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Действующие вулканы Камчатки. В 2-х т. Т. 1 / Отв. ред. Федотов С.А., Масуренков Ю.П. М.: Наука. 1991. 302 с.
The book provides a systematic description of active volcanoes of Kamchatka — one of the most active volcanic regions of the world. Distribution, shape and activity of the volcanoes, their position in complex and long-lived volcanic centres, as well as their geologic structure and composition are presented.
The book is illustrated with colour maps, schemes, and sketches. Over 300 colour photographs show volcanic landscapes, diverse volcanic forms (cones, craters, lava flows, calderas, etc.) and various manifestations of post-volcanic activity (hydrotherms, famous Kamchatka geysers).
Concise, lavishly illustrated with colourful and high-quality photographs, the book makes an interesting and useful reading not only for specialists (volcanologists, geologists, geochemists, geophysicists, geographes, etc.) but for a bioad readership as well. The publication is unique and unparalleled in scientific literature. The text is presented in Russian and in English.
This monography is written by scientists from the Institute of volcanology, Far East Division, the Academy of Science of the USSR.
Действующие вулканы Камчатки. В 2-х т. Т. 2 / Отв. ред. Федотов С.А., Масуренков Ю.П. М.: Наука. 1991. 415 с.
The Eastern and Southern zones of Kamchatka arc presented in the second volume. They are characterized by a weaker activity, and their volcanoes arc not as large and powerful as those of the Northern Group. But volcanic manifestations here are more diverse. Half of the volcanoes are connected with collapse calderas. Huge hydrothermal systems are here too. Among them, the famous Valley of Geisers is one of the most picturesque places on Earth.
The book is abounded with colour photographs, maps, schemes, and sketches. They enable the reader to catch uniqueness of these colourful sights and will be of interest not only for specialists in volcanology and geology, but also to a great number of nature lovers.
Делемень И.Ф., Уткин И.С., Уткина Л.И., Мельников Д.В., Жданова О.К. Анализ образующей вулканического конуса для выявления ослабленных секторов постройки (на примере Корякского вулкана, Камчатка) // Вестник КРАУНЦ. Серия: Науки о Земле. 2004. № 4. С. 90-108.
Денисов Д.К., Нуждаев И.А., Феофилактов С.О. Изучение геологического строения Паужетского и Нижне-Кошелевского геотермальных месторождений методом ВЭЗ (Южная Камчатка) // Исследования в области наук о Земле. Материалы XI региональной молодежной научной конференции. Петропавловск-Камчатский, 26 ноября 2013 г. Петропавловск-Камчатский: ИВиС ДВО РАН. 2013. С. 77-96.
The results of electrical exploration works in the area of Pauzhetsky and Nizhne-Koshelevsky geothermal deposits are presented. In 2012 y. works by VES method were carried out on the profile, crossing structures of Pauzhetsky deposit which were defined earlier. Sounding was made in 35 spots. In 2013 electrical exploratory works by VES method were carried out in the area of Nizhne-Koshelevsky geothermal deposit. Souding was made in 17 spots. Preliminary data of apparent resistance allocation to depth were drawn by results of the works. The areas permeable for hydrothermal liquors or gas-vapor heat-transfer were defined.
Дзоценидзе Г.С. О субвулканической фации мелового вулканизма Грузии / Вулканизм и геохимия его продуктов. Труды Института вулканологии СО АН СССР. М.: Наука. 1967. Вып. 24. С. 168-173.
Дианова Т.В. Примеры древних туфолав в вулканогенных толщах Среднего Урала // Труды Лаборатории вулканологии АН СССР. 1961. Вып. 20. С. 165-168.
Диденко А.Н., Рашидов В.А., Марков Г.П., Трусенко М.С., Петрова В.В., Аникин Л.П. Петромагнитная и геохимическая характеристики вулканитов извержения 2015–2016 гг. вулкана Алаид, Курильская островная дуга // Вулканология и сейсмология. 2021. № 1. С. 3-21. 19 с. doi:10.31857/S0203030621010028.
Динамика и механизм извержений Ключевского вулкана в 1937 – 1938 гг. // Труды Лаборатории вулканологии и Камчатской вулканологической станции. 1947. Вып. 4. С. 3-91.
Дирксен О.В. Позднечетвертичный ареальный вулканизм Камчатки: структурная приуроченность, геолого-геоморфологический эффект, пространственно-временные закономерности проявления. 2009. Дисс. канд. геогр. наук. 172 с.
Дирксен О.В., Базанова Л.И. Извержение конуса Веер как вулканическое событие периода активизации вулканизма начала нашей эры на Камчатке // Вулканология и сейсмология. 2010. № 6. С. 15-21.
Tephrochronologic studies conducted in the Levaya Avacha River valley helped determine the true age of the Veer cinder cone, which formed approximately in 470 AD (1600 14C BP). These data refute the existing idea that it was generated in 1856. The monogenetic Veer cone should be cancelled from the catalogs of historical eruptions and active volcanoes in Kamchatka. The eruption of this cone was a reflection of the all-Kamchatkan increase in the activity of endogenous processes that occurred in 0–650 AD.