effective tool for the automated three-dimensional modeling while studying magnetic anomalies created by underwater volcanoes. With the help of this software package submarine volcanoes Grigorieva, Krylatka, and Yubileiny, located in the Kurile island arc, have been studied.
Бабаянц П.С., Блох Ю.И., Трусов А.А. Возможности структурно-вещественного картирования по данным магниторазведки и гравиразведки в пакете программ СИГМА-3D // Геофизический вестник. 2004. № 3. С. 11-15.
Базанова Л.И., Брайцева О.А., Дирксен О.В., Сулержицкий Л.Д., Данхара Т. Пеплопады крупнейших голоценовых извержений на траверсе Усть-Большерецк - Петропавловск-Камчатский: источники, хронология, частота // Вулканология и сейсмология. 2005. № 6. С. 30-46.
Базанова Л.И., Брайцева О.А., Иванов Б.В., Мелекесцев И.В. Декадный вулкан Авачинский на Камчатке // Вестник ДВО РАН. 1999. № 3. С. 126-135.